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Everything posted by C1971W

  1. I'd read that previously - as part of the whole "look before you post" thing. I don't know that I can use that because I'm not really looking to have users choose their own skins, rather the login would recognize the usergroup based on the login userid (similar to the code that checks if user is an admin and displays the admin link at top of the page if user is admin) but in this case, it would "move" the user to his group's skins folder (there are different functions in each skin folder for each group - not just the appearance of the pages.)But, I've stopped trying to do the group thing and concentrated more on userid/password like this: <h1>Member Login</h1> <form name="loginform" action="<?php echo url('/login');?>" method="post"> <?php echo "<?xml version='1.0'?>"; ?> <?php if(isset($message)) echo '<p class="error">'.$message.'</p>'; ?> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ if(($_POST['email'] == 'xyz123') && ($_POST['password'] == '098abc')) { ($_POST['redir'] = '/index.htm'); } } ?> I know this would mean adding code for each user (not a great big deal while I search for a better code). But the idea is to change the value of the redir depending on the user. I believe I have the principle about right, I think it's my syntax (all the specific {['"$;/ stuff) that I'm not getting right. Anyway, I'll keep playing around with it. Unlike some others (nameless)here, I will post my satisfactory results. After all, the "man" gave us all this stuff for free. Of all the code he's written for us, how crappy is it for us to come up with some "tidbit" of code inside all his massive amounts of coding and not share it as freely as he has? Ok... I've ranted.
  2. Thanks. CSS might work. Will give that a shot. I'm still not completely certain that it's not my coding skills (or lack thereof, to be truthful) that's the problem I'm running into. If you can get an idea of what I'm attempting to do from the example, is my coding even close to right or am I not properly syntaxing the query to get the logged in users pilotid along with that pilot's groupid (db groupid number 0,1,2,3 etc or even name "admin, moderator, etc)?
  3. Hey all, I'm attempting to have a logged in pilot's groupid redirect to a specific skin. I've been fiddling with it for a while without success. Here's what I've come up with: if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(PilotGroups::$groupid==2<a href="<?php echo url('/lib/skins/yaddayadda'); ?>) Obviously it's not working quite the way I had anticipated. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Would you mind sharing how this error was corrected?
  5. NOTE: I did not have ANY pilots, aircraft, flights, or any other data added to the airline I deleted. It was merely an erroneous addition that I wished to remove immediately. I have NO idea how deleting an airline that has data with it will effect other aspects of phpvms. With that said... I use phpMyAdmin, your method may varry some from this: 1. Open your mySQL databases and open your phpvms_*** database. 2. Locate and open the table named "phpvms_airlines". 3. Check Box the airline you wish to remove. 4. Click Delete button. 5. Close phpMyAdmin. 6. Open the your root phpvms folder on your website server. 7. Back up your /core/cache/phpvms_all_airlines.cache file. 8. Open your /core/cache/phpvms_all_airlines.cache in edit mode with an good code editing program. 9. Airlines are listed from left to right in order from newest to oldest. 10. Find the first "i:" to the left of the airline you wish to delete. 11. Find the first "{" to the left of that "i:". 12. Highlight from that point to the right up to but not including the next "{" in the line of code. 13. Delete. 14. Go all the way to the end of that line of code and delete the last "}". 15. Save. I also did the following because I only had one other airline (with no data stored on it that I wasn't willing to lose if I made an error) I have no idea if it will effect anything longterm. With that being said: Deleted everything on that line of code prior to the first "{". It left me with only this on that same line: {i:1;O:8:"stdClass":4:{s:2:"id";s:1:"1";s:4:"code";s:3:"FTC";s:4:"name";s:22:"Flight Training Center";s:7:"enabled";s:1:"1";} Hope that helped.
  6. Here's how I did it to show images & award name on mouseover. Hope this helps: <?php if(!$allawards) { echo 'No awards yet'; } else { ?> <?php foreach($allawards as $award){ ?> <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" title="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /> <?php } ?> <?php } ?>
  7. Thank you for your input, Jeff. No worries, no offense taken whatsoever.
  8. Thank you for taking the time to respond to this poll. Signatures are disabled to help keep identities private.
  9. If you have manual rank settings, this code seems more appropriate for promotion information than the default. Default file name: profile_main.tpl default code: <p>You have <?php echo ($nextrank->minhours - $pilot_hours)?> hours left until your promotion to <?php echo $nextrank->rank?></p replacement code: <p>You must have at least <?php echo ($nextrank->minhours)?> hours to be eligible for <?php echo $nextrank->rank?>.</p>
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