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  1. Not quite sure what you mean, but here are the first few lines in the file: code flightnum depicao arricao route aircraft flightlevel distance deptime arrtime flighttime notes price flighttype daysofweek enabled AAL 6229 EGLC EINN A318 389.794 9:50 11:05 1.25 Flight Operated by BAW. Business: Meal 800 P 1234560 1 AAL 6231 EGLC EINN A318 389.794 16:00 17:15 1.25 Flight Operated by BAW. Business: Meal 800 P 1234560 1 Yes. Doesn't work. Only "Updates" routes.. how does it update routes that aren't there?..
  3. Alright, I have this Error: with both the Old Verions (.tpl) and the New Version (.php) Any Ideas?
  4. SOLVED. I used wrong information..........>_< Noob mistake Dylan
  5. Continental Airlines Virtual has been around since October of 2011, However, we've have had good times, and bad times with Staff Members. (Most likely because Friends, can't really run things Perfect). So we are looking for a BRAND NEW Staff Team. Here is a List of ALL the positions that are available: ALL APPLICATIONS NEED TO BE SENT TO ceo@continentalva.net in order to be eligible for a Staff Member. Each, and every staff member on this list WILL Receive their own "xxx@continentalva.net" email address that can be used for any thing you desire. (xxx being the Staff members first name) Executive Positions: **APPLICATIONS DUE BY 09/30/2012 , 0000z** - Vice Chief Executive Officer - Chief Operations Officer Staff Positions: **APPLICATIONS DUE BY 10/1/2012 , 0000z** - Human Resource Manager - Webmaster **MUST BE EXPERIENCED WITH PHP, CSS, HTML, AND BE ELIGIBLE TO CREATE SKINS TO WORK WITH THE phpVMS SYSTEM** Crew Base Managers: **APPLICATIONS DUE BY 10/1/2012 , 0000z** - Newark Liberty International Airport Crew Base Manager (KEWR) - Houston Intercontinental International Airport (KIAH) - Denver International Airport Crew Base Manager (KDEN) - Cleveland Hopkins International Airport Crew Base Manager (KCLE) - Washington Dulles International Airport Crew Base Manager (KIAD) - Chicago O'Hare International Airport Airport Crew Base Manager (KORD) - San Francisco International Airport Crew Base Manager (KSFO) **ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETE WITH THE APPLICANTS NAME, POSITION APPLYING FOR, AND RESUME's ARE NOT MANDATORY, BUT PREFERRED. APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO ceo@continentalva.net** http://continentalva.net
  6. Kinda looks like Obsses Blue 2.0..but looks nice :{)
  7. Oh man, I didnt even think to go to jeff! Thanks Kyle!
  8. Hey Guys, Long time no speak since Ive had to reinstall the OS, as well as being health- impeared for a bit! I have a question, used the search, but no cigar. In My Airline, I have over 40 pilots. It is very hard to go through and mark each of them inactive, etc. Is there any Code Snippets, that any of yall' know of, that can help me get these pilots not only marks them inactive, (as shown in the local.config) that can automatically remove them from the Pilot roster, if they do not complete a Preset number of flights in a preset number of days?
  9. Yea, all the information is correct, didnt get any emails in any of my emails at that, regarding the lost password
  10. Looks Nice!
  11. Hey Nabeel, I recentley had to restore my OS, So I lost all my account Information, I created a new Account "Dyl962" this one, however, my other one, "Dyl963" is "Lost". When I tried to recover my password information, I filled out the form to do so, but never got a reply. Suggestions?
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