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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Where do I put the XML code at the end of the URL on VA Central ? if so I did this and it didn't work
  2. Outstanding thanks very much
  3. Just a quick one, when creating a Page from within the admin, Is there anyway to get rid of the annoying heading ? I understand it needs it as the page name.htm but I don't want it as the heading within the page, The actual code what creates the heading isn't there when opening in dreamweaver so I haven't a clue how to make it go away, if that makes sense, as always any help appreciated
  4. That's great thanks guys I thought it would be a simple fix but just couldn't seem to find it, I've changed it to 4 hours (240);, Just out of curiosity can anyone recommend a good flight board ? I've been searching the web but can't seem to find one other than simpilots Thanks again Colin
  5. Hi Guys, I'm having an issue with the Live Map not refreshing when the Pilot has completed their flight it just sits there with the status of arrived at the gate until I go into the Admin and reset the Acars Map, Up to the point of arrival the map refreshes itself like it should updating the aircraft position, Any ideas how I can fix this ? Many Thanks in advance Colin
  6. Hi Guys, I think this is a self made problem what I'm not sure how to fix, I created another Airline in the admin section, as well as changed the flight numbers of all flights from ZAP to AWC, the ZAP airline code still remains as well as the new AWC code, both are enabled, no flights now show up in VAcentral (not surprised to be honest with you) If someone would kindly point me in the right direction to fix my monumental c**k up it would be much appreciated, all I wanted was to make the flight numbers the correct code of AWC instead of ZAP, also new users now have the ability to choose their pilot IDS as either ZAP or AWC which I didn't want either, any help as always greatly appreciated
  7. After attempting to install the Vanilla forum several times I give up and need help please The forum itself is set up apart from when I try to run the test URL under the jsconnect settings it says:The module "VANILLA%20" doesn't exist! Also if I sign out of the forum and then try to login using the sign in via my VA page it just send me to an empty page from my service provider, I've spent close to 15 hours trying to fix this, uninstalled, re installed following the instructions on http://www.simpilotg.../vanilla_bridge just to keep going around in circles, please help and point out where I am going wrong before I go insane the forum address is titanairwaysva.com/forum Many thanks Colin
  8. Many thanks for the reply Sim pilot like an idiot I forgot to install the sql file, regarding the touchdown stats no the database is currently empty as I have been unable to use kacars but that issue has been fixed now as well, the future is looking a little brighter now
  9. I was going to test it but I can't get kacars to recognise the VA login stuff such as pilot ID, url etc it just says Kacars free cannot continue contact your site administrator to fix this issue Application and module do not match
  10. Hi Simpilot, For god knows what reason after copying and pasting the information above onto this forum the airmail has now started working, Many thanks for the reply please would you be able to help me out with the other issues I'm having http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7287-screenshot-center-airmail-touchdown-stats-problems/page__p__48424#entry48424
  11. Many Thanks for the reply got it pretty much sorted now, although I am having some other major issues if you can help please http://forum.phpvms....8424#entry48424
  12. Hi many thanks for the reply, yes I installed the included sql file, I've been into the mysql database to check the tables have been installed and are indeed there, which are as follows: phpvms_airmail Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action id int(10) UNSIGNED No auto_increment who_to varchar(20) latin1_swedish_ci No who_from varchar(20) latin1_swedish_ci No date datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 read_state smallint(1) UNSIGNED No 0 deleted_state smallint(4) No 0 sent_state smallint(4) No 0 subject varchar(50) latin1_swedish_ci No message text latin1_swedish_ci No notam smallint(6) No 0 sender_folder int(11) Yes 0 receiver_folder int(11) Yes 0 thread_id int(10) No 0 Check All / Uncheck All With selected: phpvms_airmail_email Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action id int(11) No auto_increment pilot_id int(11) No email int(1) No 0 Check All / Uncheck All With selected: phpvms_airmail_folders Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action id int(11) No auto_increment pilot_id int(11) No folder_title varchar(50) latin1_swedish_ci No Check All / Uncheck All With selected:
  13. Hi, VA in question http://titanairwaysva.com/ (under development) I've created the screenshot center and when clicking upload screenshot it says the screenshot has been uploaded and an admin will approve it etc, when checking in the pics folder the picture is indeed there but when clicking on screenshot approval list it says there are no screenshots to be approved, I'm confused as to where I have gone wrong. Other Issues: Touchdown stats: shows pilot aircraft, landing field etc etc but displays Warning : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/10/d414564920/htdocs/core/templates/touchdownstats/touchdownstats_index.tpl on line 21 Airmail 3: Issue now resolved NEW PROBLEM: Page Displays differently in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Details of the page such as login box just randomly moves from place to place depending on browser, Seriously loosing the will. Any help with these issues is greatly appreciated as I'm starting to tear my hair out, Many Thanks
  14. Hi There, I've installed AirMail 3.0 and everything looks good up until it comes to sending a message and for some reason it's not going to the inbox, and also when I go to sent messages it's empty and doesn't show the message I sent, I know I've gone wrong somewhere but not sure where, Any help greatly appreciated
  15. After hours of frustration, spitting my dummy out I must admit defeat and ask for help, as stated I am a complete newbie who probably shouldn't be venturing into this realm but as it's something I want to do I will soldier on, anyway getting to the point........... I have unsuccessfully tried to install a number of skins each time with the same result, the layout goes completely messed up and I end up going back to the crystal skin. One of the skins I have downloaded is from http://www.myvadesigns.org/free-skins/ the skin is named bluelight, I have installed this skin as follows: (not leaving anything out as hopefully someone will be able to figure out where I am going wrong) As stated on the website I went into the layout.tpl and frontpage_main.tpl to change the urls from mydomain.com to my va’s domain. I then uploaded the skin to the web server and placed it in phpvms/lib/skins, I then went into admin center and changed the current skin to bluelight, the site then went messed up ( I have attached a screenshot) and I reverted back to crystal, I have no idea what I am doing wrong and any help is greatly appreciated, I am hoping this venture turns into one of these cases where when you first start out everything seems hard then 6 months down the line you wonder what the fuss was about, although I doubt it again to just reiterate the fact that I am a newbie and you will probably see my posts quite a lot along the way, for which I apologise in advance for, Again any help greatly appreciated Many Thanks P.S I am probably going to end up hiring someone to design the website if things don't go to plan, I have been quoted by 1 company $200, If anyone can beat this please let me know
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