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Everything posted by sherming

  1. There is an entrance exam module available at Simpilotgroup. You can get it here http://www.simpilotgroup.com/module/entrancesystem
  2. Hi, I have not been to the forums for a very long time so I am not sure if this has been addressed before, but I am going to do it anyway since I can't do anything. I could not post news, I could not email my pilots, and many more. This is how my admin page looks like whenever I want to post anything. I checked it with Inspector Tool and found out it is because of this. Note that I did not input that code <style="visibility:hidden; display:none;"> and it is not found when I accessed the file on my computer. It seems that it appears automatically. All these errors appeared after I moved my server from Windows to Linux, not sure if it is the cause but might as well bring it out. Also my signatures no longer generate the stats. Check my signature below. It affects all of my pilots accounts. How do I fix it? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, I have tried removing the codes which you have stated, such as the FB one and MM_preloadImages('active wninf','g1 active') document.theForm.theButton.disabled=true. Still no success Anyway my host will be opening a new server for me and I will be using Linux this time. They recommend Linux because it works best with php, so I will try that.
  4. Okay I have upgraded phpvms to 5.5, but now my website is showing full of errors
  5. Bump
  6. bump
  7. Removed the .htaccess file but it still didn't go away. This problem is just like a cockroach, so hard to kill. Anyways, my host recommend if this problem still goes on, I might have to do a clean re-install on a new server, which I would prefer not to as a lot of files are in the server since 2012.
  8. Ok I have restarted the server but the error didn't go away. Any more suggestions?
  9. Yes $page_content is in the layout.tpl. I didn't edit any files as I can remember, besides the emergency announcement bar, but that was after the error occurred. Will restarting the server actually work?.
  10. I don't think I have made a backup but I have re-uploaded some of the files to see if it would work, but it didn't fix the problem.
  11. Hi, recently my website started to not functioning properly, such as whenever I click on crew roster or pilots page, it still shows me the home page You can see the home page here http://airmalaysiavirtual.com Here are some pages for example (actually it is every single page) that still show the home page regardless the url. Http://airmalaysiavirtual.com/index.php/acars Http://airmalaysiavirtual.com/index.php/pilots Http://airmalaysiavirtual.com/index.php/story The problem started when some of my pages started getting "500 Internal Server Error", and my host re-setted my server to get rid of it. How do I solve this problem? It is really frustrating since it was like that since last week and my host are also clueless on how to fix it. I cannot even log into my account.
  12. Very nice work!
  13. That's sad I really enjoyed his promo vids
  14. Umm, this type of acars won't work with phpvms
  15. In your CSS stylesheet, add this to your sidebar div, or whatever name that you gave it float:left; and for your main box, or container (again, whatever name you gave it) float:right;
  16. The emails have nothing to do with the skin that is used. Email problems usually occurs due to the host. If your host was transmitting the emails, ask your pilots to check their spam boxes, because that's usually where it appears for me
  17. Very nice
  18. Air Malaysia Virtual - Asia Rediscovered - http://airmalaysiavirtual.com

  19. Not to be mean or anything, but ask yourself this. If you yourself can't invest a bit of effort in getting a custom skin, or at least coding it, how do you expect your future pilots to invest in their free time too? There are plenty of VAs out there for pilots who are interested in flying. You gotta have a custom skin, or minimum an edited freeware skin that are widely available here on the forums, to make your VA unique from others. And for god sake, you gotta at least change the phpvms logo to your Impulse logo I wish your VA best of luck
  20. Did you export the whole database at once or exported each table one by one?
  21. Today marks the 1st anniversary of Air Malaysia Virtual, where our first commercial flight took off exactly a year ago. Now we reached a significant milestone with 110 pilots, 1235.34 hours and approaching almost 500 flights. I know the figures might not be a lot, but for me it is a huge achievement. We wouldn't be what we are today without our pilots and the phpvms community that gave us a helping hand, so I would like to say thank you. We repainted one of our Airbus A330-300 into a gold livery, as in the image. We also now acquired our own custom ACARS system, along with state-of-the art modules that drastically improves pilot experience. Along side of that, we also launched our new v2 website, and I would like to know your opinions of it We hope to continue operations for many years to come! You can check us our at : http://airmalaysiavirtual.com Regards Sher Ming CEO of Air Malaysia Virtual http://airmalaysiavirtual.com
  22. Email sent
  23. Don't put it in the root. Put the module in Core > Modules and the Exams folder from template into Core > Template.
  24. Holy Moly, Tylor that looks awesome great job!
  25. @caalair Remove the index.html file in your root directory. That should remove the Chinese website link on your site
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