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Everything posted by aarbee

  1. Thank you. That works. It is a bit weird that you need to add it twice. On the otherhand, it does not show the image. Do I need to code something for that?
  2. I have upload a zipfile for a plane in this folder \root\downloads I have create links and images on the plane page. Yet when I go here; index.php/downloads it says there are no downloads. Do I need to put the download file somewhere else?
  3. Ah, that is stupid. It is not in my profile. Here you go. www.citylink-va.com
  4. Your link does not work. It is linking to a https website. And I guess you simply meant http. As I could find your website there. ;-)
  5. I know this is maybe not the right place, but I am advertising anyway. ;-) I am mostly looking for a staffmember who is responsable for painting, and fiddle out, which plane to take. Or is there somebody who wants to paint? I am not that green, that it must be for free.
  6. When ever I send myself an email, or somebody else I see the message double. 1 time regular and the other time included with \r\n stuff. How can I get rid of that row including \r\n? Example Just testing\r\nthe\r\nemail form -recipient = to@email.com -name = from@email.com -subject = testing email form -message = Just testing the email form -loggedin = true -submit = Send Message
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  7. Wow. You are really gifted with your knowledge. And I say for the how many time? Thank you. More kudos are on the way. So I guess you need to extend the cellar. How did you know that the name was $aip1->name. and not this as in the other code arrname.
  8. here is the uploaded code from me. RB upload.zip
  9. If you can tell me, what I need to change, where, I might be able to do that.
  10. Nearly all schedules have selected mon-sun. I mean in the admin panel. Where do you mean?
  11. And where do I add/change these functions?
  12. I do not know what the reason is, but the schedules are visable for not logged in people, except for me as the primary admin. They are invisable for pilots, if they log in. They can see the schedules as long as they are not logged in. I have created a test-pilot so I could test it. And even if I add the admin group for the test-pilot, it stays invisable. However the script that Pharko shows routes per airliner only shows if I am logged in. I think this is related to each other. So I deleted all of Pharko's scripting, but that did not solve the issue. I guess there must something else going wrong.
  13. Why not add a 1000 pixels to the right, with the the banner thing itself? Make the background div 100% wide, and then it extends.
  14. I only wonder why not all info got through. Instead of the Aircraftname in the standard Schedules, I am getting a number 1 (I guess the recordnumber). I cannot see the Registrationnumber or depname Example: I do not see <?php echo ''.$route->depname.''?> I do see <?php echo ''.$route->depicao.''?>
  15. Thanks. It works. I only need to create something like I have done for my regular schedules, and I am a happy person. Would be nice to get blocks of flights. block cat1 block cat 2. but that is something for the future. BTW watch the postman, he is bringing Kudos.
  16. Nobody? I thought it had something to do with this statement: if(is_array($mapdata->route_details)). But I do not know how to fix this.
  17. Thank you. I will check it out tonight.
  18. Now that I am advancing in building my va, I get more questions, and I guess, you all understand that. I wonder about the function of hub and airline. Suppose I have a passenger airline, and would like to start a freigher part as well. Added to the same hub? Or create a freight hub? Or create a freight airline? I have seen that a pilot can be a member of either, different hub and/or airline. What are the advantages or disadvantages for doing one or the other.
  19. thanks
  20. Uhm Yeah. Thought so, but I wonder where I can change that. I was not to clear in my question. Sorry for that. I do not see the option, when I edit the top post.
  21. Was a little hassle to fiddle out where to place the $row = 1 - $row;, but... it works like a charm now. Anyway, look in the attick or cellar, I junked in a pile of kudos as well. BTW, how do I close this post?
  22. Should this work on IE? It works on FF, but not on my IE. And it works on an iPad.
  23. I know who the person is, whois descending to fast, and sometimes overlooking the airport. He is 70+ years old, maybe 80. And I have compasion with him. But he is learning. Yet I would not accept it from mister perfect. ;-) And indeed the discussion is getting out of hand. I expected that.
  24. Grazias. It works. I thought I had to put the DIV code just above the row. But I could have figured that one out. And indeed, I will move the style statement into my stylesheet. But I wondered if that worked with the special feature in it. Edit by aarbee. I forgot to tell you, but I did send a shipload of Kudos to your attick.
  25. I fiddled out, that if you use kAcars and select charter, that you can file a pirep of an non-existing flight. works wonderfull.
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