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Everything posted by VincentButtstedt

  1. ryrvirtual has been inactive for over 1 year now... The staff has left, and Andrew the CEO, doesn't want to invest more time in it. Some ryrvirtual pilots, including me, have tried to ask Andrew to let us manage the VA, so it would be up and running again with everything up to date and events and so on... But he denied, nor does he want to share his VA system. This is bad, he shut down the forum, closed twitter, over 500 pilot applications pending... it's just good as dead like it is... Now, I'm (and more friends) trying to start a new Ryanair Virtual, but of course, I want something similar to what ryrvirtual has, with aircraft positions, and booking systems... RSL from simpilot has recreated the real life flights, where the aircraft is obliged to rotate only between given routes... where in Ryanair, we seek for any aircraft may fly any Ryanair route, from their current position even if it's not their base airport... One of our CEO, has full access to up-to-date Ryanair flight plans and Aircraft positioning between Base Airports, in fact, all Routes have already been uploaded to phpvms VA, but until we figure out how to handle the aircraft management, the VA will not start. Does anyone know where we can find aircraft management like that? Or someone who doesn't mind to write a code for it? :-)
  2. HI Ephendi, You said RSL isn't good for you, as for airplane rotation... I'm seeking for something equal to ryrvirtual.com... That the airplanes can fly any route, but only from the airport where they are currently... do you know something for it?
  3. How can I use this, but I don't want the phpvms to stick with routes assigned to aircraft registration? I would like to have routes, and the entire fleet may fly them, but use RealScheduleLite to use the fleet management? So whenever I search a route from A->B, all aircraft currently at A will show. The way it is now, it will only show Aircraft 01 for Route A->B, but if a Aircraft has route from A->C, I can't select that aircraft to fly A->B... Any suggestions?
  4. Isn't there a way to eliminate the aircraft from routes? Like, there are routes from A->B, and K->L etc... And aircraft 01 is at A, and Aircraft 09 is at L, why does the route have to be aircraft registration specific? And not having Routes for all aircraft, and when searching for a flight from A, first shows all the routes from A, then after you select the Aircraft you want.
  5. I want something like this, but instead of based on pilots, I'd like it based on aircrafts... So, everytime a pilot files a pirep, it updates the location of the aircraft, and then when searching schedules from EGLL for example, only aircraft at EGLL would pop-up as available... Is that possible with this add-on? Or what modification would be needed?
  6. What did you change?
  7. HI All, I'm starting a VA with some friends, and we want to have fleet management, that is, that each aircraft is at a location, and then flown to another. So basically, it should work like: Aircraft Reg PH-BUF is at EHEH When a pilot requests schedules for EHEH, only aircraft that are there will show, this case PH-BUF will appear, with all available routes from EHEH Flight is bid on, and pilot flies the route Filing a PIREP, the pirep is inserted, automatically the .php pirep insert script needs to change the location of the PH-BUF to the destination airport of the pirep filed, which is now the current location of the aircraft. So, what I wanted to know, first, is there someone who already have this and might wanna share some ideas? Or, can someone tell me where those scripts are, so I can add a mysql query to change the location of the aircraft? Or maybe another idea to do this?
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