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Everything posted by Kritikdevelopment

  1. Day 3 Today the beta testing has begun of the ShopAdmin portion of the addon! The testing should be done by Tuesday and the admin module will be ready to package. I expect the client portion to be finished by Thursday and ready to package as well. After I receive a report back from my testers today or tomorrow I will make the public aware of any major developments ( if any ). Thank you, Jacob Krustchinsky
  2. Day 2 Hello everyone, This is going to be a short release just to announce a few updates. The development of the ShopAdmin side of this two part addon has been completed , now full focus is being turned onto the PilotShop part of the addon. Also in addition to the completion of the ShopAdmin, I would also like to announce the launch of our Beta testing program! So far we only have one person that has signed up and is willing to help out. If you would like to have first access to this addon, contact me using the details in the Day1 post to find out more. Stay tuned for Day 3 coming soon...
  3. My father just got an activation call pending 24-48 hours to the staging area for immediate deployment to port au prince in Haiti for reliaf work. My father is an EMPA here at ft. hood and will most likely end up managing a US hospital camp.. So urgent. I just hope he isnt there to long
  4. Like I usually tell everyone... There are two paths one can take when it comes to your sites navigation. 1) Use the built in one from Nabeel 2) Throw a custom one in Since you want a dropdown a recommend using method 2 and hardlinking each link into the <li>s. Open your skins header.tpl and create a div in the appropriate location called something that deals with navigation <div id="Nav"> </div> After doing so wrap your <ul> within it and add the <li> items within that <div id="Nav"> <ul class="someclass"> <li>Home</li> <li>About</li> </ul> </div> Then style the class in your .css file and bam! YOU HAVE A NAV! Note: If you are using a free code for a dropdown follow their readme or instruction and apply the code in a similar manner but remember to follow their instructions as well to insure proper function.
  5. Hello phpVMS community! My name is Jacob and I have been working on an addon for Nabeel's wonderful system for the past few weeks and I decided to go ahead and make an announcement towards its expected completion date. The addon is something of a first for phpVMS, as we have yet to see a well structured admin plugin (if any at all) that interacts with the database and the client side fluently. This addon provides the ability for an airline's administration to add three different types of data (spanning three tables) to the database. Now before we get down and dirty with the details, let me start with a short introduction as to what it is and how it got started. What is PilotShop? PilotShop started as a one module addon that did nothing more than give the pilot the ability to use his/her money to purchase pre-planned items and add them to their portfolio. It died on my development site the week after its development was officially announced here on the forums. After a recent push from the community, I decided to pick it back up and apply my new knowledge towards it to make an overall great addon for phpVMS. Features? Admin side interface Expansive options Shops, products, shop types, product types etc. Client side interface Buy products, manage products, arrange products etc. A new pilot "Home", allowing for pilots to add items to different shelves and closets to help better organize their purchases. Completely run by the airline administration! Thus no content is restricted or limited, the sky is the limit Associate a description, image, price, availability status etc. Built using the phpVMS design flow ( No messy unreadable code ) Easily extended, using the expansive PilotShopData.class model And of course more is always to come, post first release.. Expected release date: 02/01/2010 at 12:00AM ===================================================================== Now that we have covered what it is and what you can expect upon release, let us get to today's update! ===================================================================== Day 1 January 14, 2010 The admin interface for the most part is complete. I am going to go back and change a few things in the code that will do nothing more than clean up the source, improve load times and memory usage. I have started on the crucial buy function that will end up being one of the bigger functions in the PilotShopData.class.php file. Now I'm sure many of you are either curious or just skeptical on how the final product will look... Well right now I'm going to show you what ShopAdmin will look like for the most part. Main Overview For a larger version click http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8428/prev1d.jpg Add dialogs For a larger version click http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/1338/prev3m.jpg Associated dialog For a larger version click http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5816/prev5.jpg Well that pretty much concludes today's release! I hope all of you have enjoyed this release and have gained something out of it in its entirety. If you have any questions or comments that do not directly involve the addon or it's development, please send me a PM. If you wish to help or want to become a beta tester for either aspect of the system, e-mail me at kritikdevelopment@gmail.com. With regards, Jacob Krustchinsky NOTE: If you are thinking about posting and you have not read the post in its entirety .. STOP .. I do not put effort into a post to have random and easily questions thrown back at me. If you have CC or positive comments feel free to post. Anything that is hasty, negative or detrimental to the addons succession will be reported. Keep it clean and on-topic so this thread can be read by everyone.
  6. Yeah, Christmas is quite the expense. Spent a little over 100 bucks on a necklace for the girlfriend...jewelry is so freakin expensive
  7. I believe eddy from FlyAKA has a shout out box that works great, maybe ask him if he could throw you a link ;D!
  8. I apologize for you inconvenience, I hope it all works out in the end. Like I said, if you need any help at all feel free to contact me and Ill help as much as I can with the situation given.
  9. Woohoo! Good job nabeel! Now buy some concert tickets and take a break you worker bee
  10. The best solution in that case would be to create your own module! The tutorials that nabeel created could help you get an idea of what creating a module would be like ( Click on the 'tutorials' link above)! Also pasted below is a link to the docs that basically gives you an introduction into module creation. http://docs.phpvms.net/development/00_how_addons_work#creating_an_add-on
  11. Longest running with a certain percentage active Most pireps filed for that month Most effecient service ( take fuel usage compared to miles flown into account somehow ) Most users with hours above a certain number I'll think of more later Nabeel
  12. Nope haven't seen him around. He seems like an honest guy though, don't think he would be the one to fraud you. If that's the case though I apologize for the mishap and I will be willing to offer some basic help to get you guys on the right track.
  13. Try here: http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp And: http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp Both of those languages build the skin, add a few PHP elements and it is phpVMS ready. Read through both of those and then watch some of the tutorials to get yourself acquainted.
  14. Hey guys, I made a default rank icon for Nabeel yesterday and figured I'd put the PSD to good use here on the forums. The reason being, I have found most airlines used ripped or no rank images at all. So here is a complete template including both gold and silver bars as well as spheres for the highest rank. So attached you will find the .zip which has the Rank.PSD inside! Feel free to edit and re-distribute as you wish! Sample: Rank.zip
  15. Losing your patience doesn't help anyone. This mod has two parts... The admin side and the user side. very people so far have added an admin module to their addons. I have a life and a job, progress is being made and It will be released when It is done. I trashed what I had a month back to start fresh so I could include the Admin side. Expect this no later that then end of January. * An official announcement will be made soon
  16. Again, since I do not know the exact code for the situation I can only give you a basic idea of what it will look like. First of you are checking if the users situation is either ACTIVE or NOTACTIVE, thus the conditiona; statement comes into play. <?php if($active == TRUE){ echo 'The image will be spit out here'; }else{ echo 'The not active image will go here'; }?> Just find the exact code that deals with the profile fields and fill in where required. Ill dig through it later when I get back to my computer at home ( Im on my iPhone ). *and quick note. You can do what I like to call blocking with HTML and do this... <?php if($active == TRUE) { ?> <img src="path here"/> <?php } else { ?> <img src="pathhere for the not active image"/> <?php } ?> This just allows you to put HTML freely between the tags as opposed to using an echo or print statement to render the image.
  17. Im not understanding what you have done clearly. The best way to accomplish your goal is to make a new group called in-active pilots and simply change the pilots association with a group ( Either Active, In-active ) as the situation presents itself. Now in that case, you cannot change the plain text because its in a form. Image association is very simple, but please explain your exact problem more clearly and I might be able to help you better. With regards, Jake
  18. Im curious to see what everyone got! I got a Wacom Bamboo pen and touch tablet & an iPhone 3G along with about $100 in cash, a large RC helicopter and some clothing!
  19. PHPVms is a standalone application that runs on your web server. Basically think of it as a program you install on your desktop to achieve a goal. In this case your goal is airline management obviously. Simply upload the phpvms.version folder to your web server ( un-zipped ) and path to the installation file as the other community member explained just above nabeel's post. After doing so, you need to go to your phpmyadmin interface or another MySQL database management application and create a database and a user. Then fill in that newly created information into the fields in the install.php file and continue through the install. Then you should be all set up, head to your URL/phpvms.version/index.php and make sure there are no errors and everything is displaying ok! BTW , Welcome to the community
  20. Hey, Take a few things into account when pricing your flights bunoire. 1) The aircraft being used - Simply put, charging $100 per ticket for an aircraft that holds 100 people will (according to basic math) yield $10,000. 2) The frequency of the flight 3) The distance flown, fuel consumed and the airport charges. - Modern airlines try to keep the ticket prices as low as possible but high enough to balance out the other expenses and generate some income per flight. If you are a more luxurious airline then obviously the tickets will be priced higher to reflect that. But for example. I'm operating a charter service out of Miami and our primary aircraft is a Lear. Now the Lear only holds about 5-7 people on a good day. Now the particular flight in question is to Austin, Texas. Lets say for this example the gate charges between both airports was $200. Now my Lear will burn up maybe $3,000 in fuel to get there, so I need to balance the money spent with the money coming in. So we find the median of my random aircraft capacity number ( lol ), comes out to 6 and we divide our money spent by it, and we get $533.33 repeating. So now keep in mind this only puts us at neutral for the mean time. Then lets say, with medium luxury and good fast service, we will tack a $100 surcharge on to each ticket. So, that ticket cost of $533.33 jumps up to $633.33 repeating. Now multiply that by your number of PAX and subtract the cost of the flight and you come out with your total revenue. So in all I made $600, not bad for a modern day charter (jk). AS you can see I took the long approach, guesstimating works great too! But keep in mind those three things when doing so and you'll be just fine!
  21. You generally have two options when it comes to the navigation... 1) Using the default provided by the system and modify it by moving it to your skins directory and editing it as you see fit. 2) Creating a brand new navigation system from scratch or borrowed code. Either two end with the same outcome. But in this particular situation it would be most helpful to know which one exactly you are doing in order for us to make a more accurate assessment of what exactly went wrong. Also something to take in note is how the skin is structured. The header.tpl is always at the top, the footer.tpl is always at the bottom and the content generated by the system is always sandwiched in between. So the moral of the story is to double check that you are adding your navigation to the header.tpl and not your frontpage_main.tpl or etc.
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