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Everything posted by levicosta201

  1. Thank you. I would like to be a contributor in GitHub, but I am not allowed to commit the files
  2. How can I be a developer of phpVMS 4? I have experience in Laravel
  3. You are free to modify the code as you like, friend!
  4. I know very well program friend! This is just an old code, use whoever you want, there is no security flaws in it, for esste type of code there is a great necessedidade of encasing the 'POST' if you know that a good programmer. I guarantee that this code will not have any problems with people, if you do not want to use my code only respects those who want!
  5. full article on my blog: http://code.voemercosul.com/ CODES: http://pastebin.com/jXJFrLL1 http://pastebin.com/TAguaNYb PS.: This is not the best programming method for phpVMS, soon I will post an update of the traditional form code, this is a more inciante method. DEMO: http://voemercosul.com/v2/index.php/Dataroutes aeroportos_tw.sql.zip
  6. Or I'm sorry, I did not pay attention to the title.
  7. You can see the quality of my service in this topic, there you will know whether it is worthwhile or not pay for my service http://goo.gl/KMNscD
  8. Unfortunately yes, we find more here in Brazil people who make a higher price than the one we are in financial crisis, one of the largest existing, any money is welcome to keep ourselves
  9. I do a quality service to you for $ 20! Do not worry, since I first present the project and then get paid!
  10. Hello friends, for some time I've been working with my team in a skin for phpVMS administration panel, and we are completing our work, we have created a new view for phpVMS, completely modified from the initial paginal to the administration panel is a complete package, the whole site is based on the material design, available in the new models of Android version. We have not decided whether we will sell the skin, or if we will make available to the public, or whether we will negotiate with the creator of phpVMS to leave as the default skin for phpVMS, all this is still decided and let everyone know soon, because as everyone knows there a lot of work involved in developing beautiful skin. We have almost 90% of all the completed site, it looks pretty but we all know that phpVMS contains hundreds of .tpl pages to be edited. Let us know opnion of all, please be constructive criticism, praise and comments are also welcome! Now we leave out some pictures for you to appreciate our work.
  11. if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { $this->set('message', 'You must be logged in to access this feature!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } Use the above code to allow only users logged if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { $this->set('message', 'You be logged'); $this->render('core_succes.tpl'); return; } And this code to allow users not logged
  12. It's simple, just use httprequest, or retrieve data via json so you do not create a direct connection by C #
  13. Hello friends, maybe some here already know my modules, I stopped a while to develop modules because I started work on a game development project, I am here again to return to my work, and I would deichar here also some modules that I'veI had done, so that you can enjoy or buy. For those who first buy will be selling at a cheap price because I need a certain amount of money to re-start my shop, and who can colcaborar me I thank you. Below the list of modules, those who wish to buy, please send inbox to negotiate. DATA ROUTES -> http://goo.gl/38K8au (This module displays all available routes in your Virtual Airline from the desired airport!); BADGE ON/OFF PILOT -> http://goo.gl/jIxHXQ ( This module will automatically change the badge of your driver if it is online or offline, as well as other statistics ); Route Generator -> http://goo.gl/102K4F ( This module generates random routes and insert in your database, enter all the data: days of the week, time, money, distance, etc! ) These are one of the main modules I developed, promotional price for the first who purchase, and soon will be developing more modules and also I will go back to doing layouts for the admin panel! Please apoim me; PS.: Sorry for my bad English !
  14. The project was discontinued. Sorry
  15. It's been a while since this topic is stopped, because I am out of time to develop. I have not given up my mobile application, and saw that there were people interested. I just sent a beta version for Google Play See below some pictures of the project: Will be available on Google Play soon the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.lbxweb.a_merco
  16. I believe you send acars_data and xml format. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. still not a stable release, I'm trying to make a secure login via httprequest. because what I did for my virtual airline is inserted data from MySQL server. think anyone here like to put the data on your server in APP ?!
  18. Ok, I'll do it. I'll try somehow to http request does not need to use direct connection to the database.
  19. This is something very simple to do. see the link below, if you have questions comment http://www.webreference.com/authoring/languages/xml/rss/custom_feeds/index.html
  20. You mean I should put the administrator rights on the application?
  21. Thanks for the tip, actually you're right, I'll add more details to distinguish the pilots.
  22. Hello friends, I've gone a bit due to my work which is very intense. Some time ago I had made a poll to see if it was worth it or not a mobile app, the results were not very favorable, even so I decided to develop an app for my virtual Aera line, is not yet fully complete, but I'll post here first impressions to users wishing one mobile app for your virtual airline can give tips / suggestions that I need to put in the app. As I go forward in my work I will also be putting here the layout of yours. Please, I ask to constructive criticism, and not Child ATV criticism, such as "bad design", "I'd do better", "I'm wanting to protect the community", etc. Because I will not answer this kind of childishness. Also do not answer support via PM. If there is any doubt, ask on the topic so that everyone benefits, your question might be doubt of others! This app contains the following features: Live map flight; List of pilots in flight progress; Because I'm time-poor, and how this project started today, still no many features, however, will soon add the following features: Top Pilots; Pilots Onlie; Pilot Profile; Airline Data; Message from pilots; Settings; And still other features that I did not think. My intention is to develop this app for free, but those who wish should make the request in advance. For those who wish to have your application published on google play will have to pay a fee of $ 29 so I can upload, or if you want you can do on your own. Below are some pictures of the project: Added details of the pilot:
  23. Thanks for the feedback, but you can send me a print screen please and show me what URL is redirected? For me and my users works perfectly.
  24. -> BUY HERE <- Hello everyone, LBXstore launches another module that has the following function: Detect the location of the user who accesses your site and redirects it to a specific page, for example, a User accesses the Brazil seite, then the module identifies and redirects you to a page in Portuguese (http://www. yourva.com/pt). If a user accesses your site Japan, he will be redirected to the page in Japanese (http://www.yourva.com/jp). Buy here: http://goo.gl/lY3fku Demo here: http://www.voemercosul.com PS.:my site does not offer all countries, but the module will with all countries
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