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Everything posted by levicosta201

  1. Sorry, posted the wrong link. This is the correct link: HERE
  2. Does Nabeel tell us the story of phpVMS? How it came about? Who helped work? How tournou become so popular? Currently many airlines use this wonderful system? PS.: If there is any question that they find interesting and wish to comment below. I hope he answers us.
  3. Hello, all. We need some people with programming experience who can help me to write articles for my website with development tutorials and articles related to tecnlogia. I also put a area dedicated to programming based Virtual Air Lines phpVMS. Someone is willing to help me? Comment below or send me a PM. Link to Website: HERE
  4. Demo Here: http://goo.gl/0Mkl4h
  5. Send me a PM with your email address
  6. Yes, but the only problem is that some of my riders do not use VATSIM . This would also be one of the reasons I have an alternative ????
  7. No problem. Actually I believe the IVAO and VATSIM systems are restricted to them, for example, you can not count the hours of flight controllers on your own website, but if each had their own software maybe not arise other networks that could hit opposite to the IVAO and VATSIM? Controllers in my Virtual Airline always asked me that. So I also thought it could be good project. But seeing the answers I believe would not have a very good acceptance.
  8. Hello guys, I put it aside for a while my other projects posted here, I am now completing two software that I have not named them. The first software has the following function: ACARS; Some of the aircraft controls; Pilot Info; Aircraft information; Chat; Send flight plan; The following software has the following functions: Radar aircraft; List of online pilots to the program; Pilots in online mutiplayer; Table of flight plans; Counting hours of air traffic controller; Chat; The project still needs some repairs and completions, but with a few days can make a Beta release. I would like to know the opnion of you in the comments. Soon I'll post some screens of the project in operation, not only now will post pictures of the project as I am finalizing his translation to other languages ​​(like English: for example). Currently it is in pt-br. PS.: BETA version will be free.
  9. Hello, I think many people have had error. I apologize for that, but I'm preparing to release another version.
  10. As I said it is not a stable version. Thank you for your feedback, I will improve and release an update.
  11. I got you. Thanks for the feedback, I thought it would work. this code works for me yes. There is NO error with this code.
  12. excuse me, I changed the link. HERE
  13. This solution worked for me.
  14. -> BAIXAR AQUI <- Olá a todos, esta é uma versão Beta da pele, tudo que você faz sistema de download recebreão atualiza frequentemente. Porque há coisas que ainda precisam mudar, mas meu tempo é muito agitado. Agradeço sua compreensão. Peço que, por favor, deixe o seu feedback nos comentários. PS:. Se alguém está criticando meu trabalho, para fazer uma crítica construtiva sobre como posso merolhar, não pessoas que falam por exemplo: "Este é um mau webdesign". Se você pensa assim mantê-lo para si mesmo, mas não desanime, porque eu estou tentando o meu melhor para contribuir para os phpVMS comunidade, obrigado.
  15. Just out of curiosity. I believe this will also help programmers phpVMS
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  16. Do not! I have not changed anything at all in the module, just did the download on their website and went up to my server
  17. Link for my site and the module: http://voemercosul.com/v2/index.php/APVacars Screnshots:
  18. Hello everyone, today I was doing a test with APVacars and noticed the following error (do not know if this happens to me), but when I click GET Flight it does not return me the data flying there on my site (but does not return me any) error, and the module appears on my site. It returns only the information of the fsx. But when I click Start Flight it appears the following error: You Must Click on Get Flight. But the Start button changes to Log Log STop What could this be?
  19. Specifically what kind of service they want?
  20. I know it well, just commented the oldest I know My virtual airline is completing only two years.
  21. Replace this: http://www.esvi-stoc...p/registration. for this: http://www.esvi-stoc...hp/registration
  22. I know one, virtual TAM, he is said to have 10 years old today
  23. If anyone knows let in the comments.. Another curiosity. What was the first Virtual Airline to use phpVMS??
  24. I also do not usually comment on my code, just the essentials!
  25. I used the mobile for more a matter of taste. Nothing prevents you remove it!
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