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Posts posted by magicflyer

  1. Ok, so from what I understand , ill have to make a module that can get the required information from the website whilst also being able to give information to the website. The thing I don't understand, is how to get and send the information from the program to the module.

    FSUIPC, Look up the API(Application Programming Interface - Essentially a wiki on how to use the functions). You're gonna wanna know a server-side language(PHP), and another C-Based language. A nice compliment would be data structures, JSON, Database knowledge(SQL should do). There's not exactly a guide out there that'll teach you how to create your own ACARS system, so this is just a general idea of what you need to know to be able to create your own software infrastructure.

    Sample Data Flow, of how things will work:

    Flight Simulator <-1-> Application <-2-> Server

    <-1-> You would use FSUIPC to communicate between the app and flight sim

    <-2-> You would use PHP, JSON, and maybe XML(For Structured Data) to communicate between the app and the server

    I really suggest getting smartCARS, kAcars, or I think there's a free open source system somewhere around the forum...

    • Like 1
  2. Use this code in the .tpl/.php file you want it changed(Put it at the top). The !important at the end servers to override any existing properties for backgroundImage.

    document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url('INSERT IMAGE URL HERE') !important";

    That should do it. Don't try to change it via CSS in the .tpl file, it's not going to override it's parent elements.

  3. No, there will not be a pro version of this module. CrazyCreatives already has a more advanced version of this, and the market is simply too small to make for a healthy competition. This module is just for the virtual airlines that want a simple, and FREE solution.

    Doesn't mean I might not add a few little unique tweaks in the future.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm currently creating a script that works with my other systems on the server. I have got a page, which when a user logs in successfully, returns the CID, First Name and Last Name from database.

    I'd like to make it, so when my page renders, it logs the user into phpVMS.

    Except, I won't have a password, just CID and name.

    I can get the userID from the database, using MySQL, but apart from that, I can't see any logical way of doing this.

    Any ideas?

    That's very very unsecure. Anyone could get everyone's email address, sensitive profile information, change passwords(Think about logging in to smartCARS), and a few other things I can't think of. VERY VERY unsecure, and a breach of a user's privacy policy.

    I apologize if I am misunderstanding your intent.

  5. This here should work, do it for each function -


    public function getAircraftTotals(){ ...


    public static function getAircraftTotals(){ ...

    in what I assume must be core/common/FleetData.class.php.

  6. How to Change the Look of the ACARS Map

    As usual, We highly suggest backing up before making any changes.

    1. Find the Style you want on https://snazzymaps.com

    2. Click on "COPY" by the Code Snippet

    3. Open up the file "acarsmap.tpl" located in your skins folder

    4. Around line 38, BEFORE the acars_map_default variable add the following code:

    var myStyle = PASTE HERE

    5. Paste what you copied in step #2 where it says "PASTE HERE" in the snippet above.

    6. INSIDE the acars_map_default variable add the following code:

    var acars_map_defaults = {
    autozoom: true,
     styles: myStyle, // <-- ADD THIS
    zoom: 4,
     center: new google.maps.LatLng("<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT'); ?>", "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG'); ?>"),
     mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
     refreshTime: 10000

    Note the comma at the end to indicate a separate property for the Google Map. So....let's wrap up. Here's the final code:

    var myStyle = PASTE HERE
    var acars_map_defaults = {
    autozoom: true,
     styles: myStyle, // <-- ADD THIS
    zoom: 4,
     center: new google.maps.LatLng("<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT'); ?>", "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG'); ?>"),
     mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
     refreshTime: 10000

    • Like 4
  7. Hello!

    A simple destination module has been created and published on Zumeweb. Have a look!

    Demo Link: http://zumeweb.com/e...et=Destinations

    Download Link: http://zumeweb.com/d...tionsModule.zip

    There's a credit link at the bottom of the module, however we take no harm if you remove it.

    How to change the style of the Map

    In the file destinations.tpl found in /core/templates look for the line containing var _styles =

    You can modify the options that are on there, or visit https://snazzymaps.com/ and pick a style you love.

    Then, Copy&Paste the style code right after the equal sign.

    How to change the airport icons

    The icons can be found in /lib/images/mapassets, replace the icons as you wish however keep in mind

    that if you have a lot of destinations, it's wise to keep the icons very small or otherwise it would be unreadable

    at the default map zoom level. That's why we went with the dots, we suggest you keep it that way.

    Do you like this product? Let us know, so we can make more!

    Publish a review to Google

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    Follow us on Twitter

  8. Already this fact, the problem is still not let me make a flight reservation

    Mensaje No route passed, I'm working with the latest version of ARTIC

    Did you make any modifications, or are you using any modules to render schedules? Loading up conflicting javascript code could also be the error.

  9. Unless you can get a nice piece of code that'll organize it for you, we'll have to work it out old-fashioned using Excel.

    I did some experimenting by copying and pasting the text into excel and running a macro, and I was able able to separate the values into their own columns in a table. You'll have to do some copy/pasting to get it to work with phpVMS' schedule CSV templates, but I guess this is a start:

    Excel File: zumeweb.com/downloads/Book1.xlsx

    CSV File: zumeweb.com/downloads/Book1.csv

    A phpVMS Template can be found in your phpVMS Admin Panel, on the Schedule Importer's sidebar. Best I can do with helping you :) Best Wishes.

  10. Got Trouble at www.canadianarcticvirtual.com. I just got smartcars and there hosting and arctic skin here wont go right in my phpvms install on TFDi hosting. Gives me some sort of line 248 core thing. I have the arctic in the skins, and tried both tlp and php, no difference.

    That's not an error caused by the skin. Please post a screenshot, or the full error in the support forum. Maybe someone who saw the error before can help you.

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