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Everything posted by infidel

  1. if I set the value of the config line to 1 pilots do not show up on the map. Anyone have an idea of what a good variable number is that will allow long distance flights (12hrs + at times) with out having the plane appear on the map forever after?
  2. Sure did. let me work on it a bit more
  3. Using basic FSACARS Trying to figure out now how to upload an ACARS PIREP
  4. I did a test flight this morning and an hour later (sim and ACARS since turned off) and my aircraft still appears on the map. Help?
  5. Guess I am missing something here. When I go into schedule and routes I am required to fill out the entire form before saving. What am I doing wrong?
  6. Our VA will do quite a lot of "contract" type flights were we allow pilots to fly pretty much where ever they want on top of the normal routes. Stock PIREP form isn't letting me submit a flight with out a route. Anyway around this? I would prefer to have the pilots enter start and end points instead of selecting routes. Did a quick search and couldn't find the answer, sorry if it's been asked before!
  7. Ok- stupid question: am I supposed to import any sql file or anything into my database before running the install.php? Just set up another script and was told they couldnt access the database and I found a sql file that needed to be set up in the database before going though the activation. Seems pretty similar to what I am experiencing with phpVMS
  8. trouble ticket sent - we'll see how long it takes for them to get back to me LOL. This whole project has been a nightmare - even getting the FTP to work was a pain.
  9. how would I go about specifying a certain host to connect to thats not local host? This would me a database on another site?
  10. On DirectNIC
  11. Update- I uninstalled and re-installed everything phpVMS related and followed the directions in this file: http://docs.phpvms.net/installation Still getting the "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)" error when using the installer. What am I doing wrong? Getting frustrated with the whole thing - just spent 4 days waiting for and getting no support for a similar program that I spent money for and am hoping the phpVMS will be the solution so I can get our site up and running.
  12. I keep getting this error when using the phpVMS installer. I am very new at this stuff and think I must have missed something in my set up Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) any ideas??
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