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Everything posted by infidel

  1. I am only able to select text - no drop down menu is availble.
  2. I am rather ignorant on how to do this, any tips?
  3. I personally would prefer for the pilots to be in descending numerical order so 1st pilot registered is on top. Currently #1 is at the bottom. Not very user friendly.
  4. Is there anyway to edit the registration.tpl so that pilots can select which airframe they want to fly? As an example, we fly the L-100-30, LC-130 and CH-53 (to name few of them) If a helicopter pilot comes in and wants to be assigned to your Helo division, I would like them to beable to select that. make sense?
  5. Agreed. Nabeel - thank you so much for building the program. I had never even heard of php until Sunday of this week. Bought VAbase, got no support from that idiot, was directed over here and now the website is up and running - may not be as fancy as some of them but it is functional and I could not have done it with out phpVMS or this community!
  6. www.southernairvirtual.com
  7. never used it, never knew it existed until I signed up here. Is it better or more stable than FSACARS and do flights show up on the map like they do with FSACARS? Recommendations for which ACARS is better?
  8. had the same problem at first. I did a full delete of my FSACARS and then a fresh install, dropped the FSACARS file (think it's an ini) from my site into the root directory of the FSACARS folder and was off and running. I did notice there is a bit of latency getting the map to update initially so give it time.
  9. Updated to BETA and problem solved. Thanks Max for the help!!!!
  10. re-set my browser cache today to find that I no longer have a PIREP form. I took the file from here out and it came back (standard basic form). Assuming that it is not compatible with my version. not sure how we are going to log flights as we do not have a route schedule.
  11. After installing this tpl is there something I need to disable or remove that may be conflicting with it?
  12. yep. drop downs. feel free to use the log in that I PMed to you earlier to check it out.
  13. exactly where I put it and while I am able to make changes to it such as spacing of entry areas it looks no different than the PIREP form I had before.
  14. just added this to my skins folder (current active skin) and am seeing no changes in the pirep format
  15. infidel

    FS Passengers

    thanks for the info!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Not sure which version I am on. so to be clear, I put this new file in the skins folder and it will work?
  17. guess I have cerebral vapor lock but I can't find anything that references this issue - anyone have any suggestions?
  18. understand thanks!!
  19. Guys - you all are awesome. I wont even begin to tell you the problems I have had over at VAbase trying to get the most basic support. Here I post a message and it is normally responded too in minutes. Freaking amazing. This is what support/customer service is all about and I am glad to see that some folks still understand that!!!
  20. WILCO - thanks for being patient with me - this stuff was all Greek to me until about Wednesday and I am trying to figure it all out.
  21. Never mind, figured that part of it out. When I went to do a test flight, I was unable to file a PIREP due to the destination airport not being in the database. I assume this is due to the fact that I am using the standard PIREP form. when do I place the pirep_new document that Max posted?
  22. Tried to export FSACARS log and got an error message saying it can not contact the db
  23. southernairvirtual.com I'll PM over log in info
  24. Warning: fopen(/hsphere/local/home/montagnardhcap/southernairvirtual.com/phpvms//lib/rss/latestpireps.rss): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /hsphere/local/home/montagnardhcap/southernairvirtual.com/phpvms/core/common/RSSFeed.class.php on line 63 when filing PIREP Help?
  25. Trying to get the pirep to look less compressed and have the text entry boxes appear. I got rather lost while watching the tutorial and was wondering if someone could take a look at it for me?
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