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Everything posted by Tylor Eddy
I tried it myself earlier, but when i attempt to log in, it says this user has not been activated, so i get it to send the registration email to me again, and it just sends a blank email ?
Actually Nabeel would it be easier to reset my password for that account, if not you can either delete that account, or just change my website to http://qantasvirtual.com/ seeing as i still have the API code and settings input into the local.config.php, so its currently still working. Cheers
Gday Guys I have some code if anyone is interesting, including jquery, it only took me a few weeks to get working you can preview it on my site http://qantasvirtual.com/index.php/Listing <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("table tr:nth-child(even)").addClass("striped"); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> body,td { font-size: 8pt; } table { background-color: #FFFFF; border: 1px white solid; } table, th, td { border-collapse:collapse; border: 1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#be0000 #be0000; } th { background-color: #be0000; color: white; } tr { background-color: white; margin: 1px; } tr.striped { background-color: #FA8072; } </style> Post this at the top of the tpl file containing the table you wish to style with a trendy zebra stripes, youll have to change the colours to your taste. enjoy
Just thought id let everyone know that the site has been ported over to my paid hosting service, so we have a nicer, new website domain. we can be found at http://www.qantasvirtual.com/
thanks for the support, i added the css to the bottom of the styles.css in my skin folder, and added the table class code just above my table in my pilots_list.tpl folder, but im having trouble getting the colours to alternate, im not sure why this is, im after red and white this is what ive changed in the CSS /* custom tables */ table.mytable { background-color: #ffffff; margin:5px 0pt 5px; font-size: 9pt; width: 100%; text-align: center; } table.mytable tbody tr.odd td { background-color:#bc0000; table.mytable thead tr th { background-color: #bc0000; border: 1px solid #ffffff; font-size: 12pt; padding: 2px; } i presume this is incorrect, as it wont work for me haha Thanks for the help
yes please, and possibly that account if its possible, once im done porting over to my new domain, ill join up again, and not screw the process up this time
Anyone able to help me with this one ? I am having great difficulty trying to implement this on my own, the examples on the web involve simpler tables that the ones used by phpvms.
Gday Guys i was wondering if it was possible to get my VA and account deleted off VA Central ?, i am unable to do it as i had trouble signing up with my email, so i tried another email, and changed the settings after signing up to my preferred email, well.. VA Central didnt like that one bit, and i am unable to edit my VA within VA Central, i cannot access the account at all, keeps telling me my login details are wrong, i have tried both emails. I will sign up to VA Central again as soon as i finish porting my site over to my new paid hosting service, and ill leave it with the other email address this time. my VA is Qantas Virtual Airlines - http://www.vacentral.net/airline/qfa_qantasvirtualairlines Sorry for the inconvenience guys, i know im a pain in the but haha
I am unsure as to what happened, the website just started working normally again, must've been something the host changed, i didnt touch it haha.
sorry for wasting all your time, website is back up
Gday Guys I went to fire up my site today and i got this error Notice: The template file "/home/a5579765/public_html//lib/skins/CURRENT_SKIN/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/a5579765/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 i have not changed any files on the site, and for some reason this decided to display, im unsure what it means, may someone please explain the situation to me please, its ironic, as i was just about to move the site onto a paid hosting service Thanks
Gday All Just wanted to release the news that Qantas Virtual Airlines is now active, there are still a few final adjustments that need to be made to the site, but none of these will affect pilots. Thanks for all the support guys, this is what it got me Qantas Virtual Airlines is a virtual aviation community based for users of Microsoft Flight Simulator X, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 9. Our aim is to recreate Qantas' real-world scheduled Domestic passenger services around Australia, and scheduled international passenger services for Qantas destinations around the world. We use the VATSIM online flight simulation network to replicate these movements. VATSIM includes other airline traffic, and Live Air Traffic Controllers. The website contains a unique flight tracking pirep system, making flight documentation easy. We accept anyone wishing to pursue a career in virtual aviation, no matter where you originate from, or what your current skill level is. We aim to create a resource rich fun flying environment for Qantas enthusiasts. Further enahncements are currently being added to the site, and news will be released about these as soon as they are complete. Website Here Also any criticism is good criticism, so please post your feelings below. Thanks Guys Tylor Eddy
Thanks Nabeel, i was keen to get some developed code as i have a very limited knowledge with developing tables, i can edit, move things around and thats about it, im not sure where to start with your code, if you could help nudge me in the right direction along the way that'd be great, and id learn alot out of it as well. Cheers
I found it, the file was called flown_routes_map.tpl, i just did a search for 'route' then looked through them all, thanks for the help, looks much neater now that the maps a bit smaller cheers
Its a shame, it looks stunning, clean layout and easier to use than the default setup, if anyone has this code, or something similar, and is willing to share, don't hesitate ! lol
Just stumbled across this layout, looks amazing, anyone able to share this?, your link is dead simpilot ps. sorry for the double post
Just stumbled across this layout, looks amazing, anyone able to share this?, your link is dead simpilot
mine already appeared as you said to alter it for some reason, i copyed and pasted your code and replaced it just in case, but its being persistant and still wont change ??
Hello All I am unsure as to how i can change the size of the google map under 'View a map of all my flights' in the pilot center. I believe that its this file : profile_myroutesmap.tpl that you edit, but its empty, i checked the one currently used by the site and it is also empty, how can i change the size of this map? Thanks
Yep i did that, but the same error continued, turned out it was the analytics code that the host uses, getting rid of that fixed up every single error i had with the site, including "route passed" error, which must've been the analytics script conflicting with the bids, now i have all features working on free hosting , i'm ecstatic Thanks for the help Lorathon.
http://qantasvirtualairlines.vacau.com/ with this domain http://www.qantasvirtualairlines.co.nr/ i placed the original URL into the program http://qantasvirtualairlines.vacau.com/
Gday When i attempt to login to kACARs, i get !CONNECTION ERROR in the bottom right of the application, and this error: Notify System Administrator of the Switch error. Data not recieved Switch=verify some help would be great right now, i dont have a clue whats going on Cheers
Thats ashame, looks like ill have to stick wih my original ACARS map, thanks anyways
Thats how i was editing them as B777 said earlier, the only way, i have posted a ticket also, they have fixed a few issue but hopefully crush the rest this next reply. I suppose i can safely say that is an issue on the hosts end, thanks for the support guys
They all should have shown yesterday, beacause all 3 of the routes were flown on a wednesday, rather interesting as to why they dont wanna show up, and two are flown every day of the week. Thanks for the reply