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Everything posted by JohnMck93

  1. I saw that you figured it out, would you mind sharing the code?
  2. what features are you looking for?
  3. Sunset Airlines- http://sunsetva.zzl.org We are hiring although the site is not fully done, and time to time has errors thus unable to use the homepage due to me messing around but back on topic, you are more then welcome to join!!!!
  4. ah yes thank you that fixed the sunday issue, well you have been great help thank you so much +Karma!
  5. well oddly, now all the routes are showing even the ones M-Sat with no sunday, somereason my spreadsheet wont let me input "0" just 1-9 so i guess i get to do them all manually o rbecome a no fly on sunday airline lol
  6. i think so, how can i be sure?
  7. im having the same issue minus the error, shows all flights in admin but nothing in the schedule
  8. you can get rid of the set time error by going into a text editor and going to that line where the error is and put a @ in front so @set.....
  9. Okay well thanks for the help, off topic i love the layout of your website
  10. Okay thank you, do you also know how to show the Pilots who are currently in the air without people having to go to the Acars page?
  11. Okay thank you is that for the recent joined only though, im having more issues with"currently flying"
  12. Im trying to get my VA site to show recent pilots on one side and under that it shows "Current Flights" Well after going thru the Acarsdata table in phpmyadmin for the life of me i cant figure it out, can anyone help?
  13. JohnMck93


    guess so, got it fixed now, thanks for all the help!
  14. JohnMck93


    Creating a new image worked, guess i will re-make my old image
  15. JohnMck93


    Created via Seashore app on Mac, I wil try to create another "sample" image.
  16. JohnMck93


    I changed the image and it came out black, i put it back to the default one ( i renamed it to 123background.png ) and renamed it to the default background.png and it worked but no other images are working, let me delete the image i want to use and reupload.
  17. JohnMck93


    Still not working showing up as a black square with the US flag..
  18. does this addon require PHP_Safe? I would think not but i want to make sure
  19. JohnMck93

    Nav Issue

    thank you, going to work on it now!
  20. JohnMck93

    Nav Issue

    Well I dont seem to understand how to use custom CSS for a custom nav bar, where do i put this? <ul id="nav"> <?php Template::Show('core_navigation.tpl'); ?> </ul> and from there where should i put my Drop down nav? Thanks everyone!
  21. If your looking at account issues, and need free php hosting let me know and send me a Priv message il send you a link. Sorry if that is considered advertising!
  22. is it possible to take a screenshot of your install directory if you double checked to make sure you went to install/install.php Thanks for the correction!
  23. try going into your root folder>phpvms>install>then i do believe its index.php click go there or easier way is www.sitename.com/phpvms/install/index.php then follow instructions ***Im not sure if its index.php or install.php*** I hope that is what you meant!
  24. JohnMck93


    From Nabeel's tut vid, so the left content only shows on the mainpage
  25. JohnMck93


    I just finished the tutorial video on the skinning, but i came across this <?php if($_GET['module'] 'frontpage'] { ?> now i know that, there is something betweetn the mod and front but i could not read it on the video or understand what was said, could someone point me tothe correct direction? Thanks!
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