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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle

    954 issues

    Here's the Extra Raid!!! Now It's starting to look like it's something is messing up. Roger, here's what I would do. Back up the files, upload a new copy of phpVMS and go to local.config and edit the parameters for the DB connection. And Upload your Skin you have and upload the modules you have. Start over fresh is your best bet.
  2. Sure MSN. I'll PM you my MSN.
  3. West Jet VA, go to your php settings and enable php_gd2
  4. Yup that's the problem. You may have php setting acess, I'm not sure what your server is.
  5. Ok found the problem!!!!! your php setting is not right. The php_gd2 is off. Contact your host to get them enable that.
  6. Ok, You need that install folder to run fully for the install check. so reupload the install folder and run the checkinstall.php
  7. then reupload the install folder and run install/checkinstall.php
  8. I'm not sure, but can you still see your siggy right? If not then I think there might be a problem with your install..... So can you please run install/checkinstall.php and copy the results here.
  9. 1+ Why should we help you with your VA that is not phpVMS? LOL, Come on, it's your own CMS. Also, I still remember what happened long time ago with that Powered By phpVMS thing you removed, well here you go, with your CMS you don't have to! True!
  10. The paint........ Just looks fantastic, it's like I'm seeing the real thing. Nice work!!
  11. That's it? Did you approve the pilots while their account is pending?
  12. Hey, Go To Admin, and Go to Maintace, and Regen the Siggys. And It should work. IF not let me know.
  13. Nabeel, I had that simallar problem, I removed New Hire and Putted up with my ranks and when new pilots, their ranks go to New Hire which it doesn't exist.
  14. Hey guys, I'm looking for a program for video cards. What I am specifcly looking for is some kind manageable program so I can manage my video card, like for exmaple, if my video card is too hot, I want the program to turn up my fan. I just don't want to get out my Flight Sim and turn up the fan while flying. Does anyone know of those programs, Free is best. Thanks.
  15. Ahh Ok, I'm cleared up now. We are all a team here at phpVMS! We help out each other!
  16. Roger, Do you ever think that could be related to the hacking right now and someone hacked your FSPaintshop, and then now your virtual airlines? Or Am I wrong, just different person?
  17. Your Welcome!! Good Luck building your new VA!
  18. Yes, the pilot used a route in the route plan that takes a point to different places. So take a look at the routing and you'll see why it's doing it.
  19. It is the routing. Maybe someone routed a route point somewhere in China and then in south Africa
  20. Ok, i managed to get on my Mac fast. Since your the only pilot at the VA. Go to phpMyAdmin and go to your phpVMS database and then go to groupmembers in the list, then it should look like in the screenshot I posted below.... If it's not the same, then insert in the phpMyAdmin then enter like this... ID: 2 GroupID: 2 PilotID: 1 And you should be good. If not, let me know.
  21. Ok I think the installer didnt resgter you as admin. I have the numbers from my DB on my server that gives full admin. So it will require for you to access the phpmyadmin and it's easy. I'll post it in few hours. My server is going maintace mode to do monthly cleaning up and backing up.
  22. Ok now that's werid. Are you logged in, and if you are then click Admin Center, you should albe be in.
  23. Ok, It does look good so far, and you should able to get into the Admin because your the first pilot and you got to have an access to admin.
  24. Hey Did you Install your VMS becasue It sees that your VMS isn't installed. Becasue when you Install VMS and you should able to have access because you are the first pilot ID to access it.
  25. Hey Keith, Let's look at an exmaple admin tpl file.... You may notice this perm pasers. Just like that, just an example. <?php if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, FULL_ADMIN)) { ?> <button href="<?php echo adminaction('/pilotadmin/viewpilots');?>" pilotid="<?php echo $pilotid;?>" action="removegroup" id="<?php echo $group->groupid;?>" class="pilotgroupajax button {button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-trash'}}}">Remove</button></td> <?php } ?> So if you want to make the HR to change an group or something..... Then change the FULL_ADMIN To EDIT_PILOTS Then it should be good. You can do to the another Perm Auths in the admin tpl files. I had to do that too. Worked Great.
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