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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Here you go!!! <a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/filepirep');?>">File a Pilot Report</a>
  2. Oh Nabeel. One Question. What was the pay adjust for? What does it do?
  3. Hey Nabeel, I tested this Rev, and everything seems to be working.
  4. It does look great!! But with the download image, it's really wide. Try reducing the width and it will look good. Add the total flights would be nice for the pilots as well. And now you said your struggling with the AirMail. What does seem the problem to be? Trying to figure out where to put it? Or What?
  5. Kyle

    Airlines Stats

    No problem.
  6. Did you set up kACARS like your settings to your webstie url, pilot id and password?
  7. Yeah it's slot of work to do. Trust me it's not that easy. But you can remove the sidebar contents and the classes and it should not bother you no more.
  8. lol, lorathon, that sounds like a -1 time bomb!!
  9. Ummm, Well. I tried and I'm not sure what's up. It's not returning me the latest bid and I must missed something here for pilots. <?php if(!$lastbids) { echo '<p>Sorry No recent bids have been found</p></div>'; return; } $flights = SchedulesData::getLatestBids($userinfo->pilotid, '5'); $string = ""; foreach($flights as $flight) { $string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+'; } ?> <p align="center"><strong>Pilots Bids</strong><br /> <img src="http://www.gcmap.com/map?P=<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=685x360&PM=pemr:star10:white%2b%22%25I%22:white&PC=orange" /><br /> Maps generated by the <a href="http://www.gcmap.com/">Great Circle Mapper</a> - copyright © <a href="http://www.kls2.com/~karl/">Karl L.Swartz</a></p>
  10. Crap!!! I forgot about that. Let me work on it. I'll return shortly if I can get it.
  11. Ughhgghh Roger, Basically I think this is a good idea, Since simpilot is popular, you know what it means, people chasing them for help and an awsner for less than one minute .... So since I think it's a good idea and it should stay up just to warn people to what they are dealing!!!
  12. Nice Site, But at your screenshots center, it does look like it's off.... To fix this, go to core/templates/Screenshots/screenshots_viewer.tpl and go to line 57 or find this.... if ($tiles == '4') { echo '</tr>'; $tiles=0; } and change the 4 to 3 and it would look fit in your site area.
  13. Hey Michael, Just to clear up, I don't think you need the 's in in the VA code. It should be done like that.. <?php echo StatsData::TotalPaxCarried(MER); ?> and it will return the data in order of an VA.
  14. Ummm, It does look like to me that he doesn't have a font for Arial or something. I'm not sure. lol.
  15. No problem!! That's what we are here for!
  16. That would been a good idea, since I have XCode that develops Iphone Apps. but I'm a noob. I'm just learning php and C++ very slowly.
  17. Hey The bidding is whenever you search though the scehudles and whenever you want to fly the flight you simply add it to bid and you fly the flight.
  18. lol, thanks.
  19. Ummm, Add the pop up news list, add the latest reports, add the flightboard. That's all it's in my minds, lol.
  20. Ahh Okay, Sounds good enough!
  21. Yeah I guess. I think that's the way.
  22. I'm not sure what you mean? It does look okay to me as it's saying no flights in progress.
  23. It is free to list your VA, but there is a premium account that will allow you to post your VA screen shots and stuff for a cost.
  24. Could this any be possabiltily that it might be the problem, something wrong with it? From The PilotAdmin.php protected function ApprovePilot() { PilotData::AcceptPilot($this->post->id); RanksData::CalculatePilotRanks(); $pilot = PilotData::GetPilotData($this->post->id); # Send pilot notification $subject = Lang::gs('email.register.accepted.subject'); $this->set('pilot', $pilot); $message = Template::GetTemplate('email_registrationaccepted.tpl', true, true, true); Util::SendEmail($pilot->email, $subject, $message); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Approved '.PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid).' - ' .$pilot->firstname.' ' .$pilot->lastname); }
  25. I'm working on it. I'm looking at the coding and see why it isn't giving the name out.
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