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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle

    Two Questions?

    Thanks, i'll give it a try later till i upgrade my PC. I need a new power supply before i upgrade my pc, new video card-1GB, maybe a new i7 core proesscer.
  2. I agree with you, Windows 7 is good for my FS2004. so i;m still thinking about it and i might stick with Windows 7 and i will need new drivers but first i have to get a new power supply so i can upgrade the system to fly good on FS2004. When i always land it always mess up my landings and my landing rate are not really good becasuse of the damn lags.
  3. yep, but i had to download two drivers for Video Card and Sound and installed it with no problems and i had to install a program called EasyBCD to manage my boot up settings so i can select which OS to start, Windows 7 or XP. I;m going to compare them to see how it suits and see if it is good. What i am running on XP Professional is 2.40GHZ Intel Core 2 3 GB of RAm 254MB of video which it is running smoothly. Been a day installing the OS and getting everything out. Thanks to everyone who awnsered my questions today.
  4. Ok, everything went good and windows working. But how do i boot back Windows 7 becasse it keeps booting to the XP. Anything? Nevermind, i found out how to boot two OS. Thanks for awnsering my questions people! I think i'll go back to XP.
  5. Kyle

    Vacation Time

    Good One Joeri!!!!
  6. Kyle

    Vacation Time

    Have Fun Jeff!!!! We'll take good care of your kACARS.
  7. I'm a mac guy too! Thanks for this!
  8. Hey mark, dual boot you mean when i start my Pc and i'm givien two choices which OS to start? I'm going to partition my hard drive and give it a try.
  9. hey tom, thanks. but i want to make sure that my PC will run Windows XP first, so is creating a partion good way or is there anything i need to to have two Operating Systems in my PC.
  10. Hey, i need a little techie help, I have windows 7 in my hard drive installed and i want to go back to windows XP, is there a way i can do it? Any help would be great......
  11. Yeah should work that way.
  12. you can't right now, but i'm sure someone is making it right now or not. But wisely, you could look for some where for exams things around the net and you might find one.
  13. Ok, i was just wondering like what would happen and i don't plan to take it off. Thanks for answering my question.
  14. no, like i mean if you don't pay it and you take it off, what would happen?
  15. ok, let's hang on, i'll deal TAV's problem and i'll deal with Tato. But let me rename the skin system and i'll look into the issues.
  16. but what if they legally remove it, what happens?
  17. Kyle

    Two Questions?

    ok, thanks lotharan.
  18. Kyle

    Two Questions?

    Hey, I just got a new iMac and i'm wondering if kACARs will work on mac and Xplane work together?
  19. Awsome nabeel, now we won't have any issues with powered by phpVMS problems over the topics. But i don't really need it, that's why phpVMS is free and open source so i'll keep the powered by phpVMS up.
  20. It's already there
  21. Ok, thanks tom. . I guess i will have to call the airlines to ask for a permisson.
  22. Ok, if i own a VA after a airline but for expamle.. The Airlines's name is: Air Canada and i want the va to be: Air Canadas Virtual and i use the logo but i edit to suit to the VA. but not like the real airlines logo. And some real airlines askes you to shut down due to copyrights, i don't understant why, but i'm not using the same logo or anything else. A freind was telling it it's okay to do that way, but i'm not sure............. If you would clear it up why is that way for me please, thanks.
  23. Ok, i can't find my skin in my hard drive, if anyone has the fresh copy of it would be greatly thanks . I'm going to work on the issues.
  24. Very Nice VA!!!
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