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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. But cor did you use the file from the first post in this topic or did you do something to the second file?
  2. You will have to edit all of the PIREPS to the desirded flight prices. like i said and it should work. Your welcome! I'm off for the night, enjoy your night/day and happy thanksgiving from Canada.
  3. crap, it might work or not. You will have to edit all of the PIREPS to the desirded flight prices.
  4. YEah! Go to admin and go to Maintenance Options then reset reset pilot payments
  5. Really! Werid. Just try to upload it again and check the flight info in the admin panel and you should see the ticket price, it should just in numbers.
  6. Ok here's the problem, take out the $, it should be like in number format, not $ or comma. just numbers 10000
  7. How are you excatly intserting it in?
  8. Ummm, can you screenshot of your a flight in your Admin Panel please?
  9. Ok, you didn't set your ticket prices. Go to admin panel and go to flights, then edit your flight prices at Ticket Price.
  10. You didn't set your flight prices also, can i have your site url so i can see your PIREPs to see if you had the ticket prices set.
  11. You deleted all of your news, add news and it will work again.
  12. I am currently having that same issue as Cor. and running phpVMS 934 and using the latest one :http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3289-screenshotcenter-10/page__view__findpost__p__25233 I placed the file in the right order/path and uploaded the SQL files. And also when i upload three photos and i aprrove it and it does not show, BUT! the picture is in the pics folder. Here................... The database on my server The picture of my site, at screenshot center. The picture folder in my server UPDATE NEWS: I downloaded the file from the first post of this topic and it's showing but the second one is not..................
  13. Go to Admin and go to Airlines Tab, then click on edit to change your airlines.
  14. Posting in wrong area. The problem that you didn't click start flight.
  15. I have upgraded my system now. New 500 Watt Power Supply and 1GB of ATI Radeon 5770 HD by HIS. Now on the way to new i7
  16. Nice VA giorgi!!!
  17. If you know how to fix this, please let me know.... With Windows 7 and my server is local like this "myserver.local". When i am running windows 7 ulmiate and when i was adding the domain to it with locally and it said.......... An Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for the domain "KYLE75675.local" could not be contacted. Ensure that the domain is typed correctly. What is wrong. My server is connected and on and running to the router and my computer is running to the router too. How can i fix this? Thanks
  18. It seems to. I had that problem before. It was just pissing me off and banning IP addresses. Connor, the best way to prevent is this to ban every IP Addresses on who signed up. And reset the pilot ids in the maintiance area in phpVMS. I think. Or something else.
  19. Sorry TAV. I can't find this Really Good Guide to repaint. But I'll see if i can get another copy........
  20. still no luck, I have a 2 TB Hard Drive and i have over 900GB of files, but i'll keep looking for it.
  21. Hey TAV, I have a gudie from someone that taught me how to repaint an aircraft even the guide is followed by posky 777-300. Let me find it in my PC and i'll let you know. Also i use photoshop CS5........
  22. Go get them Dave. You are the winner all the times.
  23. You will need a custom kACARS. If you want one for a price. contact lothron.
  24. I need that kinda add-on. I'm trying to create another VA for the pilots own aircrafts where they can log their hours personally, almost like VATSIM..... I might need that. 1+ rep for you.
  25. I know what you mean joeri...... HE removed powered by phpVMS with out paying the fee to remove it, maybe......
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