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Problem integrating airline stats into static website
ahughes3 replied to ahughes3's topic in Support Forum
Right so I may have made a bit of progress. I am using "shortcode exec php" which is a plugin for wordpress that allows you to enter php code (minus the php tags) and then execute it. You can then save it and it creates a shortcode to enter on a standard wordpress page. The code I used is: include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/airline-operations/core/codon.config.php'); $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","spiritc1","H0llsh3l@3","spiritc1_phpvms"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); mysqli_close($con); This resulted in this output: [url="http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/index.php/profile/view/15"]VIR015 Jay Abbott[/url] [url="http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/index.php/profile/view/3"]VIR003 Macauley Grisedale[/url] [url="http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/index.php/profile/view/1"]VIR001 Andy Hughes[/url][live_boards_test]="HTML [url="http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/index.php/profile/view/16%22>"]http://www.virginatl...ofile/view/16">[/url] VIR016 Aaron Sear </a> </p> <p> <a href="[url="http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/index.php/profile/view/15%22>"]http://www.virginatl...ofile/view/15">[/url] VIR015 Jay Abbott </a> </p> <p> <a href="[url="http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/index.php/profile/view/3%22>"]http://www.virginatl...rofile/view/3">[/url] VIR003 Macauley Grisedale </a> </p> <p> <a href="[url="http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/index.php/profile/view/1%22>"]http://www.virginatl...rofile/view/1">[/url] VIR001 Andy Hughes </a> </p> [live_boards_test]=" I'm assuming this means that I connected fine to main controller and pulled results from the database, although it looks a right mess obviously. Next challenge is to try it in a proper worpress page and see what it does. -
Problem integrating airline stats into static website
ahughes3 replied to ahughes3's topic in Support Forum
We did Vangelis and if I'd had half a brain I would have remembered our session (in fact I think I remember a little, but I was hoping you'd have miraculously forgotten me and I could pretend like it never happened then it wouldn't be half as embarrassing starting it again!) So I will give your suggestion a go simpilot and see if I can get it showing up. Out of interest, does it matter that my website is built on wordpress? Not sure how php works in the normal pages and widgets. I suspect it might require a php page of its own which is then shortcoded in a wordpress page? I'll post back in a bit if I can't crack it. Thanks as always chaps. -
[sOLVED] Ok so I'm not entirely sure whether it was just your suggestion or whether indeed my filepaths were screwed up, or maybe both. But I shall give you credit nonetheless! Thanks for your advice simpilot. [sOLUTION] I deleted the version of jsconnect and installed the version you suggested. I manually deleted the auth details from the "authenticationprovider" table in the database just to give it a clean start. I then logged back into the dashboard for Vanilla (If you find you've logged out and can't back into the admin panel follow this http://vanillaforums...-login-as-admin From the admin panel I then accessed the jsconnect plugin again and setup a new ID and Secret Code Re-entered all of the filepaths to the authorization, login and register pages (be very careful to get these right as I suspect this was a large part of the problem for me) Then I went back to my "vanilla.php" file from vanilla bridge and entered my new ID and Secret Key, along with the filepath to vanilla forum. Once I'd set everything, I then tested the url link and I got the result as per the "Vanilla Bridge" instructions from simpilotgroup. Tested the logins and it worked beautifully! Another problems self-created to check off the list
Hi all, New issue for me with kACARS. I have a guy doing his first flight for our new airline and he has just said kACARs won't let him file the Pirep both using the button or manually. He said he gets an error message saying schedule does not exist. I have looked at the logs and the only thing coming up at all is this: ===== Time: 05.22.14 07:51:45 ===== Time: 05.22.14 07:51:45 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::get_results > PIREPData::findPIREPS > PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount > PIREPS->RecentFrontPage > call_user_func_array > MainController::Run > include > TemplateSet->getTemplate > TemplateSet->showTemplate Query: SELECT p.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.submitdate) as submitdate, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.modifieddate) as modifieddate, u.pilotid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.rank, a.id AS aircraftid, a.name as aircraft, a.registration, dep.name as depname, dep.lat AS deplat, dep.lng AS deplng, arr.name as arrname, arr.lat AS arrlat, arr.lng AS arrlng FROM phpvms_pireps p LEFT JOIN phpvms_aircraft a ON a.id = p.aircraft LEFT JOIN phpvms_airports AS dep ON dep.icao = p.depicao LEFT JOIN phpvms_airports AS arr ON arr.icao = p.arricao LEFT JOIN phpvms_pilots u ON u.pilotid = p.pilotid ORDER BY p.submitdate DESC LIMIT 5 Error: (1054) - Unknown column 'p.modifieddate' in 'field list' ===== ===== Not sure if its related, doesn't look like it. I've searched the forums but didn't see anything specifically relating to this issue, hence I'm asking for some help. The version of kACARs he's using is free This is the first flight since installing the kACARs client and module. To let you know what I did, I downloaded the module, dropped it into the core folder alongside the one already in there. I changed the existing one to kACARS_Free_old and changed the one I downloaded from kACARS_Free_v1.0.1.1 to kACARs_Free. The connection to kACARs works fine and we can find the schedule and enter it. It's just this last bit. Not sure how to resolve or where to look. Any help would be gratefully received asap as my pilot is sat there with his kACARs still open waiting for me to solve it
The url of the forum installation is: http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/forum/vanilla/index.php'>http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/forum/vanilla/index.php The site itself is obviously http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk The forum itself works lovely, I can connect just through using the forum itself. The problem is just setting up the jsconnect. In the instructions, where it tells you to create the connection and input urls for authorisation, registration etc, it says that when set up correctly and test it, it should return a result such as: However, mine did not. It just showed me a "page cannot be found". So I am guessing that either the forum files have been updated since this tutorial and something different needs to happen (I say this because the screenshots in the tutorial don't match the actual software) or I am just getting the urls wrong or the "vanilla.php" settings wrong for the phpvms connection script. So anyways, even with that problem I can get as far as the sign in link on the forum taking me to phpvms as it should. Then when I sign in, it takes me to the blank page and says "provider could not be found". It feels like i'm inches away from it working
Ok so I am now further forward with this. I have finally got it to take me to the phpvms to login, but then when it is supposed to take me back to the forum site once Ive logged in, it doesn't and I get a "whoops that page doesn't exist". I've tried a bunch of different urls which make little difference. Not sure where else to look at the moment
I have just tried to download and install the Vanilla Forum and am hitting a problem with the jsconnect plugin setup. It is asking me to fill in various filepaths to the phpvms registration page, login page etc. I put in what I think is right and everytime it returns an error saying Oops something went wrong, we cannot process at this time. The layout is slightly different to your instructions with one extra field and some checkboxes for ticking things. I'm not sure what any of them relate to and so I leave them as default. Try as I might, I cannot get past this page. Is there any help you can provide. Either I'm just getting the filepaths wrong or their is something wrong with the plugin. Personally I think it's my filepaths.
Problem integrating airline stats into static website
ahughes3 replied to ahughes3's topic in Support Forum
Ok so I'd like to kick this off again and to be honest I'm still don't have much idea how to do it. Let me try and explain and see how we get on. I have an va website which is external to phpvms as follows: http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk (main webste) http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/index.php (phpvms installation) What I want to do is be able to show, booked flights, recent flights and active flights information on the external website homepage. What I do know is that I need to make a connection to the database to retrieve the information stored. What I don't know is how I then setup the equivalent of a .tpl to show the right information on the external webpage. Basically I want the live flight boards type thing, but on my external website. I am not a coder, so if anyone has some information or guidance that will help me, please offer it in laymans, idiot terms so I can follow Thanks in advance for your support. -
Hey this looks awesome. Would it be possible to pull the data through onto an external website outside of the phpvms system?
SOLVED *** Ok so the problem in a nutshell was: I had a different version of phpvms to the sql file that is in the github download. The phpvms version includes the "week1, week2, week3, week4" and the "payforflight" fields in the routes form The sql database doesn't include these columns Therefore, when you try to add routes it throws up the errors: "There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list'" ****** Do not just add your routes into the database as it is ******* This will cause your schedules to show up and you will be able to bid on them, but when you go to view your bids, it will say "No Bids Found". ****** SOLUTION ******** Either find yourself a newer "SQL" file to upload the table as it should be (I haven't tried that) Go into the database and manually add the columns; "week1" (use the same settings for the column as is used in the "daysofweek" column) "week2" (use the same settings for the column as is used in the "daysofweek" column) "week3" (use the same settings for the column as is used in the "daysofweek" column) "week4" (use the same settings for the column as is used in the "daysofweek" column) "payforflight" (use the same settings for the column as is used in the "price" column) Once you've done this, go back and try to add a route. It should now complete without errors and your route will show up correctly in your schedules list in the admin centre. Furthermore, you should now be able to bid on a flight and it shows up in your "view my bids" section. Hope that helps anyone else who gets stuck on this too
Ok so it's not working for any account and doesn't show any bids for anyone, yet they are in the database.
Just checked the database and yes it is in there. I thought this was the case as its the same with the schedules. They are in the database but for some reason won't show in the admin panel and the bids don't show on pilot centre. I'm just going to do a quick test and set myself up as a new pilot to rule out any chance that it's just my account.
Hi All, Just to let you know, Blue Spirit VA has now changed its name to Virgin Atlantic Virtual. We have previously been flying on the FS Airlines system and VAFS but felt it was time to move onto something more flexible and scalable. It is a completely fresh start for us. We have 8 active pilots and a few who do a bit now and then. We are a VA for both new and experienced pilots and ATC. Our aim is to create a flying environment that balances fun with realism in order to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. Todays noobs are tomorrows veterans! We have a good setup including: A nice, informative website (www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk - still more to add to it yet) Pilot Forum Teamspeak 3 server IP FS Open Session (Virgin Atlantic VA) for the UK (Gatwick) We have a range of aircraft liveries (more in development) Vatsim trained pilots and controllers We are planning a launch event on FS Open this Saturday for anyone who would like to join us (bit like a house warming party but in plances). We are planning to do more both on our multiplayer session and Vatsim. Our events are both midweek and weekends to be as flexible as possible. Obviously we are looking to recruit more pilots and looking forward to hearing from people who are just interested in flying and those who fancy becoming part of our admin teams and helping us grow our already fabulous airline. In particular, anyone who has solid experience of PHPVMS coding and, or Livery Design would be very much appreciated. Happy to have a chat to anyone that is interested in finding out more about us. Take care
- 1
This is the first time I am trying to add routes on this install. The aircraft went in fine, just can't get the routes too. What I did notice, is that if I go to the pilot centre and click on "schedules" the route that I entered through the database shows up and I can bid on it. But when I go to view my bids, it tell me I have no bids to view. Any pointers whatsoever would be handy now as I can't use the system without fixing this.
I can confirm that both the dept and arr airports are in the database, as is the aircraft I am trying to use with the schedule and yes I am using the template with week 1,2, etc.
Hello all, I am having difficulty importing my flight schedules for my VA and wondered if someone could point out the obvious or any glaring holes in my template for uploading. code flightnum depicao arricao route route_details aircraft flightlevel distance deptime arrtime flighttime daysofweek price flighttype timesflown notes enabled VIR 1001 AYPY VHHH G-VFOX 28000 2736.6 15:30 Z 21:00 Z 5 123456 2756 P 1 VIR 1002 AYPY VHHH G-VFOX 28000 2736.6 15:30 Z 21:00 Z 5 123456 2756 P 1 Is this ok as a csv for uploading? That's my first challenge. The next challenge is that the errors I get mostly relate to 2 things: OIIE - Tehran not recognised ICAO code - skips the schedule Aircraft not recognised - skipping I know for certain that the aircraft, with that registration does in fact exist in the database and on the list of aircraft in the admin centre. I have done a search on here so if someone knows of an answer I've missed please post me a link. If not, can anyone shed some light on what might be the cause. Thanks Andy EDIT Ok so I added a route manually through the database and it accepted it. I went to look at the schedules in the admin centre and sure enough it's there but some of the details have changed, for example; the aircraft registration I entered is not the one showing in the list. So, I went to the admin centre to see if I could manually alter the aircraft registration and this is the error I got. There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' Any help, much appreciated
Yes I get that, I run four gaming servers and a virtual airline, two businesses and somewhere in amongst that is my family! Still I would have thought phpvms was big enough to have a whole bunch of admins helping keep it up-to-date and error free. If I knew how to code I would happily lend a hand. Whilst I think of it, the Open Flash issue I had has been resolved. It turns out, it's not to do with PHP version. Rather than explain, I'll link my other post which has a fix of sorts that worked for me. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8192-solution-strict-standards-errornew-php/ Hope it's of some use to someone.
Flippin typical, I spent ages looking through posts on here for a fix! Anyways, mine has worked and from the looks of it, I think its the same thing? Both this fix and my fix look like they just switch error reporting off. Thanks anyways for your resonse, I'm not going to start messing with it again now
Ok so I have managed to make a bit of progress although I'm not sure it's the right thing to do :/ So the problems: None of the information lists regarding pilots, airports, fleet show up in the admin panel and when I try to add something new in any of these areas I get a "strict standards" error message. Also none of the flash charts show and I get an error message that says; Open Flash Chart JSON Parse Error [syntax Error] Error at character 0, line 1: 0: <br /> So I have spent nearly two whole days and nights trying to read up, understand and find out how to fix this and I don't even know the first thing about coding php. But as I said, I made a little progress. As per my previous comment, I did the suppressing errors thing but it didn't work. However, when looking at different files, I went into the codon.config.php and within the first few lines there is this code; @ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); which to me looks like error reporting. So I changed it to; @ini_set('display_errors', 'off'); The result is that my error messages went away (obviously) but also, the info lists suddenly appeared as they should. So now I can see my new pilots, airports, routes and everything. Now, I am not recommending that you do this before a fresh install as I suspect it will suppress all sorts of other errors if you have them. However, once you're installed and you only have the same problems as me left then try it and hopefully it will get you somewhat operational. What this temporary fix also did was alter the "Open Flash" error to this; Open Flash Chart IO ERROR Loading test data Error #2032 This is the URL that I tried to open:http://www.virginatlanticvirtual.co.uk/airline-operations/admin/action.php/dashboard/pirepcounts Now I'm kinda thinking that this Open Flash error is something to do with filepath and passing the data to the json file. But then again I know nothing about coding. Any thoughts anyone? *** Edit *** Even more progress! What I didn't mention in the above, was that I had already edited the filepath in the OFCharts.class.php file to point to the open-flash-chart.php file using the full path. As I had already said, the new error looked like a filepath issue so I went back into the OFCharts file and set the filepath back to it original one (/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php). I then went to my admin panel, hit refresh and bingo. All the charts are there, the info lists too. Fingers crossed, all seems to be well again
Yup I too have used the code mentioned in the initial post and I still have errors. For example, if I try to accept a new pilot registration or if I try to add airports in, it throws up an error. The error I get when trying to add the airports is as follows: Strict Standards: Accessing static property Operations::$post as non static in /home5/spiritc1/public_html/virginatlanticvirtualco/airline-operations/admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php on line 295 Strict Standards: Accessing static property Operations::$post as non static in /home5/spiritc1/public_html/virginatlanticvirtualco/airline-operations/admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php on line 862 It also then doesn't show the airports in the usual chart (I suspect this might be the open flash thing), but the airport is in the database. I am sure this isn't to do with the Operations.php file but is caused by another file acting on it. However, I have no idea which file or how to resolve. As always, any advice or guidance would be much appreciated. I may have to switch back to VAFS or FS Airlines otherwise which I really really don't want to do.
Hmm that's massively disappointing. So is it the case that phpvms won't be updated in the future?
Hi, I downloaded the version from github that you posted in the link you provided. Not sure where to look for the version but is this right? Version v2.1.934-170-g5ca803a I tried already using the download from the phpvms website which obviously didn't work so I downloaded the "master" version you suggested. The version of php on my hosting is 5.5 I think. They only just recently updated it. As for Simpilot's 2 cents, if I am running the latest version of php and the version of phpvms is old, do I just lump it or is there any way to work around? This doesn't seem to be a new issue and goes back to early 2013 as far as I can see. Whilst it doesn't stop the actual site from working and pilots booking flights etc, it would be great to sort so admins can view stats otherwise not sure how else we keep up to date. Thanks for the responses guys, I'm learning but I'm slow. (that sounded so much better in my head!)
Ok really that is not helpful Joeri, especially as a staff member. This is clearly a problem for a number of people and you obviously have a setup that is working. Would it not be possible for you and Wiltshire to compare your files and see where there are any differences. Does the development team really have no idea what is causing the issue or how to resolve it? If I had a working version myself, I would compare every file and try to zone in on the differences. I would also see if I could pack up my working files and pass them to others. I might even say what version of php i'm running with my working files. Or I might just offer nothing but sarcasm, but why would anyone do that eh
Hello all, So I too am facing the dreaded "open flash" issue. I have reinstalled phpvms half a dozen times including using the github files referenced earlier in the post. I still get the open flash error and no charts showing. I have already since deleted the local.config.php file and done a couple of other things to sort out initial install errors. This is the last problem I am getting. I do have an ofc folder with other folders and files in there. Could it be as simple as an incorrect file path looking for the flash player file? Can anyone tell me where I might find the relevant file to check the filepath. Or indeed, any other thoughts as to what might be the cause. I am sure there must be a few geniuses out there who have fixed this already.
Problem integrating airline stats into static website
ahughes3 replied to ahughes3's topic in Support Forum
Thanks Vangelis, I'll deffo take you up on it. I am around all evening tonight. If you are then maybe we can try it tonight?