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    Flying on FSX until I can get enough money to get my PPL and CPL

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  1. The site has been closed, due to many people posting 'hate messages' to me about it. Thanks for your time
  2. thanks for the support...
  3. I dont know why you are unable to connect to it. It is working fine for me : http://bavirtual.3eeweb.com/phpvms/ This is the link I connect via my web browser with. What error is coming up for you?
  4. bavirtual.3eeweb.com/phpvms This is the main site url for the home page
  5. To Mischka In response, yes I have and I have received approval from them. I got approval from them before starting up the VA Lewis
  6. I mean, for the VA Profile part. Which base url do i use??
  7. Soz for the late reply, and Im still getting the error come up. Ive changed the module, and Ive got the right program, im running it as admin. Anything else. P.S Should my base url be : http://www.bavirtual.3eeweb.com OR Should it be this?:http://www.bavirtual.3eeweb.com/phpvms Thanks
  8. To All I have started up a British Airways Virtual Airline. Before we open up to the general public of simmers we are looking for people to become staff. The following vacancies are available Site Design Manager - This includes making necessary skin modifications etc Schedule Manager - This is a very important role, to input the necessary flights & the aircraft registration that flies the flight route. Training Team - This is for people who are experienced with FSX procedures & maybe real life. This is to give pilots the OPPORTUNITY to learn how to fly with correct procedures etc. Vice CEO - To generally mange the whole VA when I am unavailable For more info on these jobs, or to apply for one send the team a message here : jobs@bavirtual.3eeweb.com We will get back to you withing 24 hrs GUARANTEED. Also, a custom email address is provided to all members of staff + an added bonus... Lewis Watson CEO of BA Virtual
  9. And btw, thanks for the guide but it still didnt work Any other suggestions?
  10. Also, I am using 3eeweb.com as my serverhost and yes, it is free until i start getting members etc
  11. Looks great, as you said there are some coding issues but it is a great bit of php coding
  12. Tried that, but it comes up with switch=verify. I will be happy to give u an account so you can test it out yourself if you wish
  13. To All I am trying to use Kacars and I simply cannot get it to work. I am using this web host : 3eeweb.com I am using a free hosting package at the moment until everything works etc. So, i also have a .co.nr domain name. I have tried to use the download for Kacars profile but with no success of it working. Please help Lewis
  14. I have tried to use that and would actually prefer to use that but it comes up with the following error as seen in the image below
  15. A lot of airlines do it. Maybe you should do it on a trust basis. I.e, if they have been with the Airline for 'so long' or if they have flown 'this many hours' with an Acars, you allow them to manually submit? Just an idea
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