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Everything posted by Conor

  1. this should explain it
  2. How about a code snippet in the profile page showing what months the pilot has won?
  3. Conor


    I reccomend tom aswell great work great quality
  4. I cant even upload one lol my airline slug is eks_euroskiesvirtualairlines and i cant upload a logo at all
  5. ahh i see ill just make a custom one so
  6. Conor

    Pilot Ranks

    talk about a bump lol
  7. Thanks although it only seems to shoe half of out routes? It's missing all flights from cork
  8. http://euroskies.vacau.com/index.php/routemap/view
  9. Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'RouteMap::view' was given in /home/a1225568/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 292 This came up
  10. I mean the map that shows all your VA's routes it was in some of the older version of VMS anyway
  11. Im trying to figure out how to show modules on a page and i dont know how for example i want to put the RouteMap on a page what do i need and where do i put it? Thanks
  12. Conor


    Ahh run the update of course stupid me jumping the gun waaaay to fast sorry about that Thanks Nabeel!
  13. Conor


    Ive run into a huuuge problem i have updated the phpVMS version to the newest and now i cant log into my account! i am using a custom skin and we are due to open on Saturday! any suggestions? http://euroskies.vacau.com you can try and log in with the guest account Email: guest@euroskies.vacau.com Password: guestpilot
  14. Conor


    Thanks anyway and phpVMS is an amazing project
  15. Conor


    Holy crap that was fast!! and of course i didnt look in the obvious place
  16. Conor


    I just want to know what i have to do to update cos i dont want to screw anything up i have downloaded the latest updat can anyone give a step by step of what to do?
  17. I could have just asked on msn so i need to contact the skin designer?
  18. Ive tried looking through the phpvms files but i can seem to find a .tpl that i can change the Nav Bar order in what i want to do is: Home||Fleet||Operations||about us etc... and swap them around
  19. It seems to be fixing itself slowly but the latest news dosent show
  20. i thinks something is wrong with mine http://euroskies.vacau.com
  21. Conor

    Help With a Skin

    Im only looking for something fairly simple that shouldnt be to much hassle for the creator
  22. Hi im Conor! ;D I tried learning the tutorials but i just get lost and i cant do it So i was wondering would anyone like to make one for me? I have no money to offer so its a freebie so i understand if i get little or no feedback anyway if your interested email me conor-1993@hotmail.com and we can discuss more
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