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Everything posted by Caporrella

  1. I had this error, solved changing php version from 5.6 to 5.3
  2. Hi, how to delete at the top left corner?And, why the site didn't recognize accented characters?
  3. Caporrella


    Hi Bruno, how are you? After 2 year I need your service again! I need a custom free acars for Millenium Air http://lnx.milleniumair.eu Here the logo: http://lnx.milleniumair.eu/lib/skins/vairline/img/banner.png Thanks in advance mate!
  4. thank you mylesgcarey!
  5. Hello, this template is very nice! I'm trying to use it but i've this error: Someone can help me?
  6. So, homepage work, but every link I try have this error: Solved: cgi.fix_pathinfo to 1
  7. Problem solved! i've used the guide you found Now it work! Thanks simpilot!
  8. Ok, after change line 192 a new istallation is fine. Deleted .htaccess file from site root but still 500 error. Now when I check installation i've this result: http://lnx.milleniumair.eu/install/checkinstall.php
  9. Done, now i've this error: and server error 500 on homepage
  10. Hi all, i'm trying to install phpvms on an aruba server (hosting windows + linux) After first page settings (database, host etc.), at second page i've this error: and at last page, after VA settings, i've this error: and finally result is this: http://lnx.milleniumair.eu Someone can help me?
  11. Example: our company has bought 2 new aircraft, I want add this expense in financial section, how to do it only one time?
  12. Someone can help us?
  13. in local.config.php change airport lookup setting from geonames to phpvms
  14. ifdg? wilco? aerosoft? however, at that FL set your speed as mach and not IAS, mach 0.78 is cruse speed of aribus...
  15. Caporrella


    negative, it's happened only one time for now, i'll try it again today
  16. United Nations Virtual is a flightsimmer community and don't have connection with real U.N. Organization. This website is created to pay a tribute to all men and women that work with fervor as humanitarian volunteers with U.N.O., UNICEF, Red Cross and Red Crescent and also other humanitarian organizations. As a virtual pilot you can fly from everywhere to every destination where people need help. Hour main hub is "John Fitzgerald Kennedy" Airport in New York (USA), head office of United Nations Organization. Other hubs are Brindisi (Italy), Accra (Ghana), Dubai (UAE), Subang (Malaysya), Panama City (Panama). Online flights on IVAO or Vatsim networks are preferred, so also offline flight are allowed. No war flight are allowed, we only replicate humanitarian and peace missions. Join us on http://unitednations....altervista.org
  17. Caporrella


    when I checked Charter I got this error:
  18. you need to set it in both local.config.php and app.config.php in my site it work well
  19. yes, change geonames to phpvms in your local.config.php
  20. sorry, where to add this line?
  21. Caporrella


    i'll try it tomorrow!
  22. I used this for StatsData.class.php /** * Return the total number of cargo carried * * @return mixed This is the return value description * */ public static function TotalCargoCarried($airline_code = '') { $key = 'total_cargo_carried'; if($airline_code != '') { $key .= '_'.$airline_code; } $total = CodonCache::read($key); if($total === false) { $params = array( 'table' => TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps', 'fields' => 'SUM(`load`) as `total`', 'where' => array( 'accepted' => PIREP_ACCEPTED, 'flighttype' => 'C' ), ); if(!empty($airline_code)) { $params['where']['code'] = $airline_code; $params['group'] = 'code'; } $sql = DB::build_select($params); $results = DB::get_results($sql); if(!$results) { $total = 0; } else { $total = $results[0]->total; } CodonCache::write($key, $total, '15minute'); } return $total; } My first edit of php code, and it work!
  23. everything work well except live acars...
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