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Everything posted by Caporrella

  1. Hello guys, in past months our flight was regularly shown in va central live map, but from about 10 days it doesn't work. What can be happened?
  2. impossible to find...dns problems?
  3. Hi pilots! I would you inform about ItAli Airlines Virtual news: - Domain name changed, now is www.italivirtual.com - Hub expansion: Milano Malpensa opened as second hub; - Fleet expansion: now there are 5 MD82, 2 Dornier 328 Jet, 1 Boeing B738 and 1 Sukhoi Superjet 100 - Italian IFR Tour relased - CargoItalia joint venture: we buyed 51% of CargoItalia stock, and also 3 MD11 in CargoItalia livery, now CargoItalia is a cargo partner of ItAli Airlines Virtual. - IVAO affiliation requested Project for next future: - Purchasing of a Boeing B773ER - Leasing of an Airbus A320 - European tour release Happy landings! ItAli Airlines Staff
  4. same problem for me...
  5. It's more easy than it looks: when you add an airline unchek "enabled", you will be able to add schedules but user can't select it in registration form!
  6. You missed LIBP Pescara - Aeroporto d'Abruzzo "Pasquale Liberi" as Hub, for moment I selected LIBD, but our is LIBP!
  7. Caporrella


    tested today, it work very well! any new features in future?
  8. Caporrella


    Good, i'll test it this afternoon and i'll Give You feedback...
  9. ok, thanks a lot, i'll write only expenses with a great discount!
  10. for example Government contribution + 1.500.000€ Aircraft sell +30.000.000
  11. Caporrella


    downloaded, i'll test it in about 2 days!
  12. Hi guys, I need to add Earnings in VA finances manually, like as expenses, but I don't now how can i do. Someone can help me?
  13. Caporrella


    Hi, I'm testing your app, I would give some appoint: when get flight data from VA site, is not allowed to change FL. If in VA database FL is not inserted, when start log acars say TOC reached, cruise 00ft. If pilot don't bid a flight can't use your program for TT flights. In main panel program, log window scroll up automatically and if log is long pilot can't see last records. Sorry for my bad explanation, I hope you understand. Regards, Daniele Caporrella ItAli Airlines Virtual CEO
  14. I try some times a day, but ever same error. Now I've deleted VA from VA central and creating it again, same things for code in local.config file...
  15. Very interested!!
  16. I had this errore when search a flight in homepage!
  17. very well! check your site address, if you click on your link we can se only parten directory, right url is http://britishbluevirtual.co.uk./phpvms/
  18. I'm interested to codeshare. My VA is brand new and We need a repainter for pmdg aircrafts. For the moment We are only 5 people. HTTP://italivirtual.altervista.org
  19. interested too!
  20. I don't know that I need to do, wich file modify and how... can you help me?
  21. Same problem How can I fix it?
  22. Look at this: how can I fix it? thanks in advance!
  23. ItAli Airlines Virtual is a reborn virtual airline! Our hub is LIBP Aeroporto d'Abruzzo in Pescara Join us to fly around Italy and nearest contry. We fly with 3 MD82 and a Sukhoi Superjet 100, but in accordance with next incoming sim€ we will expand our fleet with some new Boeing aircrafts, new destinations and hubs. Staff Recruitment: ItAli Virtual is currently looking for new staff to join our team. You can apply by sending an e-mail to daniele.caporrella[at]gmail.com Open Staff positions: -FAR - Aircraft repainter -SAC - Administrative ad commercial managers -HMN - Hub manager: LIBP -PRD - Public Relations director. Visit: www.itali-va.tk Greetings, ItAli Airlines Virtual Staff
  24. I need help, my aircrafts not shown on maps! http://italivirtual..../vFleetTracker/ If I open map.tpl there is an error in line 20: var pointer_<?php echo $count;?> = new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $l->arrlat?>, <?php echo $l->arrlng?>); Someone can hel me?
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