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  1. I am looking for the images and css used in this please Pagination is working fine but cannot find the images and css on the website indicated Help would be appreciated
  2. Thanks Vangelis, second option did the trick
  3. Vangelis, that is exactly how it was done We do have a custom field set as "IVAO"
  4. Hi folks I desperately need some assistance for the following - this is for a custom profile field (and it is populated in the table ) Here is the PilotData.Class.php function: public static function getFieldValue($pilotid, $title) { $sql = "SELECT f.fieldid, v.value FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."customfields f, ".TABLE_PREFIX."fieldvalues v WHERE f.fieldid=v.fieldid AND f.title='$title' AND v.pilotid=$pilotid"; $res = DB::get_row($sql); return $res->value; } In the layout.tpl file, I am trying to display the data as follows: <strong>Pilot VID: </strong> <?php echo PilotData::getFieldValue($pilotid, 'IVAO'); ?> I am getting nothing I have also tried this code in the PilotData.class.php: public function GetIvaoId($pilotid) { $query = "SELECT value FROM phpvms_fieldvalues WHERE pilotid='$pilotid'"; $res = DB::get_row($query); echo DB::$error; if($res) return $res->value; else return 0; } Also with no success I REALLY would aapreciate some assistance with the above. I know some php but am no fundi I could be making a fundamental mistake here but am not sure Thanks
  5. Can you please advise as to where you get the information for setting the criteria - I have searched high and low and cant find it anywhere?
  6. As the topic says - we would like to use custom (random) pilot ID's Is this possible, and if so, help would be appreciated Many thanks
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