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Everything posted by CapitalConnectVirtualGroup

  1. Hey! So, we utilise VATSIM SSO in our organisation, and basically we need an ACARS system to work with this? Any suggestions?
  2. It is .php but the TemplateSet.class.php is looking for a tpl file. Do I then have to update my phpvms or is that fine?
  3. Got a new issue -.- The template file "/******/pilots/core/templates/ruleregs.php" doesn't exist in /******/ccvgnet/public_html/pilots/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231
  4. (Found a new issue... sorry) But anyway, thanks so much Servetas!
  5. It worked, thanks! Is this/will this be updated in GitHub? But... The template file "/******/pilots/core/templates/ruleregs.php" doesn't exist in /******/ccvgnet/public_html/pilots/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 -DHB
  6. This is more complex than expected. The whole file reads: [/size] <?php /////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Rules and Regulations v1.2 by php-mods.eu/// /// Author php-mods.eu /// /// Packed at 11/2/2015 /// /// Copyright (c) 2015, php-mods.eu /// /////////////////////////////////////////////// class Ruleregs extends CodonModule { public function index() { $this->set('category', RuleregsData::getAllRuleCat()); $this->render('ruleregs.php'); } }
  7. Line 11 was using $render or something for each, so I managed to fix the first issue of TPL, but the sidebar isn't showing. Can you advise?
  8. Hey guys, I get this in ADMIN panel.. and I can't resolve it. Equally, with codeshare module (Strider) I don't get the file in the sidebar, and it's a pain to do codeshares.. Any assistance greatly received! Running simpilot 5.5.2 as phpVMS and PHP 5.5 (I think..) Thanks guys!
  9. Hey all! I'm back with another nooby question. My homepage is having some "things" added - I'm using bootstrap elements with some features from a template on it - all's good. I'm trying to style the page first and then add content. My footer is appearing halfway across the site. Which is odd. And the font's have changed. And the dimensions - it looks like a CSS error, I can't resolve it. Ugh. Now, I'm probably stupid, but I can't seem to resolve it. But, below, is how the page should appear- obviously this is without the homepage additions, but its the template working correctly. So, can anybody assist? Yes I created the site myself using an internet template then adding my features, still no effect on it.
  10. But with that added I get Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/ccvgnet/public_html/pilots/lib/skins/iceair/layout.php on line 58 even though the only < is the <li> and <a href="..."> blah blah blah EDIT: Fixed by using <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { echo '<li><a href="http://pilots.ccvg.net/index.php/Login/logout"/>Log Out</a></li>'; } else { echo '<li><a href="http://pilots.ccvg.net/index.php/Login">Login</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="http://pilots.ccvg.net/index.php/Registration/">Join Us</a></li>'; } ?>
  11. Perfect, thanks! What would I change if(Auth::LoggedIn()) to if I wanted to display only to Admin Users? -D
  12. Hey guys, So I'm new to skinning, and am basically needing assitance! Can anybody tell me the code/provide me with a snippet for the login link? I've got a screenshot to put it into context - basically, if pilot is logged out, display login button, if logged in display logout button etc etc. I assume the principle for an Admin Centre Link is the same too.. I've already added the buttons, I'm working on menu bar before I add it to the main "template" file as I always do, hence the lack of a detailed screenie! Thanks in advance! Regards, Damon
  13. Fatal error: Call to undefined method CodeShareData::save_new_codeshare() in /public_html/pilots/admin/modules/CodeShare_admin/CodeShare_admin.php on line 66 Think it was a bad choice upgrading to v 5.5.2 of PHPVMS and the php version ;-) It's not writing codeshares..
  14. Probably a simple issue, but I run a newer version of PHPVMS and so most things are PHP and not TPL. In admin end, I get this : Strict Standards: Non-static method CodeShareData::get_upcoming_codeshares() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /public_html/pilots/admin/modules/CodeShare_admin/CodeShare_admin.php on line 28 Strict Standards: Non-static method CodeShareData::get_past_codeshare() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /public_html/pilots/admin/modules/CodeShare_admin/CodeShare_admin.php on line 29 I'm probably being very stupid here, but is there an easy way to resolve? I did omit the path to my public html folder in the copy and paste, as I'm just like that ;-) Thanks -Damon
  15. Ooh, interesting, the post above you is advertising vEXS. Bare in mind there is already a channex virtual, a virtualjet2socialclub, there was a virtual jet2 and there is maybe also going to be a vEXS. Just my two cents... (I'm British though so its my 2 pence )
  16. You will need to add a slider to your homepage, and upload the images. There are many available FREE Of charge on the internet. I assume that is what you will need. -Damon
  17. To get kACARS, You have to buy it at fsproducts website. It gets customised to your VA's colours by the software developers. http://www.fs-products.net/index.php/kacars-custom
  18. We use an SSO style system, it works on VATSIM SSO, so would assume you could do similar thing to pull from PHPVMS database, only allowing them into a certain channel, with certain privileges unless the bot gives to them. Is that the kind of thing?
  19. Its an issue with IP.Board, the VATSIM-UK forums had the same exploit a couple of months back. Theres some patch, but I think the server admins might need to look for the patch for this. Same for me, Android only.
  20. Now that the later versions of PHPVMS (including 5.5.x) are using PHP instead of TPLs throughout, is it the same process and then replacing TPL with .php or? I ask purely because I am looking at upgrading and what to know whether it will affect it or not! Sorry for the basic question
  21. I used V1 yesterday and bought two sets of Schedules to see. Relatively accurate (some missing scheds which to be added by hand - but being in Europe its expected) and very cheap, very quick. Perfect for the price. Thanks Chase
  22. Good Evening All On installing PHPVMS on my WAMP desktop server for skin/module development, I recieved an error message. I have searched forums and tried the fixes mentioned, so I am aware. I now have the following issues. ( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in E:\wamp\www\ccvg\phpvms\core\common\PilotData.class.php on line 436 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0085 256096 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0 2 0.0135 301920 include( 'E:\wamp\www\ccvg\phpvms\core\codon.config.php' ) ..\index.php:40 3 0.2955 952088 pre_module_load( ) ..\codon.config.php:121 4 0.3185 1157000 Auth::StartAuth( ) ..\bootstrap.inc.php:34 5 0.3305 1241416 spl_autoload_call ( ) ..\bootstrap.inc.php:106 6 0.3305 1241448 codon_autoload( ) ..\bootstrap.inc.php:0 Any ideas on how to fix this? I have tried a reinstall and also have managed to get visible pages on homepage Kind Regards Damon
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