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Everything posted by sabahassani

  1. i have the same problem.what did you do ?
  2. same setting problem occurred here too !!!! it does not change!!!! ss: http://s1.img7.ir/LiqVf.jpg
  3. any lock vangelis?
  4. thank you for your respond. PIREPData.class.php PirepAcData.class.php
  5. Hello dear vangelis i installed the v2 of your module but it does not accept the reports . i checked : the place of the code is correct .
  6. Hello everone We Managed to start a virtual airline based in Tehran and Chabahar (IRAN) Our fleet consisted of the types below : b747-200 b747-400f a320 md-82 rj-100 We are hiring now until we get to 25 pilots. will be more than happy to fly alongside you. for registeration go to chabaharair.ir Chabahar virtual Airline management team
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