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  1. Ok thank you very much! Just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to violate any of their policies!
  2. Hello everyone! quick question! I'm looking to start a business of sorts, creating and selling virtual airlines as a service and want to use phpVMS as a platform. My questions is, is this allowed by phpVMS? If I were to set up a phpVMS site and provide a skin, for money, is this allowed? I know phpVMS is under Creative Commons, but I saw non commercial and I can't find their terms of service anywhere. Thanks!
  3. Ok the phpVMS link is in the footer now. I didn't realize it wasn't there. Thanks!
  4. We are excited to announce our new custom website designed by MacieJO! We decided to go away from the freeware skin an it turned out very nice. Also, we have a new promotional video for 2015: Thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way! Please check out the NEW Soar Virtual! http://soarvirtualairlines.net/ Thanks! Thomas Hawksworth
  5. Hello! My name is Thomas and I own soar virtual airlines.( http://soarvirtualairlines.net/ ) As we continue to grow I would like to get a custom skin for the VA. I was wondering if any of you would be willing to develop us a skin for free or a low price? If you are, either PM me or email me at soarvirtualairlines@gmail.com. Thanks!
  6. We have nothing in common with them except the name. We are an airline that flies all over the caribbean and U.S. and mainly focus on X-Plane and they are glider pilots in MSFS.
  7. Thank you! I am actually an X-Plane user so I wasn't aware that Soar was an FSX default airline till after we opened.
  8. No harm no foul.
  9. Hello all! Man, have we gotten so many suggestions and words of advice on our liveries! We have been working hard for the past couple months to bring you this: Soar Virtual Airlines new livery: We have gotten rid of the ugly black and orange site colors and liveries and have a completely new look! Half of the aircraft (16 aircraft types in total) have had their repaints done and all of them will be on our site within a couple of days. Site: (Just a snippet) Fleet: We have also removed the Boeing 737-700 and replaced it with the a320. So please check us out again and thank you to all of you who have given us suggestions and advice. We are steady at about 20 pilots and have made so many improvements. We are really looking for some more pilots so check us out! Thank you Peter Hurzy from painting pete for these liveries! http://www.soarvirtualairlines.net/ -Thomas Soar Airlines CEO Below are some images of more aircraft.
  10. Hello, Soar Airlines has changed a lot recently! We got all new colors and liveries. We have a new logo and a new staff team(still have some vacancies). We have a few pilots now and our community is from all over he globe! Please check us out again: http://www.soarvirtualairlines.net
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