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  1. Part of every pilot's obligation is to ensure that he has ample fuel on board to complete his flight with reserve fuel to take care of unexpected in flight events. At the same time, he does not want to "overfill" which along with adverse effects caused by excess weight on approaches and landings at the destination airport also eats into company finances. Our flight sims are set to the Imperial system which means that our fuel load readings are in Pounds (Lbs). It looks like phpvms uses the metric system, and even though I have changed it to Imperial, fuel weights are still metric when using kACARS free and therefore also metric as calculated on kACARS produced PIREPS. i am wondering how to clarify this situation and remove some of the confusion of properly fueling your aircraft for a flight. thanks
  2. Been there, done that, no change
  3. I have just accepted two new pilots and activated them. One pilot does not appear in the "Newest Pilots" block on our airline home page. I have checked and compared the pilots data for both pilots and all pilots in the Admin Centre, and the data for the pilot in question appears to be formatted same as the other 10 registered pilots data. The pilot in question does appear in the pilots list normally....just not in the Newest Pilots block.
  4. I am away for a week, so dont think I am ignoring this...will check it out sometime next week.
  5. Another possibility...create a fake airplane...call it whatever you want (we called ous "Any" edit your schedules so that the fake aircraft is the default aircraft now pilots can select whatever aircraft they want to fly from the drop-down list.
  6. Yes assign that flight to the A318.
  7. I have a pilot who is having a strange problem with his kACARS - it will not show all of our VAs fleet in the drop-down list. He sees only 4or 5 of the 32 available aircraft. All other pilots are NOT experiencing this, which tells me that something is wrong with his install or its setup. is there anyone that might be able to shed some light as to what might be taking place? thanks
  8. Cannot paste the code here...zipped up the PilotData.Class.php file and attached. Hope that is the correct file pilotdataclass.zip
  9. Go here.. If fresh install https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2 all files are there to download. Not sure, but you may have to sign up then sighn in to be able to download.
  10. CPV For phpVms to work correctly, it has to be installed correctly. It's successful operation depends upon various factors such as - is your system being installed on free hosting or on paid hosting. Is the php server version you are trying to install your management system on version 5.0 to 5.5. it should be as simple as downloading phpvms, expanding it into a temporary directory then using an ftp client to upload it to the server. Watch for a public_html folder on the server...it has to be installed there, then the installer run. after that, if you have errors, you should post them - that way, you stand a very good chance of receiving help. good luck
  11. How would I align the columns on our pilot roster? We have six hubs (3 shown on image) and the columns for pilots in each hub are mis-aligned.
  12. We at Flight Simulation New Brunswick and its Virtual Airline wish to convey our thanks to the phpvms forum and its members who have helped us. Over the past few days, I have posted pleas for help at the forum and without fail, all pleas were replied to and our system's issues resolved. We are very proud of our airline and to have issues within its VMS management that were not working as they were supposed to was unacceptable - especially to me as its CEO. Once again, thank you to the Forum and its membership Harold Crowell - CEO FSNB Virtual Airline www.fsnb.ca/Airline
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  13. Creating a cache folder did the trick!
  14. From Admin when I go to Maintenence and click the clear Cache option, I get this ... Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/core/cache): failed to open dir: No such file or directory' in /home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php:236 Stack trace: #0 /home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php(236): RecursiveDirectoryIterator->__construct('/home/fsnb4809/...') #1 [internal function]: Maintenance->clearcache() #2 /home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/core/classes/MainController.class.php(218): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #3 /home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/admin/index.php(83): MainController::RunAllActions() #4 {main} thrown in /home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php on line 236 When I look for the core/cache folder on the server, it isnt there...only a cache 1 folder. would it be as simple as creating a cache folder or maybe renaming cache1 sure hope that I can lay off these questions soon - Infeel like I may be becoming a bit of a nuicance...hope not i have only one more question which I will tackle later
  15. Servetas - Your suggestion/remedy was spot on, my friend thank you very much.
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