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Everything posted by davehardy

  1. Got this error installing 944 today Writing "phpvms_settings" table... success Writing "phpvms_settings" table... success Writing "phpvms_settings" table... success Fatal error: Class 'SettingsData' not found in /home/mcehosti/public_html/starflyer/install/install.php on line 75
  2. Probably on these forums somewhere (started by me lol) but i cant find it because the topics seem badly named. If i go in my roster or all pilots in the admin nearly all my pilots are showing as active but nearly all of them in reality arent! Why isnt VMS reporting this correctly. Any help guys
  3. LOL i was just about to install 908
  4. Im on 2.0.845 which according to the main site is the lastest
  5. I noticed all my pilots Last PIREP and last recieved PIREP date/time didnt match (ive gone through them all manually in phpadmin to match them). Also Active/Inactive.....I have a flashing icon Green=active/Red=inactive in the admin and roster pilot list this is triggered by the 0 or 1 variable in the Retired database enrty. A lot of pilots had flashing red when their account was active so i checked my DB and those accounts had 2010 in the Retired entry, this i found was entered after i turned a pilot inactive then returned them to active.
  6. OK so i think the answer to my original question is................get the beta? Cant find the beta anywhere.
  7. Version 2.0.854
  8. I have this in my local config # After how long to mark a pilot inactive, in days Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 30); But when i check the pilots list out it doesn't add up! One pilot who last flew in 2009 is active and another who flew 7days ago is inactive, so something needs resetting? Cheers, Dave.
  9. Would this listener also be required if i wanted phpvms to email newly de-activated members telling them of this event??
  10. nice fixed thanks again Nabeel this release is awesome
  11. aah will try that
  12. yeah, tried opening the tpl and got an error saying no module
  13. Got this error when i tried adding active pilots to the front site. Whos Online Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/easternv/public_html/eva/lib/skins/eva/frontpage_recentpilots.tpl on line 3 ... Your code <?php foreach($pilots as $pilot) { ?> <p><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"><?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid). ' ' .$pilot->firstname . ' ' . $pilot->lastname?></a></p> <?php } ?>
  14. Thought this would be an option we could set in the admin, how do i check its working once ive set it? # After how long to mark a pilot inactive, in days Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 90);
  15. Just updated to VMS2 and its mint! Thought i'd celebrate with a site design re-fresh! http://www.easternairwaysvirtual.co.uk/eva/ Hope you like.
  16. Where do i find this?? Cheers
  17. got the layout fixed and emptying my browser cache helped await the sig fix.
  18. Yeah my schedules have gone nutz lol
  19. How do i edit the layout of the new badge? After the update v2 i now have a unionjack flag in the middle of mine
  20. My profile says you've got 74.29 hours.....i work it out to be 78.43 hours
  21. FSACARS outputs 00:00 hr:min format. But Manual PIREP asks "Enter as hours - "5.3" is five hours and thirty minutes". Does VMS figure this out as i think im seeing problems in over all career time totals. Please advise so i can do more research or not
  22. i cant get the map to work still I updated moved my skin and local.config.php but still not working. I havent made any changes to the template and i employ the tactic of having ALL default templates from CORE in my skin folder too so its reading nothing from the beta. Any ideas?
  23. Google map has stopped working though
  24. OK Got it working thanks.
  25. re-uploaded and copied my local.config over then went to install/install.php filled in the details and bang same error This is with the current beta on your site, it has the edits/additions you mentioned above yes?
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