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  1. Hello, I am in need of a talented Carenado painter asap. I will pay you for your time. I need 1 repaint for the Cheyenne III. Hammerhead.
  2. Hello, I am looking for a complete re-skin of my VA, and also would like to get a custom Acars system. My VA looks really outdated, and would like a upgrade. http://www.braathensvirtual.no If you are a skilled skinner, please contact me via PM with previous work you've done. Cheers
  3. Well, not exactly like it, because that would be ripping off someone elses design, but something like it. I'd like to have the video beneath the news section i think
  4. As i now have a bit more time, i will write down a list of the things i would like to get done. - I would like to put our promo video on the top of the main page, above live flights. - Align everything on the main page. - Rework the footer. - Put ''We are not affiliated with Braathens Aviation in any way or form'' on the bottom line. - Rework the menu. - Skin the rest of the website, the scheduling page, download page, fleet page and so on. - Install a couple of free addons. (Exam center, screenshot center, schedule search). - I need a forum. For the fleet page, i am looking for something like vacanada has: Would like a stats page like this: And the overall skin i would love to look something like this:
  5. Hello, I am looking for someone to do some skinning on my VA website, basically just to make it look a bit better. http://braathensvirtual.no Contact me if interested, and please include an estimated price. Kim.
  6. Hey guys, I am looking to do some minor changes to my VA website, but i am not good with PHP at all, so i was hoping someone would be kind enough to talk me through it? Take a look on my website and you'll see what i would like to do, http://braathensvirtual.no. 1. Add the promo video of my VA to the top of the pront page, above the live map. 2. The live map and the news box on the front page are not aligned with the image slider, would like to do that. 3. Change the color of my footer. 4. Add text to the bottom bar, where the whole ''Copyright 2015'' thingy is. The usual ''We are not affiliated with''. 5. SimBrief is not working. In the Flight Briefing the charts and weather are not showing, would like to fix that. 6. I have some plugins located in ''Addons'' in the admin center that are not installed, Exam-Center and Screenshot-Center, how do i put those up on the site? I know this is asking a lot, but i would be forever grateful if anyone could spare the time. Thanks! Kim.
  7. Hello everyone! Finally, after many many hours of work on both our website, schedules and repaints, we are finally ready to open up Braathens Virtual to the public. Here you will find correct schedules, with correct flight numbers, departure and arrival times, and aircraft types. We have the complete fleet of Braathens painted on PMDG's 737-700, and -600 (Simulates the 737-500). We are aware that there are some minor repaint mistakes on the tail on the 737-700, that will be taken care of. You might also notice that there are as of yet no freeware aircraft available, there will be shortly, so no need to worry. As of right now, we are using kACARS_Free for our flight tracker, but there is a custom ACARS system on the way, we will let you know when it arrives. If you join us, be sure to check out the events page for our official launch flight which will be taking place at 18:00Z on the 27th of December. And finally, enjoy our (if i may say so myself) fantastic promo video! http://braathensvirtual.no Best regards, Kim Grandalen CEO Braathens Virtual
  8. Thank you very much! The route map still does not work, don't really understand why :/ The pilot badge worked as you described, just took a bit to load. Do you know how i can change the font and color of the font on the pilot badge? Kim.
  9. Hello guys, First let me tell you that i am completely new to phpvms, i have never typed a line of code in my life. I hired a developer to get my VA's website up and going, and basically his job is done. Now there are still some thing that needs attending, and the most time critical is if anyone can tell me how to delete certain airports that i don't want in my Admin Panel? Can't seem to find delete anywhere, only edit, which does not work. second, i got the route map by crazy creatives on the site, but it is not functioning properly, and my developer said he didn't know how to install/fix it. Anyone know what might be wrong? Third, how do i edit the Pilot Badge in the pilot center? So, to the biggest problem i am facing, i have 3 ''pages'' if you will in my menu bar that are not functioning, and there is no ''button'' for them in the Admin Panel either. The pages are: ''Events'' ''Staff'' and ''History''. How do i add content to those pages? And make it look and fit in with the rest of the site? You can take a look at my VA here to see what i mean. http://braathensvirtual.no/index.php/ Best regards, Kim.
  10. Hello guys, I am once again looking for someone to create a website for my VA. As the last guy i hired, turns out to have been a scam, i am trying again. I am looking for a high quality website, and can pay up to 250$. I will not be paying anything until website is complete, because as i said, the last guy i hired was a scam. And i would also like to see a portfolio before i hire you. Please send me a PM if you are interested.
  11. Hello! I am looking for a skilled person who can make me a good website for my VA, and who can also do a custom ACARS system. I am not expecting anyone to do this for 5$, but i have a price limit. So please, if you can do this, contact me and we'll see if we can reach an agreement on the price. Cheers, Kim.
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