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  1. I don't understand your question, are you wanting a colour exactly the same as #33CCFF or are you wanting one which contrasts well with it?
  2. First Flight 10 Flights or 10 hours 20 Flights or 20 hours 35 Flights or 35 hours 50 Flights or 50 hours 75 Flights or 75 hours 100 Flights or 100 hours 200 Flights or 200 Hours Experienced Pilot Advanced Pilot Chief Pilot Chief Training Pilot Staff VIP (Given to people who donate money to the VA) and if you do any VA events you could make an award for anyone who attended ect, Hope this helps. James
  3. It looks like the table is getting the data as plain text instead of reading it as <?php echo $report->depicao?> Has it always been like this or has this suddenly started after editing a file? James
  4. Unless you can get the account details from the person who made the account there is little you can do, you might be able to contact vaCentral and explain the situation and see what they can do for you.. If the person is ignoring you then you wont be able to get the account details. I'd say best to contact vaCentral, failing that, create a new account. Good luck
  5. Ok ok I think he gets the message now, lets stop slagging him off, after all this is a community forum
  6. Once you have this reputation you need to PROVE that you've changed in order to get people to change their opinions on you
  7. Good luck
  8. Haha so true
  9. No I'm not using a beta version, odd, I remember it being like this waaay back!
  10. Hello, I don't know if any VA owners have noticed that when you edit a pilots profile, the drop down menu in their profile selects Afghanistan as default so when you save the changes you've made, it changes their country to Afghanistan. This means every profile you edit, you have to remember their original country and re-select it after you've made your adjustments, could the next version of phpVMS sort this problem?
  11. On the Pilot Application form you should be able to edit the drop box to display the UK at the start, and check your configuration in the admin panel that the rank New Hire is set from 0 hours to X hours (change X depending on your rank structure)
  12. Due to the response I've had from this topic, doesn't look like people are interested in this service except from one person who I will be assisting. If anyone needs web help or a team speak feel free to PM me
  13. What's the problem MBrown?
  14. As mentioned above, this is my old VA template which has menu bar links which are broken, also as said above this is an idea and I would like people's opinions before continuing with the development of the website
  15. But before doing ANY website stuff you should seek permission from BMI or IAG as you'll only get shot in the a** later when they find you using their logo's ect...
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