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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Just curious as to what time scale we need to use for manul PIREPS? Examples 30 minutes = .30 1:25 = 1.25 What is the correct format?
  2. Thanks that worked!
  3. I have it like this <?php if(Auth::UserInGroup('Administrators')) { ?> When I change it to ACCESS_ADMIN I loose the Admin Link.
  4. No! that's not my problem. I have tested the admin on test user and I am able to get the admin link. I can't get the link when I use the Moderator group that I have made.
  5. I have created a group called Moderator. I have set the settings but users in that group are unable to access the admin panel. Here is how I have it set up. You see anything that I am missing. I don't want this group to have full admin.
  6. Try AVSIM, that's what I did when I first started. They have a Painters Section in their forums.
  7. I been testing this on a test server and come up with the following error. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/flyakaco/public_html/flyaka.net/core/templates/PilotShop/list_products.tpl on line 22
  8. Thanks! I did buy them both. Little hard getting use to from a Saitek X45.
  9. whats the city and airport?
  10. Instead of restricting the pireps, it may be easier to restrict the downloads of the planes. So pilot X can only be able to download aircraft planes in his/her rank. Just an idea.
  11. I'm thinking of buy the following. http://www.amazon.com/Saitek-Flight-Three-Lever-Throttle-PZ44/dp/B000TCD1UK/ref=pd_cp_e_1 http://www.amazon.com/CH-Products-Pedals-Simulator-300-111/dp/B0000512IE/ref=pd_cp_e_2_img The Saitek Pro Flight Yoke with Three-Lever Throttle is from Saitek The CH Products Pro Pedals USB Flight Simulator Pedals is from CH Products My question is, since these are made from 2 different companies. Will they work together?
  12. AVSIM and FlightSim has a link section for VA's, as well as other FS related sites.
  13. http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1177.0
  14. Thank you!
  15. No! That's the one I have now. I need the first stable v2
  16. Nabeel, I really screwed up my skins. I need to revert back to when I had no problems. Which was the 2x stable release. Do you still have that download(Full Version)? If you do can you email it me(eddie@flyaka.com)?
  17. PM me your email
  18. I found a backup from when I first got my skin, would it hurt anything if I uploaded the core_htmlhead.tpl?
  19. I never touched it, no reason too.
  20. The map and bids work in Crystal.
  21. I wish it was that easy. I paid someone to skin my site. Because I have no idea what I am doing. I'm thinking its something do with the placement of the js tags in the header.
  22. I am using the default core_htmlhead.tpl file
  23. I never did! The problem is something with the skin.
  24. Put this in your navigation. <a href="http://www.your_site.com/forum directory/">Forums</a>
  25. I have found the problem. I did new install on my other domain. I used the default skin. That map worked fine. Once I uploaded my currant skin, It went back to the same problem. So the problem is somewhere in my skin. I am guessing the skin and the new update are not compatible. Thanks for the help. Sorry to cause such a pain.
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