Thanks for the help. I have a question. Can you make something similar to the fleet table? Show the destinations(airports) in the same style. It can be a good tool to know what airports are being used or not.
I have this working inside a lightbox. In the box, the dep/arr only shows dep/app. Doesn't display the airports. Any ideas? You can see here Click on the "Book your Alaska Adventure" banner.(Start Now)
I am displaying this way
<?php Template::Show('booking_form.tpl'); ?>
Is it possible to make a bg image clickable?
#main-header-right{ width:370px; height:100px; float:right; background-image:url(../img/header_right_bg.jpg); }
I use Install Creator and I use the following for FS9 and FSX
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X
I think Vista 64 has a different path. Most will use the above directories. Just make a note in one of the boxes that some users may have to manually find their install path. That's how I do it. Use the setup wizzard to add your planes.
Will resetting the finances set everything to 0.00? The reason I tried, my finances are in the hole big time.
My default fuel was at 5.10, changed the config to 1.10. So how do I fix the total outcome?