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Everything posted by DesComm

  1. Just did a new install of the Classic. Now when logging in this message shows up "You must be logged in to access this feature!". The admin apnnel does not show up or the Pilot Center. You can see the pilots online and it shows me as being online, but no access. Any suggestions?? Increased php memory to 512Mb
  2. 167 * Get all of the months since a certain date 168 */ 169 public static function getMonthsSinceDate($start) { 170 171 $key_month = date('MY', $start); 172 $key = 'months_since_' . $key_month; 173 $months = CodonCache::read($key);
  3. When the CRON job runs the following error happens: A non well formed numeric value encountered in ..........VMS/core/common/StatsData.class.php on line 171 It continues running and does the following" Reset PIREP Counts Updating Total Hours Count (question is always shows "found 1 flight hours for number" regardless of number of hours a pilot has - is this correct?) Now counting from PIREPS - Found 125774:08:00 total hours, updated Any fixes for the error?
  4. We are seeking some one who has experience integrating the email functions of phpVMS with AWS SES. Need to get email functioning. phpemailtest.php works from the server but not phpvms.
  5. In checking your site, unless I'm blind, "How does a person see the stats of the various airlines?". Your Blog mentions pilots are seeking active airlines. Again where are the STATS? That was one of the major benefits of VA Central. Also a FYI in registering there were many SQL errors, which resulted in us changing our description.
  6. Flights are not being displayed on the actual route. They are always shown approx 1/4" off of the actual route (see attached photos). The info from ACARS is correct as I can monitor the flight using 3rd party software on my iPAD it is correct. Any suggestions, appears to be some offset.
  7. Thanks for reply however none of these address the issue. Its very simple - a person logs into the system and then is inactive for a period of "XX_minutes". Then the following should happen: A warning that they will be disconnected due to inactivity Disconnected from the system
  8. Is there a way logout a person out after x_minutes of inactivity? We have a issue where some members login using a phone or other device and forget to logout. We want the system to logout them out after a period of time.
  9. AFA is one of the oldest continuing operating VA's. We were founded 20 years ago. In 2016 we converted to PHPvms. Now a little over a year later we are seeking additional Staff. We support FS9, FSX, P3D and X-plane. The following positions are open: Social Media Aircraft Painter PHP programer HR staff Mentors to assist new pilots Contact us at HR (at) flyafa.com
  10. We have deleted a pilot, including the ACARS_data from the database. The flight still shows up on the map with a PID of 0000. How can this be deleted? http://prs.flyafava.com/ thanks
  11. Sorry for delay didn't see ur reply Cuurent version phpinfo() PHP Version => 5.6.26
  12. Emails are not filling in the data pilotid, firstname, lastname, etc. see code below We are running simpilot 5.5.2. CODE: <?php $pilotid = $pilot->pilotid; $pirp = PManagerData::getpirep($pilotid); $pir = $pirp->submitdate; ?> <p>Dear <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname ;?>,</p> <p>You are required to submit one PIREP every day. Your last PIREP was sent on <?php echo $pir; ?>.</p> <p>Please be advised if you do not send a report within the next 2 days your account will be deleted.</p> <p>Sincerely</p> <p><?php echo SITE_NAME ;?> - Staff</p> Email sent: Dear , You are required to submit one PIREP every 30 days. Your last PIREP was sent on . Please be advised if you do not send a report within the next 15 days your account will be deleted. Sincerely American Flight Airways - Staff
  13. In Admin "View all Pireps' 'click to approve all ' returns the following error. This same error is when 'click to approve all' in Edit Pilots - view all pireps. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /.........../admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php on line 120 0 of 0 were approved (0 has errors) There are pireps in the database and they are all automatically accepted. If you look at view pending there are 'NONE'.
  14. Made the changes and there was no change in load times. Left it set at your number of 50. No. Pireps Load time mm:ss:sss 792 10.8s 1316 18.8s 3780 1:53.0m:ss 2.4s Load time with all fixes - Update-
  15. BUMP - When a pilot has over 2500 flights it takes over 60 seconds for his info to load. This is an issue with the code not the servers. We have run this on a server with 2Gb ram ad dedicated processor same result.
  16. Here is a screen shot showing the difference between current system on left and original on the Right. The changes are highlighted. We use a program called "ExamDiffPro" which show differences in files.
  17. Posted I just compared the PIREPData.class php with the original. the only difference is line 703 - where we changed $pirepdata['accepted'] = PIREP_PENDING; to $pirepdata['accepted'] = PIREP_ACCEPTED; Other than that files are identical. This happened when the ISP did a restore and must have had a file corrupted. Remember that "TOPPILOT" module updates immediately just not the pilot hours.
  18. Here it is public static function changePIREPStatus($pirepid, $status) { # Look up the status of the PIREP of previous $pirep_details = PIREPData::getReportDetails($pirepid); if(!$pirep_details) { return false; } if($pirep_details->accepted == $status) { return true; } $ret = self::editPIREPFields($pirepid, array('accepted' => $status)); # Do something if the PIREP was previously marked as pending if($pirep_details->accepted == PIREP_PENDING) { if($status == PIREP_ACCEPTED) { self::calculatePIREPPayment($pirepid); SchedulesData::changeFlownCount($pirep_details->code, $pirep_details->flightnum, '+1'); } elseif($status == PIREP_REJECTED) { // Do nothing, since nothing in the PIREP was actually counted } } elseif($pirep_details->accepted == PIREP_ACCEPTED) { # If already accepted if($status == PIREP_REJECTED) { LedgerData::deletePaymentByPIREP($pirep_details->pirepid); PilotData::resetPilotPay($pirep_details->pilotpay); SchedulesData::changeFlownCount($pirep_details->code, $pirep_details->flightnum, '-1'); } } PilotData::updatePilotStats($pirep_details->pilotid); RanksData::calculateUpdatePilotRank($pirep_details->pilotid); PilotData::generateSignature($pirep_details->pilotid); StatsData::updateTotalHours(); return $ret; } /** * Add a payment for a PIREP. * * @param int $pirepid PIREP ID * @return */
  19. When a Pirep is filed and accepted the hours for the pilot are not uipdating automatically, without running "Maintenance Reset Hours". However we have "TopPilot module" installed and is is being updated when the pirep is filed. What file updates the pilots hours? Only section that seems to be corrupted and not working.
  20. We are having this issue, a Pirep is filed and accepted, however hours are not being updated automatically. A manual "reset hours" is required or wait for the cron to run. What Files are used to cause the auto updating of hours when a pirep is filed?
  21. When a pilot is selected from "all pilots" depending on the number of preps it can take over a minute for the graphics to show if the pilot has over 1000 flights. There is a issue regardless of number of flights, still very slow. we have verified this on 2 different servers, both paid. We have this running on AWS w/1cpu & 1Gb memory. Also have turned off "check for updates". Anything new since last posts in 2014
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