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Everything posted by parthprakash1

  1. Getting an error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /storage/ssd4/917/3864917/public_html/core/templates/toppilot/bestflighttime.php on line 4 PILOT ID NAME RANK HOUR(S) Same for revenue and distance
  2. @LeonardIGO4036 I think the problem is surely with the recaptcha now. The crystal skin register page didn't work too. Now I'll try and figure out what I have done wrong. If you have any idea please go ahead and tell me.
  3. 2.1.936 @flyalaska
  4. @flyalaska Alright will try. Although I have forgotten what I did
  5. @servetas .tpl. I'll just rename it twice and check
  6. Code of which page?
  7. I get this Notice: The template file "/storage/ssd5/341/1107341/public_html//core/templates/mail/mail_menu.tpl" doesn't exist in /storage/ssd5/341/1107341/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 I am quite sure that the file which seems to be missing is actually present. Any leads?
  8. I tried to change recaptcha version maybe that is why?
  9. The page just reloads and all details except password fields remain like they were before the go button was pressed.
  10. I am sure about that and have checked all of it
  11. The registration page on my link is not working. The link is vgow.net16.net . I am not sure but it may be the recapcha
  12. This is a new installation on a new website. PhpVMS is the latest version available on github. What Php version should I set it to? Maybe the host itself is the problem?
  13. When I run the install.php I get many errors. I have tried re-downloading for corrupt files. Tried all versions of Php. Nothing works. Below is what I get Writing "phpvms_adminlog" table... success Writing "phpvms_awards" table... success Writing "phpvms_awardsgranted" table... success Writing "phpvms_fuelprices" table... success Writing "phpvms_updates" table... success Writing "phpvms_downloads" table... success Writing "phpvms_expenses" table... success Writing "phpvms_expenselog" table... success Writing "phpvms_financedata" table... success Writing "phpvms_acarsdata" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_acarsdata` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `pilotid` varchar(11) NOT NULL default '0', `flightnum` varchar(11) NOT NULL default '0', `pilotname` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `aircraft` varchar(12) NOT NULL default '', `lat` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `lng` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `heading` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `alt` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '', `gs` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `depicao` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', `depapt` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `arricao` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', `arrapt` text NOT NULL, `deptime` time NOT NULL default '00:00:00', `timeremaining` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '', `arrtime` time NOT NULL default '00:00:00', `route` TEXT NOT NULL, `route_details` TEXT NOT NULL, `distremain` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '', `phasedetail` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `online` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', `messagelog` text NOT NULL, `lastupdate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `client` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `pilotid` (`pilotid`) ) ENGINE=INNODB;" Writing "phpvms_airlines" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_airlines` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `code` char(3) NOT NULL default '', `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `enabled` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `code` (`code`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;" Writing "phpvms_aircraft" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_aircraft` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `icao` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', `name` varchar(12) NOT NULL default '', `fullname` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `registration` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `downloadlink` text NOT NULL, `imagelink` text NOT NULL, `range` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '0', `weight` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '0', `cruise` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '0', `maxpax` FLOAT NOT NULL default '0', `maxcargo` FLOAT NOT NULL default '0', `minrank` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `ranklevel` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `enabled` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;" Writing "phpvms_navdata" table... success Writing "phpvms_airports" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_airports` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `icao` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '', `name` text NOT NULL, `country` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `lat` float NOT NULL default '0', `lng` float NOT NULL default '0', `hub` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `fuelprice` FLOAT NOT NULL default '0', `chartlink` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `icao` (`icao`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;" Writing "phpvms_schedules" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_schedules` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `code` char(3) NOT NULL default '', `flightnum` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '0', `depicao` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', `arricao` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', `route` text NOT NULL, `route_details` TEXT NOT NULL, `aircraft` text NOT NULL, `flightlevel` VARCHAR( 6 ) NOT NULL, `distance` float NOT NULL default '0', `deptime` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `arrtime` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `flighttime` FLOAT NOT NULL default '0', `daysofweek` VARCHAR( 7 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0123456', `price` FLOAT NOT NULL, `flighttype` VARCHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'P', `timesflown` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `notes` text NOT NULL, `enabled` int(11) NOT NULL default '1', `bidid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `depicao` (`depicao`), KEY `flightnum` (`flightnum`), KEY `depicao_arricao` (`depicao`,`arricao`), KEY `code` (`code`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB ;" Writing "phpvms_news" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_news` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `subject` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `body` text NOT NULL, `postdate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `postedby` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB ;" Writing "phpvms_news" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_news` (`subject`,`body`,`postdate`,`postedby`) VALUES ('Welcome to phpVMS!', 'Thanks for installing and using phpVMS! Check out the docs for help and information on getting started on your VA. This is just a starter skin - customize yours completely. This is just a basic, barebones example of what a skin is and how it works. Check out the crystal folder in the lib/skins directory. Make your own copy and fiddle around. For help, check out the forum, and skinning docs. Also, be sure to check out the skinning tutorials for a quick primer. The forums are also filled with plenty of helpful people for any questions you may have. Good luck!', NOW(), 'phpVMS Installer');" Writing "phpvms_pages" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pages` ( `pageid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `pagename` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `filename` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `order` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `postedby` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `postdate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `public` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `enabled` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (`pageid`), UNIQUE KEY `pagename` (`pagename`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB ;" Writing "phpvms_ranks" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_ranks` ( `rankid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `rank` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `rankimage` text NOT NULL, `minhours` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `payrate` float NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`rankid`), UNIQUE KEY `rank` (`rank`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB ;" Writing "phpvms_ranks" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_ranks` VALUES(1, 'New Hire','', 0, 18.0);" Writing "phpvms_sessions" table... success Writing "phpvms_pilots" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pilots` ( `pilotid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `firstname` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `lastname` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `code` char(3) NOT NULL default '', `location` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `hub` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `salt` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `bgimage` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `lastlogin` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', `totalflights` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `totalhours` float NOT NULL default '0', `totalpay` float NOT NULL default '0', `transferhours` float NOT NULL default '0', `rankid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `rank` varchar(32) NOT NULL default 'New Hire', `ranklevel` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `confirmed` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `retired` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `joindate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `lastpirep` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `lastip` VARCHAR( 25 ) NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`pilotid`), KEY `code` (`code`), KEY `rank` (`rank`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;" Writing "phpvms_pireps" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pireps` ( `pirepid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `pilotid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `code` char(3) NOT NULL default '', `flightnum` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '0', `depicao` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', `arricao` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', `route` TEXT NOT NULL, `route_details` TEXT NOT NULL, `aircraft` varchar(12) NOT NULL default '', `flighttime` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', `flighttime_stamp` TIME NOT NULL, `distance` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `landingrate` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, `submitdate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `accepted` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `log` text NOT NULL, `load` INT(11) NOT NULL, `fuelused` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, `fuelunitcost` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, `fuelprice` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 5.10, `price` FLOAT NOT NULL, `flighttype` VARCHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'P', `gross` FLOAT NOT NULL, `pilotpay` FLOAT NOT NULL, `expenses` FLOAT NOT NULL, `expenselist` BLOB NOT NULL, `revenue` FLOAT NOT NULL, `source` VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, `exported` TINYINT NOT NULL, `rawdata` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pirepid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;" Writing "phpvms_pirepcomments" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pirepcomments` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `pirepid` INT NOT NULL , `pilotid` INT NOT NULL , `comment` TEXT NOT NULL , `postdate` DATETIME NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) )ENGINE=INNODB;" Writing "phpvms_customfields" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_customfields` ( `fieldid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `title` VARCHAR( 75 ) NOT NULL , `fieldname` VARCHAR( 75 ) NOT NULL , `value` TEXT NOT NULL , `type` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text', `public` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `showonregister` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY ( `fieldid` ), UNIQUE KEY `fieldname` (`fieldname`) )ENGINE=INNODB;" Writing "phpvms_fieldvalues" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_fieldvalues` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `fieldid` INT NOT NULL , `pilotid` INT NOT NULL , `value` TEXT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) )ENGINE=INNODB;" Writing "phpvms_groups" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_groups` ( `groupid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `permissions` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`groupid`), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB ;" Writing "phpvms_groups" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_groups` (`name`, `permissions`) VALUES ('Administrators', '35651519');" Writing "phpvms_groups" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_groups` (`name`) VALUES ('Active Pilots');" Writing "phpvms_groupmembers" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_groupmembers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `groupid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `pilotid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )ENGINE=INNODB;" Writing "phpvms_pirepfields" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pirepfields` ( `fieldid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `title` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL , `type` VARCHAR (25) NOT NULL, `options` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( `fieldid` ), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE = INNODB;" Writing "phpvms_pirepvalues" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pirepvalues` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `fieldid` INT NOT NULL , `pirepid` INT NOT NULL , `value` TEXT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) )ENGINE=INNODB;" Writing "phpvms_bids" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_bids` ( `bidid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `pilotid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `routeid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `dateadded` DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( `bidid` ) ) ENGINE = INNODB;" Writing "phpvms_settings" table... failed - manually run this query: "CREATE TABLE `phpvms_settings` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `friendlyname` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `value` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '', `descrip` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '', `core` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`) )ENGINE=INNODB;" Writing "phpvms_fieldvalues_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`fieldid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_customfields" table... failed - manually run this query: "ALTER TABLE `phpvms_fieldvalues` ADD CONSTRAINT `phpvms_fieldvalues_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`fieldid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_customfields` (`fieldid`) ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `phpvms_fieldvalues_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`pilotid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_pilots` (`pilotid`) ON DELETE CASCADE;" Writing "phpvms_groupmembers_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`groupid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_groups" table... failed - manually run this query: "ALTER TABLE `phpvms_groupmembers` ADD CONSTRAINT `phpvms_groupmembers_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`groupid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_groups` (`groupid`) ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `phpvms_groupmembers_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`pilotid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_pilots` (`pilotid`) ON DELETE CASCADE;" Writing "phpvms_pilots_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms_airlines" table... failed - manually run this query: "ALTER TABLE `phpvms_pilots` ADD CONSTRAINT `phpvms_pilots_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms_airlines` (`code`) ON UPDATE CASCADE;" Writing "phpvms_pirepcomments_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`pirepid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_pireps" table... failed - manually run this query: "ALTER TABLE `phpvms_pirepcomments` ADD CONSTRAINT `phpvms_pirepcomments_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`pirepid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_pireps` (`pirepid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;" Writing "phpvms_schedules_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms_airlines" table... failed - manually run this query: "ALTER TABLE `phpvms_schedules` ADD CONSTRAINT `phpvms_schedules_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms_airlines` (`code`) ON UPDATE CASCADE;" Writing "phpvms_settings" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Virtual Airline Name', 'SITE_NAME', 'PHPVMS', 'The name of your site. This will show up in the browser title bar.', 1);" Writing "phpvms_settings" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Webmaster Email Address', 'ADMIN_EMAIL', '', 'This is the email address that email will get sent to/from', 1);" Writing "phpvms_settings" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Date Format', 'DATE_FORMAT', 'm/d/Y', 'This is the date format to be used around the site.', 1);" Writing "phpvms_settings" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Current Skin', 'CURRENT_SKIN', 'crystal', 'Available skins', 1);" Writing "phpvms_settings" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Default User Group', 'DEFAULT_GROUP', 'Active Pilots', 'This is the default group if they are not explicitly denied', 1);" Writing "phpvms_settings" table... failed - manually run this query: "INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL , 'Total VA Hours', 'TOTAL_HOURS', '0', 'Your total hours', 0);" checkinstall.php gives phpVMS Build Number: 936 Checking PHP version[OK] PHP version is 5.4.45.xASP Tags[OK] ASP-style tags are disabledChecking connectivity...[OK] Can contact outside serversChecking for SimpleXML module...[OK] SimpleXML module exists!Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files[Checksum failed] /core/classes/CodonModule.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date[Checksum failed] /core/classes/Vars.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date[Checksum failed] /core/common/OFCharts.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date-- Checked 183 files, found 3 errors
  14. Yeah its GOW
  15. The routes for the different schedules are not showing up on the route map even though the schedules are linked to flights. It is something like this http://prntscr.com/eq70nn
  16. We are happy and proud to announce the release of GoAir Virtual the representation of the best airline in all of Asia and Africa in 2008 among Airbus operators. We have a current fleet of 25 aircraft and up to date schedules. Whether you are a pilot in training or an Airline Transport pilot we strive to provide you with the best experience that will satisfy you for sure. We currently fly a fleet of Airbus A320s but soon will be introducing many concept planes. Want us to commission a plane ? Just leave a mail and we would get back to you. We are also looking for people who can join us as staff so if you think you have the potential join us. We will soon be introducing Fly Dubai and EasyJet India to our schedules. So what are you waiting for? With potential like yours you are just wasting your time out there. All new pilots are welcome to join us here. Regards, Parth - CEO - vGOW
  17. Hi Everyone, Myself and the rest of the staff team at GoAir Virtual have been working hard over the past few months to bring you all a new virtual airline. vGOW is a new virtual airline in pre-departure stages. Our site is setup and is active. Before we officially launch though, we must hire a competent team of staff. Therefore we must hire a separate confident staff team. Before opening vGOW, these staff positions are being announced and are available for hire: Chief Operations Officer Flight Operations Coordinator Director Of Marketing Director Of Events Chief Careers Officer To apply for one of these positions, please contact me at: vgowwebmaster@gmail.com As an interested recruit you will also be able to view the new website of vGOW. If your interested and you think you have what it takes. Apply today, I'd love to hear from you. Kind Regards, Parth - CEO - vGOW
  18. I am having trouble adding bids from the crewcenter it says no route passed.
  19. Hi everyone I know that this question maybe silly but please co-operate my website is hosted at vgow.net16.net when i try to put this into kACARS it gives a connection error. Can anyone help? Any ideas on what I should enter into kACARS. I have included a screenshot
  20. Can I have a link to your current crew center?
  21. Can anybody who has the GoAir schedules pass them here? I am starting a new VA and need them
  22. I have made an own VA and now require your help to edit the crew center as I am not familiar with the Crew Center php. Thanks. Add on the dashboard page top pilots by flights and hours. In the dashboard add My profile, my bids, my reports, my balance sheet, my routes Then in Flight Ops add file a manual pirep In resources add weather map, downloads, liveries and documents Then add a mail option for internal php based mail Lastly in about us add ranks, staff, pilots flying for the va and the hall of fame. The website is currently hosted on vgow.net16.net will soon be switched to a more professional domain. I would be grateful to you if you do the same for me.
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