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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    Pirep times

    Thanks Nabeel, that did it.
  2. Alex

    Pirep times

    So do i add this or replace the current code? Here is the current line. <div align="center"> <input type="text" name="flighttime" value="<?php echo $_POST['flighttime'] ?>" /> </div> <p align="center">Enter as hours - "5.3" is five hours and thirty minutes</p></dd> Thanks
  3. Alex

    Logo Design

    I'm not too bad with photoshop, have you a design in mind??
  4. Alex

    Pirep times

    I have been getting complaints in relation to the filing of Pireps and in particular the flight duration box. We know that 5.3 = 5 1/2hrs or 5 hours 30 minutes. however some people have difficulty with this ???? is there a code snippet to include a box "hours" "minutes" in text format so that this issue can be resolved? Any help with coding would be appreciated, even if it's just to get the monkey off my back.
  5. My response was going to be, in the schedule search, i would like to add a search for all flights departing in less than one hour. Is there a quick code snippet available? i managed to get to here but need the scripty bit to search <div id="time"> <p>Select Nearest Departure Time :</p> <select id="type" name="type"> <option value="less">Less Than</option> </select> <label> <select name="time" id="time2"> <option>1 hour</option> <option>5 hours</option> <option>10 hours</option> <option>24 hours</option> </select> </label> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Find Flights" />
  6. i keep getting this error when clicking on the shopadmin overview heres the offending line? foreach($allshoptypes as $shoptype) { and the same in page_pilothome.tpl foreach ( $products as $product) { ?> any clues
  7. In relation to Schedules, would it be possible to have an automated schedule randomizer,which you could list certain routes to be randomized and then say every three hours the times change unless bid on? so although the route stays the same it rotates over 24hrs to enable more people from accross the globe to select a more appropriate timed schedule? thoughts or comments?
  8. Is there a way to make a topic a "sticky" ie remain at the top? Great addon!
  9. It looks very good, only spolit slightly by the header text, looks pixellated, other than that it's great work.
  10. looks excellent, certainly something i would like integrated... keep up the great work
  11. OK that helps, it actually updates every 10 ms, so i would need to capture each property that i needed for the pirep, some lets say every 5 seconds such as lat/long/heading and altitude, then have it read static properties like dep icao/arr icao, calculate fuel use etc.
  12. i sort of understand, it's still a way out of my level of understanding really, but i'll see what i can come up with. checking through the properties of the simulator, i can log flight detail (check a logging box) which at the end of the flight spits out a csv file already. Logging in FlightGear --------------------- FlightGear can log any property values at any interval to one or more CSV files (which can be read and graphed using spreadsheets like Gnumeric or Excel). Logging is defined in the '/logging' subbranch of the main property tree; under '/logging', each '/log' subbranch defines a separate log with its own output file and interval. Here is a simple example that logs the rudder and aileron settings every second (1000ms) to the file steering.csv, using a comma (the default, anyway) as the field delimiter: <PropertyList> <logging> <log> <enabled>true</enabled> <filename>steering.csv</filename> <interval-ms>1000</interval-ms> <delimiter>,</delimiter> <entry> <enabled>true</enabled> <title>Rudder</title> <property>/controls/flight/rudder</property> </entry> <entry> <enabled>true</enabled> <title>Ailerons</title> <property>/controls/flight/aileron</property> </entry> </log> </logging> </PropertyList> Each 'log' subbranch contains a required 'enabled' property, an optional 'filename' property (defaults to "fg_log.csv"), an optional 'delimiter' property (defaults to a comma), an optional 'interval-ms' property (defaults to 0, which logs every frame), and a series of 'entry' subbranches. The 'delimiter' property uses only the first character of the property value as the delimiter. Note that the logger does no escaping, so you must choose a delimiter that will not appear in the property values (that's not hard, since most of the values are numeric, but watch for commas in the titles). Each 'entry' subbranch contains a required 'enabled' property, a 'property' property specifying the name of the property to be logged, and an optional 'title' property specifying the title to use in the CSV file (defaults to the full path of the property). The elapsed time in milliseconds since the start of the simulation is always included as the first entry with the title "Time", so there is no need to include it explicitly. Here's a sample of the logging output for the above log: Time,Rudder,Ailerons 6522,0.000000,0.000000 7668,-0.000000,0.000000 8702,-0.000000,0.000000 9705,-0.000000,0.000000 10784,-0.000000,0.000000 11792,-0.000000,0.000000 12808,-0.000000,-0.210000 13826,-0.000000,-0.344000 14881,-0.000000,-0.066000 15901,-0.000000,-0.806000 16943,-0.000000,-0.936000 17965,-0.000000,-0.534000 19013,-0.000000,-0.294000 20044,-0.000000,0.270000 21090,-0.000000,-1.000000 22097,-0.000000,-0.168000 Note that the requested interval is only a minimum; most of the time, the actual interval is slightly longer than the requested one. The easiest way for an end-user to define logs is to put the log in a separate XML file (usually under the user's home directory), then refer to it using the --config option, like this: fgfs --config=log-config.xml The output log files are always relative to the current directory.
  13. Alex

    Pilot Ranks

    i found the problem with mine not displaying images was that it took two attempts at directly linking for the image to display correctly. Have no idea why,but after manually typing in the path to image it worked fine.
  14. Thats the part i need the assistance with. If i had an xml file which had all the required data, what information do i need. I know these are real newby questions, so please bear with me,(i have never used any MSFS or other flightsim software so it's all new) i'm trying to ask the questions so they make sense. It's always much easier knowing it in your head, but to transpose that onto a forum is much more difficult. OK, so my aircraft is online in multiplayer,connected to the FGservers (one of ten). I need to create a module that would at regular intervals take various parameters (heading,speed,altitdue etc) and update a map, save all that data in an xml file which could then be read and transposed into an automatically generated pirep. In essence this is what i understand xacars and the others do. Would be easiest to taker an already established module (if licence permitted) and point it to the FGservers to collect the data, or go from scratch. Thanks for your patience Alex
  15. Can you explain to me what you mean by "client", do you mean a program which collects the required data from the Simulator and stores it as an xml file at any given time? If so not at the moment sofar as i am aware, All the data is there, it's just how do i go about capturing it and posting it?
  16. In relation to this post, i have used tebinu's method to add the weather charts, The present flightaware airport diagrams only cover the US so it seems,can anyone make a quick code snippet, so that if the charts are not available then it looks in a skin/lib/images/charts folder for one i have already downloaded?
  17. Nabeel, FlightGear is extensively xml based, so do you think it would be feasibly possible to do? Being open source and GPL licenced all the source code for the tracking system is available. Source Available Here Do-able?
  18. Hi All. I am currently setting up a VA for an airline that runs on a simulator other than msfs or xplane. It is FlightGear which is a free open source sim. It's not quite upto all the bells and whistles that the aforementioned sims have, but i want to provide a top notch va for the community there. FlightGear has its own multiplayer servers and a flight can be tracked via these, so i would like to know if the Acars systems can be adapted to point to servers other than msfs etc? Where would i begin looking? i have very limited programming skills unfortunately.. Thanks Alex
  19. i got the google key and it has been inserted via the admin page. i don't think i touched and of the <div> tags?
  20. Hi all, i'm pretty new to all this so apoligise in advance. I am using 2.0.845 and google maps v3 This is the error IE is giving me, Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB6.4; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; eSobiSubscriber; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729) Timestamp: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 06:35:08 UTC Message: 'google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN' is null or not an object Line: 398 Char: 1 Code: 0 URI: http://www.atlasvirtualairlines.com/phpvms/index.php/acars Message: Invalid argument. Line: 143 Char: 18 Code: 0 URI: http://maps.gstatic.com/intl/en_ALL/mapfiles/208a/maps2.api/main.js My acarsmap.tpl has not ben modified, (only added text) Pastebin link Any pointers? Thanks Alex
  21. thanks Vansers, thats a shame, just as i was building up to adding it too :-(

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