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    London, England
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    Aviation, Programming, Design, Flight Simulation

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  1. Sorry for the delayed response. https://altitudeweb.co.uk is indeed our website. The AV error may be from when we ran our own mail server and some of our emails were flagged as spam. Now we've moved our emails to Google Workspace/GSuite this should have fixed that error - please check and let me know
  2. Still offering services for virtual airlines looking to begin operations in 2022! We have recently completed a number of projects on the phpVMS 7.0x branch and all design is now compatible with PHP 7.0 upwards
  3. I've come across someone running on free hosting before and it was just about manageable (but very slow) Try changing your PHP Version to a branch of V5 (if you are able to) and lower your MySQL version to 5.5; That might get rid of some of the errors.
  4. Hi John, As others have pointed out, make sure you create an exception in your firewall/antivirus software (here's a tutorial for Windows Security which might be the best place to start) Also, try running the program as an administrator. Right-click on the icon for Acars.exe, and click 'Run as Administrator' -- note, you may be required to input your account password depending on your settings. This will only work if you have administrative rights on the computer.
  5. Hi all! After a brief hiatus from the world of VAs due to recent illness and before that some work for a large client, I'm back and would love to hear about your Virtual Airline and how I could help Do drop me a message or email if you want to discuss your concept in more detail and/or receive a quote for work!
  6. Hi there! My name's Luke and I'm a PHP Developer, Graphic Designer & Marketing Enthusiast from the United Kingdom. In 2018 I established as a freelancer, building sites using the phpVMS software, and completing numerous pieces of work for Virtual Airlines, and now have setup 'Altitude Web'; A complete solution for Virtual Airlines including Web Development, Customisation, Design & Marketing services. Services & Offers I offer a range of services including: Website Development- Including phpVMS installation, plugin & theme installation, complete phpVMS development including custom themes and customisations, and custom feature development through plugins and addons to the core script Other Development- Including App Development for IOS & Android devices and custom ACARS development and/or customisation Design Services- Including logo design, promotional graphics design and livery design for your VA PR & Marketing Services - Including SEO & Organic Search, Social Media Setup and custom marketing & PR work as needed to boost your VA's reach and brand awareness Portfolio of Work & Past Clients Over the past two years we have worked with numerous Virtual Airlines, Media Organisations and other clients to deliver high quality web, graphics and PR work. VAs include customisation tweaks for UPSVAC, custom development for VirtualBlue, Fly-WOH, OmanAir, two popular VATSIM vAcc's, FlyGBR, GA Airlines and graphical work for Virgin Australia Virtual. Some of our other portfolio of work includes: Interested in our services? If you're interested in hiring us, please reach out to me via DM for a chat through your brief, specification and deeper look through our vast array of previous work; We'd love to work with you! Luke, Founder at AltitudeWeb
  7. I am back on the phpVMS Community :) 


    Interested in web development for your Virtual Airline? Drop me a DM or email! 

  8. I echo what StartVM and Heritage say. Really nice logo and name - But recommend that the site is finished before you formally launch. That's the allure people want to signup, not just a blank form Good luck Tom!
  9. PHP is a scripting language - You can implement HTML & CSS elements if you know how to embed PHP into that. If you need any help, I am happy to assist. Just drop me a DM! :)
  10. Hi Laura, Very touching story to hear. I have dropped you a DM with some groups I know. :)
  11. Replied to your DM to me Jacob Thanks!
  12. Hi if you shoot me a DM with your website URL I'll take a look at your current setup and how this could be implemented
  13. May be a bit late but you just need to downgrade your PHP version to 5 in your cPanel / Web Hosting Provider's Panel Let me know your provider and I'll provide a specific path to this setting
  14. Nothing is ever dead; Always happy to help out where I can Using the original Styling Sheet, I added the 3 larger boxes and extended the length of the given one and then pulled some PHP strings from an administrative template to display the data frontend. I can help you do this in 10minutes if you want?
  15. Glad you have this working :) If you need any support, I've done work on the module before so I will be happy to take a look over for you. Best, Luke
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