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Everything posted by CarlosEduardo2409

  1. To tell you the truth, I thought about making my own admin template, but that would take a lot more time and I would do it to sell, not for free. So, as I want it to be fast and free, the best option, in my opinion, is an admin template already on market.
  2. Okay, so, I'm in doubt of the three (Stisla, Argon and Purple), I believe I can do all three, two crewcenters and an admin panel, so it would probably be: CrewCenter: Stisla & Purple Admin Panel: Argon Also, I searched for "oprion admin template" and found nothing, could you please send me the link @ncd200?
  3. Hi, thank you for your opinion and I'm sorry for AirMail, but I'm developing another new skin and in addition, admin panel too. In case you want to know more, I made another post talking about the project so I can know your opinion.
  4. Hello to you, phpVMS member, who is reading this. My name is Carlos, I'm a programmer and creator of the ElaAdmin skin. For me, ElaSkin had a large number of downloads, which makes me VERY happy, every time I look at the numbers I open a big smile, even though I don't know if people are enjoying it or not. I've been absent for the last months / year, but I came back and due to the large number of downloads from ElaSkin, I will be making a new skin. This time, I want to do something special, something bigger and for that I need some suggestions and ideas. Observations: The Skin will be made for phpVMS 5.5 (Being more specific: by @ProAvia); The Skin will be free, that is, all modules that will be used, should be free and given the following credits from the author, as well as the admin template that will be used. Suggestions that I would be very happy to receive: As I will be wanting to be doing something bigger, I will be trying to create new addons, that is, feel free to give ideas for addons (I do not promise that I will be able to create the addon); Feel free to suggest ideas for modules already created (E.g. AirMail); As I am very indecisive and a perfectionist, I spent a long time looking for a perfect Admin Template, and I was unable to make ANY decision, so if you, who are reading this, have an idea of an Admin Template, I would LOVE to receive it. Note: The template must be free and made for HTML/Bootstrap. If you have an idea, leave it here with the link to the Admin Template, please. I will be very grateful with which suggestion! Do you guys like the idea? I'm sorry for the big text, but it's just important informations. Thanks, Carlos. Keep safe! Stay at home!! Let's get rid of this pandemic! It is getting tiring to stay at home, I need some Martin Garrix show (Don't take it as a joke, we need really to stay at home!!) EDITED: In these last hours I have been classifying the best templates in my opinion, some of them were: Stisla Admin Template Purple Admin Template Label Admin Template Argon Admin Template Star Admin Template In my opinion, the best was Stisla, I would like to know which you liked the most? Or, if you have another template suggestion other than these, let me know.
  5. From what I see your error is because it is missing or has an error in TotalPilotMiles on StatsData. First, to make sure you have no errors, go to your website and press Ctrl + U, it will open the view-source of your website, scroll down the page and see if there are any errors. Attempt 1: To add TotalPilotMiles to StatsData: Go to core/common/StatsData.class.php At about line 21, add this code (make sure it is not inside another function). <?php public static function TotalPilotMiles($pilotid) { $key = 'total_miles'; $key .= '_'.$pilotid; $total = CodonCache::read($key); if($total === false) { $total = 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE pilotid='$pilotid' AND accepted=1"; $results = DB::get_results($sql); if($results) { foreach($results as $result) { $total += $result->distance; } } CodonCache::write($key, $total, '15minute'); } return $total; } Attempt 2: If you already have the code and don't have any errors showing, try changing your StatsData by the one below: StatsData.class.php.zip
  6. Did you install all modules correctly? You need Airmail and TouchdownStats installed to work. What error is showing up for you? You can see it by pressing the right button on your page and clicking "Inspect"
  7. So, I removed the redirect code, but now the site is working even without redirection and ACARS is reading normally, that is, the problem has now been solved.
  8. My directories are located like this: Main domain directory (virtualair.net): /home/<user>/public_html/<all files from main domain> phpVMS installation directory (Subdomain - crew.virtualair.net): /home/<user>/crew.virtualair.net/<all files from phpvms) * Example from phpVMS installation: /home/<user>/crew.virtualair.net/lib/skins/<skin_folder> I know that it is not a domain localization problem, because I created another subdomain from scratch for testing and there ACARS works. This is the subdomain test directory: /home/<user>/test.virtualair.net That is, it is the same thing as the crewcenter domain. There, ACARS works perfectly. However, the site is without SSL redirection (which is the code below that I put in .htaccess), but if I add the code, it stops working. So the error is in this redirection. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/[0-9]+\..+\.cpaneldcv$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/\.well-known/pki-validation/[A-F0-9]{32}\.txt(?:\ Comodo\ DCV)?$ RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
  9. I found the error but I can't solve it. The error is in SSL/TLS certificate. I have the SSL certificate installed in my subdomain, but that alone was not enough to make it secure. What I did to make it safe was: 1. Go to core/local.config.php and change http to https at SITE_URL; define('SITE_URL', 'https://crew.virtualair.net'); 2. Access .htaccess and add the following code to force users to enter the link with https: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/[0-9]+\..+\.cpaneldcv$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/\.well-known/pki-validation/[A-F0-9]{32}\.txt(?:\ Comodo\ DCV)?$ RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] This made my site secure. But at the same time he is not letting ACARS work. So if I go back and take these two steps I did above to make my website secure, it comes back with the warning that the website is not secure and takes the redirection to https, thus making ACARS work. However, I didn't want to remove them, I wanted ACARS to work even with these codes above to make the site safe, but I'm not getting any ideas. Does anyone have a solution?
  10. Hello @ProAvia! So, I already tried using https instead of just http but the same errors happened. And since phpVMS is in a subdomain, it is located at /home/user/crew.virtualair.net - virtualair.net is located in /home/user/virtualair.net That is, phpVMS is not inside the main domain folder, so I believe there is no way I can put the main domain with the phpVMS location, like you said: virtualair.net/crew.virtualair.net I have active error_log, and related to ACARS only appears this: I also tried to open the module file in a google tab, this error popped up: I believe it is nothing much, because any module file that I try to open it appears this error.
  11. Hello again, I have a new mistake now that is hurting my head too. Now it's in ACARS, what happens is that whatever ACARS I try to connect it doesn't work. Always in the login part. Already searched for every topic in the forum, I found several with the same errors, but none had solution. Observations: I put the module folder correctly in core/modules, as requested in each ACARS; I open the program as an administrator; The credentials are correct, have been tested on the site and work perfectly; Crewcenter Skin: Custom Skin; phpVMS Version: (from ProAvia); PHP Version: 7.2.24; MySQL Version: 10.2.29-MariaDB. Some images of the errors: APVacars (from Vangelis): cACARS (from CrazyCreatives): CCFTracker (from CrazyCreatives): NOTE: I didn't try kACARS because probably as you already know, Jeff probably broke up with this project, so I didn't find any download links for the client. Any help I appreciate it. Thanks, Carlos.
  12. Make sure you have the AirMail and TouchdownStats modules correctly installed. If they are installed, hit Ctrl + U on your site dashboard and on the page that opened (which will be the code of your page), see if you have any errors. I am knowing about the demo site, I will see if I can host a new site somewhere.
  13. Hello @Qshad! You will need to add TotalPilotMiles to the StatsData.class.php file. For this you must do: 1. Go to core/common/StatsData.class.php 2. After opening StatsData.class.php file, add the following code: public static function TotalPilotMiles($pilotid) { $key = 'total_miles'; $key .= '_'.$pilotid; $total = CodonCache::read($key); if($total === false) { $total = 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE pilotid='$pilotid' AND accepted=1"; $results = DB::get_results($sql); if($results) { foreach($results as $result) { $total += $result->distance; } } CodonCache::write($key, $total, '15minute'); } return $total; } Like this: https://prnt.sc/qo9ari I hope it helped you!
  14. So, I just found the error, and it was literally a mistake made. Had placed a cookie in the header to not accept unsafe sites, I removed it and returned to work normally.
  15. Thanks for the answers. I updated the file ".user.ini" but nothing appeared in "error_log", I also made the change "local.config.php" and nothing appeared in core / logs. But I just realized that the hosting creates an error file, and in it the last error it had was on 05, so I believe it has no error. But I did what ProAvia suggested, I changed the skin to default and apparently, the error is really in the skin, I think I'll have to redo it. But I have a question: my skin uses a jQuery which is the newer version and phpVMS uses another jQuery which is an older version. So as there are two jQuery on the site, it appears this error: Could it be that? Thanks.
  16. Hello @ProAvia 1. Yes, I use my own skin (also my own admin skin). It was the first thing I thought, but I don't know because it was working before. 2. No, if the user closes the browser and reopens it still has the same problem. 3. How can I see error_log? If you enable 'display_errors' in php.ini already enabled but nothing happened (any file created). More information: The company is in a subdomain.
  17. Hello again! phpVMS Version: from ProAvia (Forum Topic) I am having problems with users who are unable to log in to the company, this includes all users, even me. I am not sure how to explain this, but I will try. First of all (to understand): When a pilot logs in with all the correct credentials, he is redirected to the dashboard, which is normal. But when a pilot tries to log in but the credentials are really wrong, an alert appears above the form, like this: https://prnt.sc/qm1bys What is happening: Yes, if the pilot misses the credentials, the site does what it should do, show the alert saying it's wrong, so far so good. But if the pilot tries to enter the correct credentials, by pushing the login button, the site sees that the credentials are correct but he does not log in, he redirects to Darshbaord but he show warning that says: "You must be logged in to access this feature!" That is, when logging in, it redirects to Dashboard, but already redirects logged out, thus showing the warning that it must be logged. This started to happen a short time ago, but I didn't update any files before it started this error. Best regards. Thanks, Carlos.
  18. Thank you so much @web541! In fact, thank you very much again.
  19. Hello! I wonder if anyone still has Jeff's module, which was the Random Itineray Builder. For those who do not know, unfortunately Jeff is no longer developing and the site that was the download link also closed, so there is no way I can download it. Module: Random Itinerary Builder Created by: Jeffrey Kobus Topic about the module: Any help I am grateful for. Thanks, Carlos. 😉
  20. @Karamellwuerfel I was making a custom skin for the admin panel, but the jQuery I was using was newer than phpVMS jQuery, so it didn't get the function that was assigned to the buttons. What I had to do (example): In the pilots_pending file, this is the default skin button to accept pilots in the company: <button href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/action.php/pilotadmin/pendingpilots" action="approvepilot" id="<?php echo $pilot->pilotid;?>" class="ajaxcall {button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-circle-check'}}}">Accept</button> We can see that inside the class attribute of the button above is located "ajaxcall". And if we go to the phpvmsadmin.js file (file that is located most of the admin panel button functions and located in admin/lib), we can find the "ajaxcall" function. So what the button above is doing is pull the "ajaxcall" function which is located in the phpvmsadmin.js file. This is the "ajaxcall" function code: $('.ajaxcall').live('click', function() { $("#bodytext").load($(this).attr("href"), { action: $(this).attr("action"), id: $(this).attr("id") }, function(d) { $('a.button, button, input[type=submit]').button(); }) }); So, in the above function, we can see that it is pulling some "ajaxcall" class, obviously within a class attribute. But my phpVMS could not find the file phpvmsadmin.js to pull the function (Probably because of my jQuery), ie the button was simply just a normal button that if I pressed nothing would happen. So, the solution I found was to put the button and function in the same file, so that's how my code went: <button href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/action.php/pilotadmin/pendingpilots" action="approvepilot" id="<?php echo $pilot->pilotid;?>" class="ajaxcall {button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-circle-check'}}}">Accept</button> <script> $('.ajaxcall').live('click', function() { $("#bodytext").load($(this).attr("href"), { action: $(this).attr("action"), id: $(this).attr("id") }, function(d) { $('a.button, button, input[type=submit]').button(); }) }); </script> Yes, I was putting the function of the buttons in each file, but as I was already changing all files for making the admin skin, so I had no problem putting in all files. Obviously there should be a better solution, but that's what I got. Hope this helps! 😉
  21. Hello friends, how are you? I have a question, again. I am trying to make a system equal to that of vAMSYS, in which you can book a flight in a map. The map is ready, but only one thing is missing that I do not know how to do. Here is an image of the map now: http://prntscr.com/k2mi0c What I want is: When I click on the marker that has a house icon it traces the route of the marker with the icon user to the icon house. Really like vAMSYS: https://prnt.sc/k2mj9b <- THAT'S WHAT I WANT So that's my question, does anyone know how to do this? When you click on the marker it traces the route. (If you need the code now to HELP me call me and I'll step you in the pm) Thanks. Regards, Carlos Eduardo.
  22. It is totally allowed to remove Favicon and Logo, I advise you to leave some credit for Colorlib, the creator of the admin template, can be in the footer.
  23. All right, no problem, I know these things are accurate. Thanks
  24. Hello @vbegin7, it's nice to meet you, but as I said, Elaskin did not have anything paid.
  25. Ok, try to use this: https://pastebin.com/rKKceD9j
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