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Everything posted by BBuchanan

  1. Could you please update the wiki documentation in regards to FSAcars. I know it says to put in the aircraft registration or it won't count towards the aircraft, but unless you specify someone like me is going to get confused on the matter of where to put it. I know it has a place for Regist, but who knows, you might actually be having to put into Selcal.
  2. How do we include the stats of the airline on the frontpage? Like how many flights, hours, etc.?
  3. e107 comes with an alternative authentication plugin. E107 also has a bbcode that you could use to include pages or write small php code on a page.
  4. ok, thanks.
  5. worked perfectly. Imports were successful and no issues as of yet.
  6. ok, I'll give it a try. And sorry for not understanding and not reading the docs. I had thought it was going to be left at the aircraft name.
  7. And it continues. ezSQL (v2.03) Debug.. Query [6] -- [sELECT * FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE registration='B777-300 '] Query Result.. (row) int 0 id string 0 icao string 0 name string 0 fullname string 0 registration blob 0 downloadlink blob 0 imagelink string 0 range string 0 weight string 0 cruise No Results If ezSQL has helped make a donation!? Still not importing. But information is in the database.
  8. can you change the default length of email fields to something longer? I have 1 letter that's dropped off my email address.
  9. Sorry, I've added the real thing. Same name and same place.
  10. well, I've changed the css style sheet for the default crystal style. As for the navigation, I've only added some drop down links. This is what I've added: <li><a href="#">Staff Links</a> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.unitedstatesnetwork.net/forum/">Forum</a></li> <li><a href="http://staff.unitedstatesnetwork.net">Staff Area</a></li> </ul> </li> Is it possible to use the same kind of drop downs in the main navigation of the website and not just in the admin area? If so, how can I add pages to the drop downs?
  11. yea I can wait.
  12. I'm hoping that I can backup and reuse the changes I've made these files. For the main and for the Admin center. Also, I'm re using my modified crystal skin. Is this ok to backup? I mean I dont' want to break any updates.
  13. wow, ok. Here's my template file: http://www.unitedstatesnetwork.net/template.zip And sorry for not getting back to you sooner.
  14. BBuchanan


    put simply, not reporting to site anymore. If your anyones awake, you can check here: http://www.unitedstatesnetwork.net/index.php/acars also, imported flight .csv no longer being added to schedules (I used the template file and left the name as template). Which is actually incorrect as the flights are added to the database, but the aircraft are not listed for the schedule.
  15. BBuchanan


    What's the field for? is it cruise speed or cruise flight level?
  16. I found that when I made my routes via the template file, I was adding the code UAM and flight number UAM1212 (for example) A pilot file a pirep via the bid system, the posted pirep would be: UAMUAM1212 So, I removed the UAM from the flight number and that's worked so far for me. I haven't done it via FSAcars, but I'm sure that's where the problem lies.
  17. nevermind, found it. Thanks.
  18. where's that at?
  19. Ok, thanks.
  20. current work in progress:http://unitedstatesnetwork.net
  21. First off, great system.How does one delete pilots?If a pilot selects a flight (makes a bid) can that flight be flown via FSacars?And how come I downloaded and installed, as reported, phpvms v1.1.400 when this isn't the version listed on the website? I think this is odd considering 1.1.400 is higher than the one listed here.
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