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Everything posted by Kursat

  1. Hello, How do I solve the character problem? Thanks Kursat ---------------------------------------------------
  2. Kursat

    Navdata Update

    Thank you
  3. Hi guys! I want to send monthly reports of pilots registered to the system How can I do as an e-mail? Thanks
  4. Hello everyone, kACARS_Free Client Setup: Click kACARS_Free Module Webscript : Click Since it was difficult to find, I felt the need to share it here. Thanks, have a nice flight :))
  5. hmm okey, How can I send phpvms flight data to Ivao? is there a quick way to do this?
  6. Hello all, How to install ips for phpvms, i've uploaded the files but the flight doesn't appear .
  7. I solved the problem, I changed the icao codes to AKD Thank you all
  8. phpvms 5.5.2 (php5) Flight book v2
  9. Hello all, How to select all planes, im looking for a solution on this topic
  10. Fixed my problem i thank you all
  11. is there a way to update it? The data I use belongs to 2011
  12. Hello all, im having such a problem can you help me about this problem? Thank you all
  13. After a clean installation, I deleted the admin folder and uploaded new admin files. New admin files( ) ( https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x ) ADMIN EDIT: Link to admin files removed at request of member who supplied them to Kursat.
  14. my problem solved thank you all
  15. that's not what I'm looking for
  16. php 5.6 aphace 1.3 mysql "https://github.com/proaviaaz/phpvms_5.5.2.72" this php7 version works fine but it doesn't work for php5
  17. Hello; phpvms 5.0 classic / phpvms 5.5.2 gave the same results Panel not working fully. installation was done again, the problem continues. Please help me
  18. i sent you pm
  19. Phpvms 5 module installed but I get an error please help me with this Thank you
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