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  1. benboy123


    Love it!
  2. SIDs and STARs are given by ATC (if pilots are flying online), not by the VA. If the pilots are flying offline, they do that desicion on their own usually.
  3. I can really recommend flyeuro!
  4. Sounds like a good realy good idea!
  5. Hi! No, I haven`t.
  6. Well, Im still waiting for the skin I ordered a few months back...
  7. benboy123


    I just love CAVacars! I just hope our pilots will enjoy it uust as much as we do when we launch!
  8. PM me!
  9. Well, it wasn`t that I tried to say. I tried to say that I had emailed you.
  10. Connect Airways will also be interested in a codeshare agreement with both SkyDream and ItAli Airlines! Our site is soon ready for launch.
  11. You have email
  12. benboy123


    Are you alowed to take paid for the custom version? Just wonders, since its based on APVAcars, wich is opensource
  13. Do you have some dates in mind regarding release? My card will be ready!
  14. Good morning! Im out test flying Connect VA with Xacars, and the flight icon repeats itself instead of moving. I will add a screenshot in case im bad at explaining (havent slept, som Im tired...) I`m open for alternatives, i.e a flightboard instead of a map. Anyone who knows a code for that? In advance, thank you very much! EDIT: No problem anymore, switched sucsesfully from 1freehosting to 000webhost, and kAcars works better than ever!
  15. benboy123


    Our VA is soon ready for opening after a intense rebranding, and I think we might go for this one. EDIT: kAcars works now, so I think we might buy kAcars later, and stick with the free version untill that happens EDIT II: I saw that i had placed the module in wrong location. Will test it later EDIT III: It works, welcome Connect Airways as a CAVacars user!
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