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Everything posted by CGlobe

  1. Yep, it's a text field that says BZN01. Of the three accounts I have (mine and two for testing), only one account - the one I'm logged in with - has data, does that matter?
  2. This is what I've got, is this right? Still nothing showing <?php $fieldvalue = PilotData::GetFieldValue($userinfo->pilotid, 'STATION_CALLSIGN'); ?> <ul style="margin-top: 0px;"> <li><strong>Identification Number:</strong> <?php echo $pilotcode; ?></li> <li><strong>Station Callsign:</strong> <?php echo $fieldvalue; ?></li> <li><strong>Total Flights: </strong><?php echo $userinfo->totalflights?></li> <li><strong>Total Hours: </strong><?php echo $userinfo->totalhours; ?></li> </ul> This is all going in profile_main.tpl if that helps?
  3. Ok, it's for the profile page, so trying this: <li><strong>Station Callsign:</strong> <?php $fieldvalue = PilotData::GetFieldValue($userinfo->pilotid, 'STATION_CALLSIGN'); ?></li> It's not showing anything on the frontend though?
  4. Firstly, I'd like to start by saying my coding knowledge is non-existent, but I'd very much like to learn! How would I go about displaying a custom profile field, which is just text, on another page? Any help with code snippets or links to the right section of the documentation would be really helpful! Thanks!
  5. Post your schedulesdata.class.php file here, using [code]YOUR PHP FILE HERE [/code] tags
  6. Hi, I've installed this and got it all set up, but at /index.php/charter I just get this? I have set the required hours to 0, as I want this to be the primary system for pilots reporting their flights, rather than having a schedule. Any thoughts as to what I might be missing?
  7. IATA issue fuel prices each day, just trying to work out a way to glean that information off their website and build it in to the project I'm working on. Probably won't be seen for a while though, I'm afraid, but will endeavour to release the code when/if I get it working! For now I have a cron job that makes changes to the DB every 24 hours, changing to a random value between two figures, to try and give some realism
  8. Hi Gian, That's fine, I look forward to the release!
  9. Stupidity on my part, I did indeed have the username wrong (so obvious!), however that still doesn't explain why the error message displays the wrong server IP
  10. Hi all, I am trying to set up phpVMS on clustered/cloud hosting (however you wish to describe it!) Webserver (which is actually on three IP addresses): SQL server (which is on one IP address): Website URL: http://mywebsite.co.uk Database Name: site_vms Database Server: Database Username: username Database Password: password Database Type: MySQL Table Prefix: phpvms_ Clicking "Next step" gives me: Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? (and apologies for the security, would rather no-one knows about this yet!)
  11. I would be interested in this! Thanks, Chris
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