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Everything posted by TheBulk

  1. Hi everyone, I want to add meta tags to my site and was wondering which page I need to add them to and where the document is located. If anyone nows or has any ideas I would be really greatful if you could post here to tell me. Many thanks
  2. Hi all, A quick question. I am working on the boarding pass for my VA. It is working nicely however I want to add a gate closure time which is dynamic rather than a static message. What I mean is to have some php coding (if poss) that takes the departure time and takes away 20mins to display the time the gate closes and this way it would display a time 20mins prior to depart. It would also be different for every flight no matter what the departure time. I have listed an example below. This is the static message: Gate closes: 20 minutes before flight departure Departure: 11:20 GMT The dynamic message: Gate closes: 11:00 GMT Departure: 11:20 GMT If anyone knows if this is possible and knows a way for me to do this it would be great. Cheers Jonny
  3. Thanks Nabeel, I will give that a go and see what happens. Cheers
  4. I agree, I feel paying that kinda money for a forum is ridiculous when you can get a forum which is equally as good for a fraction of the price. The only reason I used phpbb is that it came as a possible forum with my hosting package but I may change it if it doesn't suit my needs, as I have many other forum boards that I can install on my hosting package if I wish.
  5. Hi all, I have been looking at the finances section of phpvms and wanted to know if there is anyway to make a per flight revenue entry like the per flight expenses entry system. The reason I want to do this is that my VA wants to try to reflect the possibility of passengers purchasing items during flight like refreshments as they do on low cost airlines. So either have it that an admin can enter an amount which then gets added to the overall va finances. Would this be possible, if not I will scrap the idea. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks
  6. TheBulk

    kACARS - Feedback

    Just wanted to say that I have been looking at this ACARS program to run with my VA and I am very please with what I have seen and I think that it is a very powerful program. It is just brilliant. I didn't have any problems installing the client and have not had any problems so far. It's just brilliant, thanks
  7. Nope I have phpbb
  8. Please ignore this post, posted in wrong place and was unable to delete post
  9. Thanks Nabeel and Tom. Just a quick sorry for posting but had done several searches and changed the search criteria and couldn't find what I wanted. Thanks for posting the link to the thread. And a quick thanks to everyone at this forum, its nice to find people who are willing to help others rather than have the attitude of 'I have the knowledge but I am not sharing' which I have come up against in several other forums on the net.
  10. Hi I have implemented the built in contact form and it works very well. However I was wondering if it possible to have a drop down box so that the user can select the recipient and then when they send the contact form it emails to the selected department. So if the user selected the Human Resources department it would send the email to hr@mydomain.com for example rather than the default email address selected in the admin centre of phpvms. Is this possible, if so how can I do it. Cheers
  11. Thanks simpilot. As I said in previous post I am usually able to read through the php and work out which piece to alter or remove to get the desired effect however I was stumped on this one. I had looked through it several times until my head hurt for thinking so much. Thanks again
  12. Hi all, I have downloaded and installed a copy of ObsessBlue skin. I have started to edit it for my needs. I have been able to do most things however I have created a page which I have linked to from a small menu right at the top of the page. The page is also linked from the main nav bar. I was wondering if anyone knows how to have this page but not linked from the main nav bar. I have looked through the php code and cannot work it out. I can usually work things like this out but this one has stumped me. I have tried setting it not public and this works if you are not signed in however I don't want it to be on the nav bar even if you are logged in or not. Thanks for your help.
  13. Thanks dale0404. Is this generally accepted in the VA world too?
  14. Hi everyone, I hope I have posted this in the right place. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice about call signs and aircraft registrations. My friend and I are currently in the process of setting up a virtual airline for which we have come up with a name and are currently in the process of building a website. However there was one small detail we have missed which is the call signs and also the aircraft reg to be displayed on the aircraft. So what I am asking is, What is the general accepted format for both call signs and aircraft registrations? Thanks in advance for your help.
  15. Sorry I apologise, I see how it works now as I am not running this online yet only in a test environment on my computer so it is using the global average system as explain in the documentation. However I am still missing the Reset PIREP Finances option in the admin centre. Also how does a pilot tell me the number of passengers on the flight if he/she are not using any ACARS apps?
  16. Hi all, I am currently in the process of setting up a virtual airline and I am thinking about using phpvms as my VA management system. I currently have it installed in a web environment on my computer. It installed fine and everything seems to working okay except for the finances section. I configured everything, as in ticket price, max passengers etc. When I filled a test (and accepted) PIREP to check if this was suitable for my VA, I found that it calculated the fuel cost but did not calculate the income. I tried to perform the Reset PIREP finances, explain in the documentation but found I was missing the Reset PIREP Finances link in the Finances section of the admin centre. Does anyone know how I can get this link or how I can work round this? Also does the number of passengers on a flight come from an external source or is this added on a PIREP Many thanks in advance for your help. If you need more info let me know. Thanks again
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