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Everything posted by Imanol

  1. It worked perfectely! Thank you so much!
  2. Hi Servetas, I am using V2.
  3. Hello, I need to know if there's any piece of code in order to add the pilot ID column in the admin pilot list. Thank you!
  4. Hello, I installed my site in a new hosting server but I can get the schedules in the admin panel. You can see the issue in the attached file. Thanks. phpVMS.zip
  5. Hi @servetas, it's set to 5.6 but it does not work either. Acoording what my hosting provider said, this could be an imcopatibily problem with MariaDB. I tested phpVMS with 000webhost (With php 7.0 and a previews version of mariaDB) and it works perfectely.
  6. Hi everyone, Since last week my virtual airline can not receive flights reports because the PIREPS function stopped working by surprise (manually or through smartCARS). I tried reinstalling the PIREPS module, the classes files and the whole site using the last version of phpVMS available but it does not work either. I contacted my hosting provider and after some tests they told me it could be a problem compatibility with MariaDB. Last Wednesday they updated their servers, including MariaDB, since then I have this issue. Here you have more details: SQL: 10.2.8-MariaDB phpMyAdmin: 4.7 Apache: 2.4.27 + LSAPI PHP 7.0.22 Could be this a problem with MariaDB?
  7. I have ask my hosting provider to help me with this issue. They say that it may be a compatibility problem with MariaDB. Last Wednesday that update it to the last version and the report functional of my site stopped working.
  8. I don't know exactly because my virtual airlines operates regular flights only.
  9. Hi HCStrike, We do not have charter flights, we are not having problem with biding flights. The issue occurs when I want to file a pirep. Thank you.
  10. Hi AJCWebServices, I checked the smartCARS Log and I got this [08:14:51 p.m.] Windows 10, Build 15063, Suite Mask: 0x300, 64bit Architecture [08:14:51 p.m.] Browser emulation mode set to 11001 [08:15:30 p.m.] Logged in to airline 31 as pilot 2 with dbid 2 [08:16:00 p.m.] set_color 4 [08:16:00 p.m.] set_color 7 [08:29:59 p.m.] [ERROR] An exception occured during flight map position reporting. It was : System.Net.WebException: Se ha terminado la conexión: La conexión ha terminado de forma inesperada. en webreq(String uri) en smartCARS.mainform.bkgwkrflightmap_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) [08:30:21 p.m.] [ERROR] An exception occured during flight map position reporting. It was : System.Net.WebException: No se puede resolver el nombre remoto: 'tfdidesign.com' en webreq(String uri) en smartCARS.mainform.bkgwkrflightmap_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) [10:18:47 p.m.] The sim monitor thread returned [10:18:51 p.m.] [ERROR] An unknown or unsatisfactoy response was received during the PIREP filing. It was : <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Creating default object from empty value in <b>/home/skyjetvirtual/public_html/es/core/common/PIREPData.class.php</b> on line <b>337</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Creating default object from empty value in <b>/home/skyjetvirtual/public_html/es/core/common/PIREPData.class.php</b> on line <b>337</b><br /> SUCCESS [10:19:22 p.m.] [ERROR] An unknown or unsatisfactoy response was received during the PIREP filing. It was : <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Creating default object from empty value in <b>/home/skyjetvirtual/public_html/es/core/common/PIREPData.class.php</b> on line <b>337</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Creating default object from empty value in <b>/home/skyjetvirtual/public_html/es/core/common/PIREPData.class.php</b> on line <b>337</b><br /> SUCCESS
  11. Hello, When I try to file a pirep using smartCARS or the manually form, these are not working. In the case of smartCARS, it works perfectely until I click "File Pirep" and I get an error notice as the site would not be working, but it is. When I want to file a PIREP using the manual form, it redirects to the PIREPS List section but the new one is not sent and I do not get any error notice. The acars map is not working either, it does not show active flights. I have search on this forum but I did not find an answer. Thanks!
  12. It works perfectly! Thank you!
  13. Hi everyone, I am trying to edit the pilot list template adding a header but this is shown repeated on every hub tablet. I want the header to appear just once. Is there any way to solve it? Thanks.
  14. Yes I am! I will mail you. Thank you!
  15. Hi flyalaska, Could you explain this, please? I use pilot groups for my admins permissions, I don't know how to do it with normal pilots. Thanks.
  16. Hi everyone, I need to install a funtion which could allow me and my admins to suspend pilots. I have searched in the forum but I could not find any one. I laso tried installing the last update of phpVMS but it did not work. Is there anyway to set this? Thanks!
  17. I use these codes for the input field. As I said, the code for IVAO does not work in the registration main form only.
  18. Yes, I added them in the admin center.
  19. Hello! I have added two custom field in my registration main form: VATSIM ID and IVAO ID. However, when a new pilot registers in my VA and introduces his IVAO ID, this one is not registered in his profile. There's no problem with VATSIM ID. If the pilot edits his information in the Pilot Area, he can set his IVAO ID and it's shown in his profile. I am using this code in the registration main form and edit profile form. The IVAO ID code does not work in the registration form only. VATSIM ID code <input name="VATSIM ID" class="form-control customfield_textarea" type="text" value="<?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($userinfo->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); ?>"></span> IVAO ID code <input name="IVAO ID" class="form-control customfield_textarea" type="text" value="<?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($userinfo->pilotid, 'IVAO ID'); ?>"></span> Thanks!
  20. Just another question. Do you know how I can set it as an input area. I want my pilots to edit their profile field values form the edit profile option. Thanks.
  21. It works perfectely, thank you!!!
  22. Hello, I want to add custom fields of pilots profile but they are not show. I have tried this code but it does not work: <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); ?> However, I have used this one and it works but showing all the field values: <?php // Show the public fields if($allfields) { foreach($allfields as $field) { echo "$field->value"; } } ?> I looked for help at this forum but I did not find a solution for this issue. Thanks!
  23. It works perfectely, thanks!
  24. Hi everyone, I am having issues with the tpl files pages_nopermission and pages_notfound. When pilots go to a wrong links in my website, they're redirected to the nopermission pagen instead of the notfound one. I have checked the Pages.php file and it seems to be correct. Do you know how I can solve it?. Thanks. <?php /** * phpVMS - Virtual Airline Administration Software * Copyright (c) 2008 Nabeel Shahzad * For more information, visit www.phpvms.net * Forums: http://www.phpvms.net/forum * Documentation: http://www.phpvms.net/docs * * phpVMS is licenced under the following license: * Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) * View license.txt in the root, or visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * * @author Nabeel Shahzad * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Nabeel Shahzad * @link http://www.phpvms.net * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ */ class Pages extends CodonModule { public function NavBar() { $this->set('allpages', SiteData::getAllPages(true, Auth::$loggedin)); $this->render('pages_items.tpl'); } public function __call($name, $args) { // $name here is the filename, but we don't call it in directly // for security reasons $page = DB::escape($name); $pageinfo = SiteData::GetPageDataByName($page); if($pageinfo->public == 0 && Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { $this->render('pages_nopermission.tpl'); return; } $content = SiteData::GetPageContent($page); if(!$content) { $this->render('pages_notfound.tpl'); } else { // Do it this way, so then that this page/template // can be customized on a skin-by-skin basis $this->title = $content->pagename; $this->set('pagename', $content->pagename); # Do entity encoding, compensate for a html_entity_decode() in the templates $this->set('content', htmlentities($content->content)); $this->render('pages_content.tpl'); } } }
  25. Hello Fernando. The download link does not work. Could you reupload it again? I found interesting your module. Thanks!
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