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Everything posted by Imanol

  1. Imanol

    Order info

    I have just checked the modules and the common folde files but i have no idea what to modify.
  2. Hello everyone, I need to change the order of this information: Awards: I want them to be shown from the newest to the oldest one. Airlines: I want them to be shown by their ID number. Thank you!
  3. No, we use kACARS but a couple of years ago I used to use FSAcars.
  4. Hello, I am having an issue with aircraft stats on the Admin Panel. I shows that most of the aircraft have 838:59:59 hours and it does not increase. Is there any way to solve it? I cleared cache, reset hours and it did work. Thank you!
  5. It works perfectly! Thank so much simpilot!
  6. I edited but it did not work (I attached a image for you to see). Do you mean that $this->acarsflights[]= $c; my be changed by $this->acarsflights[]=$c['flightcode']= substr($c['flightnum'],0,3);?
  7. Can you you explain it to me, please? I have a very basic knoeledge of PHP. Thanks.
  8. Hi Simpilot, I tried it but it takes the whole number (ICAO with flight number), I would like to take just the flight code in corder to show the right operator logo. Thanks.
  9. Hello everyone, I want to show the operator logo on my VA live map but I have this problem: I used the code <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/skins/vairline/img/logos/small/<%=flight.code%>.png"> but it takes the pilot code, not the airline code, so it shows a wrong image. Is there anyway to fix it?
  10. Hello, I want to know how I can set images for the PIREP Status (Accepted, Rejected, etc) instead of using text. Does anyone know it?. Thanks.
  11. I solved it, I jus reuploded the admin and core folders and it worked. Thank you.
  12. Hello, I am having problems when I try to delete a PIREP, I confirm by clicking "Ok" but the PIREP is still there. I have checked everything but I could not find a solutuion. Regards.
  13. I found it but I don't understand. Do I have to copy this and paste it on somewhere?
  14. Hello, I need to know if there is a way to send an e-mail to a pilot when a PIREP has been rejected. Thanks.
  15. Hello guys, I need to know if there is some posibility to set multiple senders for the Mass Mailer module. I have set a no-reply address for my website Email Setting but I have other administrators who use the Admin Panel and I want their email adderesses to be shown when they send an email from here instead of the no-replay address. Thanks.
  16. Hi! I would like my pilots to have one chance to do the exam every week in case they fail an exam. Is there a way to set it? Thanks.
  17. I mean if there's a way to activate all the schedules instead of being shown acording to the actual day. For example: Today is thursday, I would like to see flights which are scheduled only for mondays and wednesdat too.
  18. Hello! Does anyone know how I can set the results page to show all schedules no matter what day it flies? My results page loyout shows with a tick when the flight is operated and with a cross what days is not operated, so pilots are allowed to see this but when I search an specific flight which is scheduled for mondays, wednesday and friday, for example, it's not shown on tuesdays and thursdays. Kind regards.
  19. It works perfectly!!! Thank you!!!
  20. Hi! I need to know if there's some way to change the order mails are shown, I want them to appear from the newest one to the oldest one. Thank you!
  21. Hi everyone, I would like to share the last spot of my virtual airline.
  22. Hi Everyone, I need to know if the sender name can be changed when you try to send mail from the Admin Center. My airline have more than one manager and I want them to use this feature but I would like their address shown in the mails. Thank you.
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