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  1. Hello simpilot, thanks for your reply but it has left me totally confused as to what your saying .. lol So can I do anything to try and fix this issue so the maintenance can be completed ?
  2. Ok thanks itrobb, you have been a great help so far and I am mostly appreciated for your time and expertise. I shall wait patiently and hope Simpilot replies with some type of solution. Thanks again,
  3. Thank you irtobb, Replacing that line with your code appears to of worked becuase a manual run of the maintenience.php has passed that error and now only leaving the second Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php on line 116 There doesn't appear to be a Group ID for MAINTENANCE ( "$this->checkPermission(MAINTENANCE);" ) Any idea on where and which table its checking for permissions ? Sorry to be such a newb Thanks
  4. Thank you itrobb, I did as you advised and it appears to have worked, I am now getting the following error messages Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/core/common/StatsData.class.php on line 171 Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php on line 116 Error A non well formed numeric value encountered in /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/core/common/StatsData.class.php on line 171 public static function getMonthsSinceDate($start) { $key_month = date('MY', $start); <------------------------------------------ LINE 171 $key = 'months_since_' . $key_month; $months = CodonCache::read($key); if ($months === false) { if (!is_numeric($start)) { $start = strtotime($start); } $end = date('Ym'); do { # Get the months $month = date('M Y', $start); $months[$month] = $start; # Set the timestamp $start = strtotime('+1 month +1 day', strtotime($month)); # Convert to YYYYMM to compare $check = intval(date('Ym', $start)); } while ($check <= $end); CodonCache::write($key, $months, 'long'); } return $months; } Error /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php on line 116 From line 115 public static function resetpirepcount() { $this->checkPermission(MAINTENANCE); <------------------- LINE 116 echo '<h3>Reset PIREP Counts</h3>'; $all_pilots = PilotData::findPilots(array()); foreach ($all_pilots as $pilot) { $pireps = PIREPData::getReportsByAcceptStatus($pilot->pilotid, PIREP_ACCEPTED); $total = count($pireps); unset($pireps); $code = PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid); echo "{$code} - {$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname} - {$total} pireps<br />"; # Update the pireps table PilotData::updateProfile($pilot->pilotid, array('totalflights' => $total)); } echo 'Completed!'; } Thanks again,
  5. Hello again and thank you very much for your replies, Yes running it as a Cronjob and also try to run it manually ( Direct Link) when logged in as Admin. I re-uploaded the maintenience.php to the server from ( phpvms_5.5.x-master ) folder. It does have at line 24 define('ADMIN_PANEL', true); include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'core'.DS.'codon.config.php'; Auth::$userinfo->pilotid = 0; Logged in as administrator and run it manually with the new file uploaded I get the following error messages Warning: include(/home/austral/public_html/dispatchcoreDScodon.config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/admin/maintenance.php on line 25 Warning: include(): Failed opening '/home/austral/public_html/dispatchcoreDScodon.config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/admin/maintenance.php on line 25 Fatal error: Class 'Auth' not found in /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/admin/maintenance.php on line 26 The first warning has no " / " after public_html/ where as I assume it should be /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/core/DS/codon.config.php But there is no folder named "DS" and the file codon.config.php is stored directly in the "core" folder. Oh and I forgot to mention, When I upgraded to this version of phpvms wish I must thank you David for an excellent and stable version, I had to change the Administrator Group ID's from the old version to the new version as I couldn't log into the Admin area, I changed the table `phpvms_groups` -> Permissions to the old Permissions ID number so I could be recognised. Would this have anything to do with it ? Looking forward to your response, Thanks in advance, Adam
  6. Anyone ? Please ?
  7. Hello All, Since upgrading, I am getting an error on the maintenience.php, Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'Auth' (T_STRING) in /home/austral/public_html/dispatch/admin/maintenance.php on line 27 And in the maintenience.php at line 27 is, Auth::$userinfo->pilotid = 0; Does anyone know how I can fix this error please ? Thanks in advance,
  8. Sorry but I have tried for hours double checking everything 3-4 times and I get nothing from pressing the Generate Button .. Followed the readme but nothing appears to be working for me Added script to layout.tpl, added files modified the files mentioned in the readme, Got the API Key and added it to the .js file. If any one has any ideas on how I could trouble shoot this please ?
  9. Totally agree, but until such times, its nice to have the charts working once again even if it is suppressing the errors. Unfortunately I am not that good with programming and I wouldn't know the first thing about implementing it into phpvms.
  10. Hello, Thanks Simpilot, My Development on local host has the folliwing; License & About | Version v2.1.934-202-g9a77c3d As this version looks to be the latest with the activity feed working. It did mention somewhere that it was v938 but I can't reference it anywhere at the moment and the more I go looking the more I get confused .... lol Its a shame with such a community of this size that we couldn't all work together for a few weeks and release an updated stable version. Thanks again and I shall ponder around testing all versions and try and make sense of it .. Cheers
  11. Thanks very much Simpilot, It appears that commenting out Line 49 of the admin/action.php ( //error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ) and adding the following line ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED); Fixed it. The charts are now working again. Thanks again for pointing me to those threads,
  12. Just installed, Rev 938 from the link above, It still has the several installation errors that have not yet been fixed ..... It changes from .tpl to .php but there is no included header.php and footer.php in the admin layout folder ...... Getting an error on the OFC Charts with JSON The sidebar.tpl is not rendered in Administration .... Is there any chance we can have an updated release that is stable and installs correctly ?
  13. Can anyone confirm what the latest stable version of phpvms is please ? Then, what is the latest beta version of phpvms please ? I have 935, 936 and 938 all showing in different admin panels on my localhost and live servers in several different installs and none of the OFC charts are working with a returned JSON error like stated above ... I would most appreciated if someone could tell me what version can give me the activity feed and the OFC Charts patched and working .... Thanks in advance, Adam
  14. Hello Again, Checked the files and they are the same, its still not working, Does anyone have the OFC charts working at the present time ?
  15. Hello magicflyer, Thanks for your reply, I shall compare both files and see if there is any missing code, Most appreciated, Cheers
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