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Everything posted by Wayne

  1. Well, like in some of the tutorials, they said.... You want to take allllll of the templates you have make corrections to and or fixed to your lickin and place them into your custom skin folder. and if you have a crystal skin or whatever then copy that folder and change the name of it, upload it with all the templates inside of it and change the theme, once you hvae done that no template should ever! nor your skin ever be changed at all. And when you upload all those update files to the site it will overwrite them, but not your templates or skin. Just everything that needs to be overwritten, and it would be to complicated to write down everything that needs to not be updated and so on, that would take to much time as well as making download or updates that just have the changes cause some people may need that full update or full install.....sooo.. Hope that helped!
  2. Okay so i get a pm in the forums about the website with some major probs i suppose......??? Im checkint on 3 computers, my desktop, laptop and stop at the parents house to check out this problem does anyone else get this on the site?? I know i got the BAD Script Error like once but that went away...?? Any Ideas? I know that the opera could be the problem for the messed up tables for the shcedules, but not so sure about the BAD Script error.. Pilots PM to me below. Internet Explore is the one Browser that is telling me What the problem is. a BAD SCRIPT on the page. each time I click the stop script from running the error still pops back up. In my other Browser, I do not get a error pop up but the page just frezz. and maks it unuseable. Below are a Screen shots. the photo of the error thing is Internet Explore. The photo of the enlarged page with NO details is my Oprea browser. For me to send this PM it took another 15min. to type. each time I type a letter in this window, the whole page will jump back to the top of the browser page.
  3. Well, whether it be pilot error or instrument error, im am still very sorry to hear that happen to them.
  4. Well to be honest you can use any layout in the world. Only thing is you would have to somewhat know how to code it and do some things around the corners for certain websites and such. But simply yes it could be done.
  5. Wayne


    You upload everything inside the update zip file. Then you go to this link but with your domain name... www.yoursite.com/install/update.php Run that and if you have no errors then you can sign into the site or admin panel and make sure you delete the install folder after you have done this just like it says if you login to the admin panel right after install. Enjoy
  6. Also i know you hate me for this nabeel but im still woundering if its possible to make it some how where the hub managers would only be able to view the routes and aircraft tabs....??
  7. Wayne

    Mass email

    Seems to work for me only thing i notice is when i get a email i get another pilots name! lol Not sure what thats about..
  8. Well this is not all true. If you have copied the skin folder and renamed it and uploaded that, you wount have a prob but if the skin name is the name then yeah it will get updated. So just make sure you have copyed the folder if it is one of the orig, and rename it. Other than that lookin good
  9. No prob enjoy!
  10. Just a thought but i would make the banner/header a bit bigger nothing huge but you want to show off your images, not kidnap hide them away..
  11. very simple, make a index.html page and put your info in there, then from there you will want to place that in the main root and bam. got yourself a intro page very easy to change and take off. Enjoy!
  12. Wayne


    Well to be honest this is prolly the most simple way. Go into your admin panel on the airline site, and deactivate the route you want to do. Then go into your Database and you will find a schedule that should have a 0 by it somewhere, that should be the deactivated one and you will delete that. Makes finding your schedules in the DB much much easier.
  13. Wayne


    Hey everyone i have a question...Wondering if it would be at all possible to get FAA info for airports and such for my site, so i can have some type of a warning system or something alerting the pilots about FAA alerts like in real life. Thanks
  14. Oh i had a thought....here we go try to say with me... Okay so! Say you have a airline of course. You have 5 hubs from around the world. Your biggest problem is that everyone is signing up to one hub and you don't feel like going into the admin panel to change all of them or most of them. So here is the new idea. You go into the admin panel, under the hubs. You select the hub you don't want people to register to and there will be a option that you can choose that will let it show in the register form or not. Sounds simple, and i hope it is. But that would take care of so many people join one hub from others. So let me know what you think if you need more info and such!
  15. What exactly do you mean the pilots page? The pilot center in phpVMS or somewhere for VATSIM?
  16. For the local config you may have to go to the ftp and find it. But it should just be in the core folder along with the app.config.php and such. ?1. The pilot can submit a pirep manually or using fsacars or fspax. Just depends on what you want them to do and how. To take off the manual pirep you would have to just go into the templates that shows where they can submit them manually and edit them to take out the link to do that. ?2. Im not completely sure but i would add time to just be safe for later updates and such. Here is a great website that can give you a est. of miles and a great est. of hours and such. I would recommend this to everyone! AirRouting Time Form ?3. They way i added fleet and i think most people have would be go into the admin panel and make a page for it. Then using your favorite html editor you would go in there add the pics and whatnot and upload that new page you made in the core/pages. ?4. As of right now no there is not a way to add them manually unless if you want to go into the db "data base" and add them that way. Other than that i can think of one simply way if you know a email and a password they wanted you can sign them up like anyone would on the site using the Register Area/Form. ?5. Once again as of right now there isnt really a way of doing this, you would have to fill everything out again, unless if you can find it in the DB again you could possible do it in there but i would not recommend this as you could cause problems. ?6. You can add FSacars in your downloads if you would like i dont see a problem with this. Considering they don't support it as much now anyhow. So its really free game for you to add to your site as a download. Hope these helped if not let me know. Ill try try again!
  17. You could try not even using the core_nav template. Just open your header.tpl file and put in the nav with the java and all the fancy stuff including the php auth and whatnot. It would still work like it was calling from that template but you may have a little more control over what is working and what is not, worth a shot.
  18. Hello! You would go into your core folder and open the local.config.php look for this to edit below. Line25 Config::Set('PILOTID_LENGTH', 4); // The length of PID, including 0's All you need to do is change the 4 to 3 and your good to go!
  19. Yeah i was having the same problem with the beta update and not getting my about us page, fleet page, and hubs pages to show. Everything else seems to be working great tho. All the downloads are working fine.
  20. Wayne

    Search Form

    Im not to sure if you cant really just show one flight, unless if you show the detailed page....that would really be the only way to show it maybe in the "searched" area.
  21. Wayne

    Search Form

    Nice work guys, this will be sweet to see who can get it really defined and looking great, looked good on that test site if that is a test site
  22. no matter how long of a flight you may have it shouldn't disappear from the map, it will always show up as long as acars is feeding the info to your site and the live map. so that shouldn't be a problem. sorry in the last answer i was kinda off with what i said.. you should go to your core folder and open up your local.config.php and if you would like your app.config.php edit this line in the code # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 144); Config::Set('ACARS_DEBUG', true); You don't have to change the live time to 144 but that's what i have it set to. Instead what you really want to change is the debug it may be false but you want to make sure its true prolly in both the local and app, that's how i have it and it seems to work good.
  23. I think this has done the same with me you may have to go to the php file with the acars map and find where it says debug false and change it to true. That should maybe help with that kinda stuff. Always worth a shot and if it dosent work it will most likely help with other things, ha
  24. It really wouldn't be that hard. Just make sure you have everything laid out correctly then give it some style sheet. The scrolling information wouldn't be that hard to add in it could just be a marquee with whatever you wanted to add, just make it its own div and style right below the header.
  25. Sounds good to me.
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