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Everything posted by Wayne

  1. Thats exactly what i wasw trying to say, haha. So do you have to fill the entire name in like we have on the site for example for us it would be B738 (AIREAST VIRTUAL) Or can you just fill it in with the B738 short name? Or do you have to fill it in with the full name...? This is kinda the part im confused on, haha
  2. lol im trying to take a break but i keep finding new fun things to do....lol
  3. Hey i was wondering how i could get the pireps that are sent in from FSACARS to show in the admin pannle to show where it says Latest Stats 0 PIREPs pending, is there a way to get them to show up there and under the PIREPs view pending??
  4. Very nice wanna help me with mine!! ;D
  5. Hey i was wondering where the code was for the pilot information for the ones that are flying that show up on the live me, the information for... Pilot, Flight Number, Departure, Arrival, Status, Altitude, Speed, Distance/Time Remain Going to try and do something cool with it on my main page thanks for the help.
  6. Perfect that worked haha i should of know that but i was taking 720/60....lol works great now with it being 144!
  7. Well i know for a fact i have seen it on the map where it says status is "Arrived" and it still doesn't go away, i changed my settings to 480 for 8 hours and i have already seen one pilot status go away...maybe this will work?
  8. I having the same problem with my map, its set to 720/12 hours and they still show up, all i know is when they do go away it was a week later when one of my pilots aircraft on there finally went away..
  9. oh well cant have everything i guess..
  10. Now this is what i was waiting for!! This is great cant wait for it to come out!!
  11. here is ours of right now....
  12. Now this is what im talking about, this look great!!
  13. Sounds like fun i may have to try and do something...
  14. Dont do me on this but i would just do a fresh install if you havent done anything special to the site yet if its still the new thing. Thats what i would do. But if you have information on it and whatnot then wait for what nabeel says..
  15. Where exactly do you get the blank page again, or is it just blank from the getgo?
  16. Harry and great and it works!!!! Woot, thanks guys now i just need to find out why FSACARS wount update my stupid log, its suck on this one flight, haha
  17. Lol sorry missed that part..
  18. well to be honest nothing special, maybe a page or even smaller than that a block on the main page or my hubs page that would give you Temp, wind speed, just all that kinda stuff.
  19. I was wondering if anyone knew how to get some FAA flight info to show up for a certain Airport and whatnot, if you know please post and let me know i would like to get some on my site. Thanks
  20. Hey i have a quick question after watching that video tutorial...within the template folder what other files do i need to have, i see he has like , login_form, pilots_list, profile_main and so on, is it just whatever you edit you need in your template folder or are there specific files...If so what exact files do we need to put in there cause right now i have everything running from where they are, and my template is just calling them in...couple more questions... Is the way i have it set up bad... Will they all get overwritten if that happens...lol knowing my luck it will Once again stupid yet pretty important, haha thanks again sorry if it was already answered i couldn't find anything on this in the forums.
  21. Wayne


    Sounds great guys love the way that flash movie worked, looked very professional roger! Great job guys!
  22. Sweet thanks!
  23. If i click on the All Pilots link it brings up all pilots and shows he has one flight all good. But if i click on his name it shows his info....all good...but under PIREPs List it dosent show anything even tho he submitted a Pirep through FSACARS..lol
  24. This is just a thought and kinda a question but would it just be eaiser to make a new "admin panel" for hub managers only. So say when someone signs in that you select to be a hub manager in the pilot groups or something like that they have a admin panel for the specific hub they will be looking over....aka working on routes/schedules, aircraft, and other things hub managers would do? Cause if i want to have hub managers i don't want to have 5 different people accessing that main admin panel...
  25. I also notice when they get sent in with fsacars on the website under the pilots page if you click on a pilot it doesn't show a prep at the bottom as if you were to fill one out on the website. I didn't know if this is in the matter of being fixed but i just thought i would let you know.
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