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Everything posted by Qantas94Heavy

  1. That'd most likely be because when using the default or a common skin, the bot will automatically attach data to the class or ID of a input - for example for the default skin they might get all inputs with the name "firstname" and insert some spammy thing there, "lastname", and so on. With a custom skin, most likely the names of these fields will be different, therefore failing the automated bots.
  2. Sorry for the basic advice - could you provide specific line numbers where the parse errors occur (should be in the logs), and provide a plain text link to that file as it is (i.e. don't copy paste in a text editor, just make a copy of the file and rename it)? Thanks.
  3. How does your system currently detect who will not be flying in the future (say) 31 days?
  4. If I attempt that, I get: What would be the cause of such an issue (directory root possibly)?
  5. Hi, I was wondering if it'd be possible to use some of the phpVMS functions on a non-phpVMS site, with the phpVMS stuff in a different folder. I've tried including the core Codon configuration file in other PHP scripts, but that fails. I then tried setting the root in that folder to the phpVMS folder - no better news. Am I just completely off-track or is there some sort of way?
  6. Hi, assuming this is an existing setup, have you customised your site at all (apart from the skin) and if so, what areas were affected and how much was your installation changed?
  7. There appears to be an error on your site: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in/home2/abarter/public_html/phpvms/lib/skins/brilliancev1/layout.tpl on line 171
  8. If you could provide more details in an PM I'd most certainly be happy to help.
  9. The plot thickens...
  10. This seems suspicious - you just bought the domain and you're transferring it less than 2 months in? The only reason that I can think of that is somewhat reasonable is that your registrar was very shady and you got out of there while you could, however since you're with name.com I highly doubt that they are a low quality registrar.
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