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Everything posted by miked1122

  1. Hello, 


    Trying to send you a private message for the Extended Pack v3 module but it keeps failing?


    Any Ideas?

    1. DisposableHero


      I have no idea :( You can send it via Discord or email too.


      Most of the main questions are answered in downloads section, I assume you already read them.

    2. miked1122


      Yes, already read them on the notes. Could you try and send me a message on here and i will reply. 


      I can then send you the information i have.



  2. Are smartcars not going to integrate the Live VACentral feature ?
  3. Is it a lack of funding or just code trouble ?
  4. Hello, For some reason when a pilot selects a transfer, the database does not populate with the new information, any ideas?
  5. *Creator removed*
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